I Sometimes Think Of Stopping Brewing !

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You are just missing some inspiration.
Go out and try some beers. Do some beer travel.
Find something that inspires you to brew and you'll be back.


PS: Got inspired by India Black Ales in the USA last week. :p
Reading this thread over the last day or two has been depressing to say the least.
Good to see how much support is thrown your way though.
Didn't want to write anything because I didn't have any good advice, but doing some reading today helped.

Have you read 'Radical Brewing' by Randy Mosher? Given you appear to be quite an experienced brewer you may well have done so. If not I suggest you get a copy and have a read. Interesting to say the least. The variety of brews you can make, if you let go of German Purity laws in amazing.
May inspire you to try some new things.

The other bit of advice is, that if this is a serious thread, and you really are very depressed, go and see your GP. Simple steps like talking through whats going on, seeing a counsellor (spelling?), or a period of time on antidepressants, can really help.

Good luck with it all.

Good Day Pumpy
If you feel so down re brewing then:
1. come and have a few craft beers with me
2. come and have a few home brews with me
3. come and brew a few beers with me (usually start at 6 am with primative equipment but can change the the starting time but not the process)
I rather meet you than miss you Pumpy so brew strong.
PS. We on the same train line.
Bloody brilliant idea Renegade .. shame its all brewed by fosters now LOL :p

Find another hobby maybe. I have gotten into keeping tropical fish and breeding them.
So I have plenty to do while waiting for the 90min mash or the boil by doing tank water changes etc etc
I was getting bored with brew days before this as I had nothing to do while waiting.
The vegie patch is a rewarding hobby as well
Get your end away pumpy... Always makes me feel like a beer. :icon_chickcheers:

Warren -
I brewed today, mashed at 7am then had to go out, got back at 9.15, pulled out the biab full of grain, stuff the efficiency, then i had to go out for 2 hours again, so i turned the urn off, went out came back, went out again, came back, finally got to turn the urn on at 5pm to start the boil and hop additions...started the bbq at 6.15 the urn was close to boiling threw on the meat and the hops at about the same time, i finished the 15 min addition and whirfloc before the meat was ready... we sat down to eat and then i cubed and cleaned the urn..... it's 8pm and i just sat down for the first time since i stood up at 6.45 except for driving in the car.
I'm knackered... I only took one SG reading and was off target and couldn't give a stuff....
I think i'm just too damn busy to make beer, i love what i make, it SH*%s all over K&K but AG is so time consuming... and i don't enjoy the process, it's just another thing that i need to finish during the day. We even got a cleaner in so we would have more free time on weekends, but with 3 kids and a house that needs work and my missus needing help writing reports for her new job, juggling school, after school care etc etc it seems that hobbies are for ppl with time to kill....

Oh and for the record i got my end away somewhere between 5.30 and 6.30am, it doesn't make me want to brew more, just drink more!
One could go searching India for an IPA !
Wow, had forgotten this story. I actually travelled a bit in India about 10 years ago when I was still a megaswill drinker. As it is mostly a Hindu country and I was travelling with Hare krsnas it was a bit of a dry trip. I got to one hot dusty town in the middle of nowhere (was searching for clothes/beads/incense for my then chain of hippy shops) and could stand it no more. I got a few bottles from a street vendour guy with no labels. Very strange taste, got me a bit pissed but the next morning OH MY GOD! The headache was unbelievable.

I tell my hare mate and he bursts out laughing. He tells me they sell bugger all beer in these holy towns, before you burst out laughing and say ******** they drink a lot of bhang lassis, google that one. As a result of lack of knowledge or whatever the preferred preservative is formaldehyde. Great for preserving bodies, not so good for the hangovers apparently.

My honest opinion is IPA is a style that maybe left India when the British did. Stand to be corrected.

There you go Pumpy, that should have given you a giggle!
Wow, had forgotten this story. I actually travelled a bit in India about 10 years ago when I was still a megaswill drinker. As it is mostly a Hindu country and I was travelling with Hare krsnas it was a bit of a dry trip. I got to one hot dusty town in the middle of nowhere (was searching for clothes/beads/incense for my then chain of hippy shops) and could stand it no more. I got a few bottles from a street vendour guy with no labels. Very strange taste, got me a bit pissed but the next morning OH MY GOD! The headache was unbelievable.

I tell my hare mate and he bursts out laughing. He tells me they sell bugger all beer in these holy towns, before you burst out laughing and say ******** they drink a lot of bhang lassis, google that one. As a result of lack of knowledge or whatever the preferred preservative is formaldehyde. Great for preserving bodies, not so good for the hangovers apparently.

My honest opinion is IPA is a style that maybe left India when the British did. Stand to be corrected.

There you go Pumpy, that should have given you a giggle!

I wonder? The wife and I were traveling Yugoslavia perhaps 15 years ago and came across some old ladies selling home brew port. It was in large coke, glass bottles and cost us 20c or so per bottle.
We grabbed a few and took them back to our yacht. I don't think I have ever been so drunk or so ill the next day, it took me a couple of days before I could open my eyes in the daylight. It felt like someone had my brain in a blender.

Never, never again...don't know what those old ladies had in that port but it was poison.

Get your end away pumpy... Always makes me feel like a beer. :icon_chickcheers:

Warren -

Your just old and depressed, ya git. If you were young you would have had a **** and been over it in 10 min. Build a bridge and brew some piss ya silly old tossal.

Your just old and depressed, ya git. If you were young you would have had a **** and been over it in 10 min. Build a bridge and brew some piss ya silly old tossal.


says the youngest bloke on the forum..... :p
You are just missing some inspiration.
Go out and try some beers. Do some beer travel.
Find something that inspires you to brew and you'll be back.


PS: Got inspired by India Black Ales in the USA last week. :p

tell us more.... Black IPA?
I didn't bother checking through the 10 pages leading up to here But just in case someone forgot to pass it on...
There is an Old Case Swap saying that pretty much sums up this Problem...

Pumpy..... . . . . .HTFU! ;)

Sqyre... :icon_cheers:
why not just brew FWK's or those ESB 3KG tins for a bit till you get bitten by the bug again.