I wonder who?

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That is his brother Gabriel's address Grumpy, he lives in Idaho looks like the plot was hatched long ago to run the scam, the domain name was registered by his brother 13-1-15, but it does show what a stupid ******* piece of **** he is, to use the same or similar name so anyone can quickly find out about his past here in Australia.
The creditors have got to do something if they haven't already, I would love to do something but it isn't to me he owes any money,so I can't raise any issues with ASIC, it certainly looks more like it was planned to take whatever he could and **** off. It will catch up with him I am sure as long as the creditors here take some action.
Has anyone seen word about this filtering into US forums?
Going by what has been said here I'm staggered by what's been done by this bloke !
.. reach out now, all forums, all sorts of avenues,

can we make a beer for untapped? Micah Rees - Bad Taste? that sort of thing.. the guy is using the internet..

we ARE the internet..

AHA, HBT, TBN, etc.. ******* twitter.. Ive got a couple of avenues to make sure the name gets about.. how about all of us take a degree of attack and make it impossible for his name to come up on the interwebs?

Im keen..
Our background comes from the wine industry in Napa Valley California working as a builder and eventually electrician, quality was never an option for us and we have taken that same mentality when designing and building this system.

"Quality was never an option for us"


I was contacted by the supplier who was owed the $600 , alluded to , in a previous post , asking that I withdraw the comments as the money owing has now been paid by Core brewing Aust . I hereby withdraw all references to $600 and any reference to an alledged previous bankruptcy in the US
Liar Liar , Pants on Fire
"We have developed a line of pilot breweries which have been installed in breweries such as Little Creatures, and Temple Brewing. "
Straight from his web site

He ripped temple off , the MUPPET
I just shot an email through to James at Basic Brewing Radio in the states with some links.
manticle said:
Interesting they use their association with asahi as a positive considering asahi have been behind the push to raise funds for breweries affected by dealing with Core.
Also putting down any other micro breweries in Australia as referees, just shows yet again how sharp his business sense is, the ****.
I also wonder if a bankruptcy finding here is reciprocal in the US ?
He seems to be having a grand old time in america spending everyones money. Look up his name on facebook some lovely holiday shots on there
This thread should be renamed Micah Dylan Rees, anyone wanting to look up information on him would come across this thread then, as for his business credentials, should these have been checked, it would have shown that a bankruptcy notice was filed against him in 2010 in Santa Rosa California with multiple creditors.
As for the creditors here in Australia at least they have taken appropriate action thank goodness.
he has a new website up under construction.. I just sent 5 messages to flood his inbox and make him feel good.


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should have some sort of beer festival, charge entry and profits go to those who lost money from this scumbag....make it in newcastle too....please? ok so i just want to go to another beer fest

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