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hey guys, i put down a CPA a little wile ago... its now in secondary clearing ETC.

i cultured the yeast from a tallie, and really simple ingredients
50% BE1

im pretty sure...

i steeped 12gms of saaz and added that to secondary just because the taste of the beer streight from the fermentor tasted so fruity like that banna taste some people say. i really was not to much of a fan ??
will this flavour die off abit when i keg ETC ?? could it be just becuase the beer is green as ?? or ??

any help cheers.
I just bottled a CPA style beer:

1 Can Coopers Pale Ale
600 grams LDME
500 grams pilsener malt
200 grams wheat malt
Reculured yeat from a long neck of CPA

This is a realy easy brew for those people interested in having a go at partial mashing. Just mash the pilsener and wheat malts in 2.5 litres of water at 66 degree celcius for an hour and then rinse with water at 70 degrees Celsius.

I had some banana smells coming out of the fermenter. I think this is because I allowed it to get to 23 degrees Celcius (when using a heat belt make sure you monitor the temperature regularly). However, I have made the same recipe before without the banana smells/tastes comingnthrough. The last time I did it the temperature of the fermenter was between 16 and 18 degrees for the whole fermentation. This leads me to think that the banana esters are a result of fermentation temperatures being too high.

I bottled the brew almost two weeks ago now so I am almost ready to have a taste and see how it is going. I am interested to see the result.

I'm bottling my CPA tomorrow! I kept the temp between 16 and 18 for my whole ferment and so I haven't noticed any banana but I got a lot of diacetyl so for two days after fermentation finished I raised the temp to 20-21 degrees and the butter is gone. Even green, it's already tasting really similar to the real thing. I'm stoked at the difference real Coopers yest can make to a simple kit!!

will this flavour die off abit when i keg ETC ?? could it be just becuase the beer is green as ?? or ??

I am not too sure on that one although I would assume that the banana flavours will die down after a while. I'll let you know what happens with mine. I too am not keen on the idea of overwhelming banana esters in the beer so hopefully with time it will mellow.

mine is crabonated in a keg after like a day in the keg it does taste like fruit beer lol. ??
mine is crabonated in a keg after like a day in the keg it does taste like fruit beer lol. ??

I am just about through a keg of CSA that I used the harvested coopers yeast and I am sick of it. Banana, banana, banana. I must have pitched it to warm.
im on the drink tonight on mine and my morgans blue moutain lager...
much rather my blue mountain lager.

really.. it does melow out abit but not heaps.. still drinkable and still half enjoyable...

jsut my 2c

cheers stevo.
im on the drink tonight on mine and my morgans blue moutain lager...
much rather my blue mountain lager.

really.. it does melow out abit but not heaps.. still drinkable and still half enjoyable...

jsut my 2c

cheers stevo.
I'm on the brew tonight too. :icon_drunk: But that confused me?? :blink:
im just comparing the morgans blue mountain lager to my CPA my MBML kicks its arse but i said the CPA is still drinkable.

After a few weeks in the bottle I am pleasantly surprised with the lack of banana flavours in my CPA. However, the beer still smells like banana. I would not say that my brew is similar to the commercial one but nevertheless it is quite tasty.

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