Inner Sydney Brewers Next Meet Poll

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  • Black Olive, 23rd September

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  • Group Brew, 23rd September

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  • Black Olive, 30th September(Long w/end)

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  • Group Brew, 30th September(Long w/end

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And I have dibs on one of the wheat cubes. :super:

Damn, it's going to be hard not to have a cube of the hopburst too. :(

Recipes are close to being finalised, but as Ben says, more input would be great.
I'll contribute up to a 150g cascade hops, also Ben, were would you get a cube from?

Also guys, I've said that I'll bring a couple of KG's of Snags, plus onions, and bread.

Would a few others be able to contribute a few things towards the barby so that Gav, doesnt have to put on everything....

I know most would turn up on the day with something but its probably easier if we advise in advance so we dont end up with a mountain of something!

I'll contribute up to a 150g cascade hops, also Ben, were would you get a cube from?

Also guys, I've said that I'll bring a couple of KG's of Snags, plus onions, and bread.

Would a few others be able to contribute a few things towards the barby so that Gav, doesnt have to put on everything....

I know most would turn up on the day with something but its probably easier if we advise in advance so we dont end up with a mountain of something!


If you don't have a leftover fresh wort cube, you can get 15L water containers from Kmart, Bunnings or BigW. Will set you back less than $20.

So far on the cube list we have, since they are the ones that are contributing gear or equipment:

- Me (Hopburst)
- Stuster (Heffer)
- Drew (Hopburst)
- Mike M (Hopburst)
- Abfalter (Heffer)
- Crozdog (Heffer)

If anyone else wants to be on the list let me know, and what cube do you want. If we have enough interest there might even be a 3rd batch. Of course if you bring food or anything else then that will go towards the kitty and get you a cheaper take home cube.

Oh yeah, and i'll go to AC butchery on Sat morning and get some good Italian sausages.
I'll weigh up the Amarillo today, let you know what I have.
More sausage Benny?

How much sausage is too much sausage!
Can never have too much sausage DC. Won't knock back anything from AC, their snags (and everything else for that matter) rock.

I'll do steaks, a giant green salad and barbied/warmed breads.
Put me down as a Tentative booking , have to baby sit that day so it could be tricky , see what happens closer to time ...
also someone let me know how much $$$ are involved in the process i have no ingredients to contribue sadly as ive just entered the world of partial mash ...
It really won't be much Barramundi. Something around the $15 at most I'd guess.

Hope you can make it. Should be fun. :beer:
might have a junior future apprentice brewer in tow if i do turn up , is that OK gav??
I've been off-the-air for a couple of weeks, so I'm sorry I've missed the thread.

I'm hoping to turn up on the day, just to sample a couple etc. :p

Originally I was thinking I might end up in Canberra at their Competition that's on that weekend, but it looks like they've got enough judges.

I can bring something to nibbble/drink etc, just let me know what's needed.

by the sounds of things we need to get a brewers calender this is the second time now we have had a clash of dates with another comp or whatever...
Good stuff, sounds like should be a real good meet.

And with this hot weather setting in perfect for BBQ!
ALDI at Hurstville had 20 litre collapsible water containers for $6 yesterday , was in a hurry and didnt get one as i wanted to check one out first , might go see tomorrow if they still have them... could be useful for mobile wort container if the tap and bag are up to it, other store may or may not have these also...
ALDI at Hurstville had 20 litre collapsible water containers for $6 yesterday , was in a hurry and didnt get one as i wanted to check one out first , might go see tomorrow if they still have them... could be useful for mobile wort container if the tap and bag are up to it, other store may or may not have these also...

Looks cheap, but make sure they can stand hot wort - we're going to be putting liquid in at 80C so you'd have to make sure they're up to it.
Ned grab 1 for me if thats cool and I'll fix ya up.
yeah good point DJR , will check that out before i put anything other than water in it , but for the price i think ill buy one anyway....
Anyone for chilling, if you don't mind watering the garden at the same time I'll bring my chiller!
Just a bit of clarification for everyone as I was having a chat to a Inner Sydney Brewer member last night.

Participating in the brewing of the beer is not compulsary, and as such if your not interested in taking away any of the wort then just dont chuck in any ingredients or $ and thats fine.

However in regards to the BBQ, would be appreciated if you chucked something in or brought your own meat ect...

Main purpose of all the meets will be to get us altogether so we can talk and enjoy ourselves your level of participation is completely up to you.

Also DJR, Stuster and Mike have we finalised all ingredients equipment ect?

Cheers all.
Pretty much finished the recipes and equipment organisation, DC.

At this stage, it's too late for more people to have cubes of the wort, but the more the merrier for the day. Any who want to come along should bring as much beer and food as they can carry though. Should be a good day. :super:

Just two more hours and I'll have an icy fella in my hand......

Mmmmmmm Beer.

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