Infection Via Tap

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Just wondering when taking hydrometer readings do i draw them thru the fermentor tap?? If so ,how does one safeguard against infection when you bottle or rack later.Does the excess
residue left in the exposed side of the tap nozzle create a sanitary problem resulting in possible infection?????
Its certainly possible, but in my experience hasn't been an issue. Depends where you keep the fermenter - are you likely to have pets or insects getting at the taps? If you are particularly concerned, dry the tap out using a clean tissue and then spray some no-rinse sanitiser in the nosel.
Just wondering when taking hydrometer readings do i draw them thru the fermentor tap?? If so ,how does one safeguard against infection when you bottle or rack later.Does the excess
residue left in the exposed side of the tap nozzle create a sanitary problem resulting in possible infection?????

Yes - You should always sanitise your tap before transfer. Only takes a minute with some sanitiser & a paper towel to clean it.

Cheers Ross
Always sanitise the tap after drawing a sample and throw the first cuntfull before bottling/racking/kegging.
...hahaha...the first how much....??? ...thats a fair bit of beer to some people...

Sama....that has to be Malcom Young in your sig.....yeah ???
...hahaha...the first how much....??? ...thats a fair bit of beer to some people...

Sama....that has to be Malcom Young in your sig.....yeah ???

that he is mate..dirty deeds brewery.........done dirt cheap
Jaysus.. if we were measuring by my old lady's standard I'd be throwing the whole batch away :blink:

Just wondering when taking hydrometer readings do i draw them thru the fermentor tap?? If so ,how does one safeguard against infection when you bottle or rack later.Does the excess
residue left in the exposed side of the tap nozzle create a sanitary problem resulting in possible infection?????

Sama I Never Never take samples for Hydrometer readings from the tap

You cannot clean it satisfactorily and increase the probability of infection

Get one of these and take from the top

Pumpy :)

Exactly the method I use, Pumpy.

My method uses a 60ml syringe and mixing cannula. Just remove the airlock and put the cannula down in to the beer.


Exactly the method I use, Pumpy.

My method uses a 60ml syringe and mixing cannula. Just remove the airlock and put the cannula down in to the beer.



WJ What is a mixing cannula ? Pumpy :unsure:
Always sanitise the tap after drawing a sample and throw the first cuntfull before bottling/racking/kegging.
Someone's got something on his mind !!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Fess up Vlad N and P are a long way away from each other on the keyboard

WJ are those mixing cannula's a something you can get from a chemist or do you need friends in the medical professions to get them without being looked at like you are a dope fiend?
great idea with the syringe and canula,definetly be using that method

Why would sticking something in your beer be better than sampling from the tap?

If you are concerned about the tap, a squirt of sanitiser after sampling is all that is needed.



Why would sticking something in your beer be better than sampling from the tap?

If you are concerned about the tap, a squirt of sanitiser after sampling is all that is needed.


Boil your kettle and poor it over the tap pointing upwards.

Prior to racking I do it again and spray all hosing with alcohol.


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