Foles, after the discovery I made in my post above, I am temporarily depressed but I won't throw myself off the top of my beer fridge just yet as I am simply too tired to go and get my ladder

Maybe some good news to start off though hey?
I finally gained the courage to taste my other 3 beers yesterday and the 2 lagers and other ale I brewed 2 weeks ago are fine.
Though we are having some worthwhile interludes in between on infection prevention, (and by all means, keep those interesting and informative posts coming), this thread is mainly about getting things back on track so I have to work out what to do next.
I really want to use 30lt fermenters as I have 23lt kegs and therefore should be putting about 25.5lts into the fermenter to allow for trub, easy handling (not scraping every last drop) and a few hydrometer readings/tastes which really need 200mls or more if you use a proper hydro jar.
I have one new 30lt fermenter and three old 25lt fermenters. I still want 4 fermenters though so I can brew big in this cooler weather and for next year's ABBD

So, I'm not going to stuff around with the fermenter that has the current infection. I've had enough and I don't care what is causing the problem! So, that will get retired and I'll replace it with a new 30lt fermenter which costs $30.
But, your post interests me as I have never liked those fermenter seals. They
are pretty crap I reckon. I have heaps of them accumulated and their lids as I have experimented with different lid configurations for closed transfers. (You can buy the lids plus seal for $5. But now that I am in a temporary state of not clinical but cleanliness depression and anxiety, I might find out if I can get silcone ones to replace them.
I mean the fermenter seals are crap. They are glued together and if you smell them, you can smell the rubber or whatever in them. They are certainly not ideal.
I'll let you know if I get lucky in finding a source or maybe I'll get Nev to look instead and then he can sell them and save me a hundred phone calls etc.
Having 2 new fermenters is the quickest and most economical way for me to get back on track now that I have finally got it into my head that the problem has always originated there. With these ones I now know to hit them with acid as well as alkaline and after tonight, I know that the steriliser I have been using is not as miraculous as it was made out to be.
With the other 3 fermenters, I'd like to be able to use them to perhaps store diluted cleaning chemicals in. In the two that I know are OK, maybe I can store cleaners/sanitisers that will still allow me to use them for the occasional brew. For the third fermenter which is dodgy, well I don't care what goes in that because it won't see a brew ever again.
So, this begs other questions that I have been unable to ever find clear cut answers to for any chemical with the exception of iodophour...
"How long can you store diluted chemical x for?"
"How many times can you re-use it?"
"Will the chemical work at room temperature?"
etc, etc etc.
What do you reckon Foles
P.S. I have to keg a beer tomorrow so am going to hit it with citric acid prior to assembly to hopefully get rid of some of the invisible inorganics that must have built up over all this time. Wish me luck!