Infection Photo Thread

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There were sone fruit flies around which I think could be associated with Brett as well. Never tasted a Brett/Lacto beer, let alone brewed one, so I've got no idea really.

Oh well, will take the hit and move on.
Wort was really cloudy before I hit it with gelatin. The yeast cake looked fine though, there was just a couple of slimy looking floaties on top.
How Band-aidy was it? I have had a Weizen that had a bit of glutinous white stuff similar to what your photo shows (I'm guessing happened on sparge out) that made it to the final product, but it didn't effect the flavour at all though. Band aid flavours are associated with Chlorophenol / ethyl phenols which can be produced by chlorine in the liquor or by some Bretts as Mardoo pointed out.
Not very band-aidy I guess. But still unpleasant. I could drink the whole glass but once was enough.
Barge said:
Not very band-aidy I guess. But still unpleasant. I could drink the whole glass but once was enough.
As Pauline Hanson once said "Please explain?" :)

Seriously though it could be anything. Golden rule is give it 3 months. If it still can't be drunk after 3 months, then use it as snail bait in the garden. Yes that's right, tip in into small containers (half and inch deep) and the little blighters will go in for the taste and never come out. :ph34r:
Thanks. I'm finding it difficult to identify the flavours. I tried it again and would have to say that it's probably more solvent than band-aid. Certainly a hot alcohol on the palate.

I'm not inclined to keep it, only because it's tying up valuable fridge space leading into summer. I use tapking bottles and I'm worried about bottle bombs if I leave it at ambient. I might keep one bottle just to see what happens.
Came home from the Victorian case swap to this, infection or normal?

ImageUploadedByAussie Home Brewer1449441636.738835.jpg
Looks similar to another post, which I'm assuming turned out fine?

As above, looks fine to me.
Pratty1 said:
looks like heaps of yeast, how does it smell and taste ??
Smells comparable to everything else I have brewed.

Just waiting for the bubbles to die down to take the reading and will taste.

sponge said:
Looks similar to another post, which I'm assuming turned out fine?

As above, looks fine to me.
I thought that too and so went back to that photo to compare. Whereas that one looked like hoppyness (which I could see when it was pointed out), this one looked different.

Thanks all for your quick responses.
Forgot about this lager that's been sitting in a hot cupboard for 5 months. Looks like some free drying enzyme has been at work! I'm yet to open it.

Coodgee said:
Forgot about this lager that's been sitting in a hot cupboard for 5 months. Looks like some free drying enzyme has been at work! I'm yet to open it.
Lemon and anchovy garnish for that 5 month old lager? Hhhmmmm.....
Coodgee said:
Forgot about this lager that's been sitting in a hot cupboard for 5 months. Looks like some free drying enzyme has been at work! I'm yet to open it.
Open it in the kitchen, I dare you
Thanks Coodgee.

Mardo - just whirlfloc in the kettle and cold crashed for 3 days @ 4c

I had 2 other batches get infected from my new garage ( this was made between those )....I used Liquid Yeast WLP802 and had planned to keep it for a IPL but when I seen that I ditched it...the yeast that is!

I kept the beer and its carbonating. I tasted it after 2 days on 90kpa and I couldn't tell cos its not like the highly aromatic full flavoured ipa and ales I make and my mind is telling me its infected...... see the other 2 batches were ales in my plastic FV that after 6hr cold crashing from transfer temp 30c to pitching temp 18c the plastic cling wrap was not concaved, it was domed like it had started fermenting.....But this Lager was in the Brewbucket So I couldnt tell before pitching @ 7c.
Seems to be a lot of anxiety about infection.I can't help feel that a lot of perfectly good brews get tipped down the drain.if it doesn't taste bad it's fine.

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