I Sometimes Think Of Stopping Brewing !

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Poor Pumpy

Have a beer and start a poll mate, you'll feel better in no time....don't chuck out your gravel just yet.

I gave up brewing for a while (health reasons..intolerance to yeast and barley!). Thought I was over brewing. I even sold most of my gear.
I ended up re-investing far too much of my hard earned in Carftbrewer buying it all back.

This feeling will pass.
All is well.
I will brew again (so long as I have not sold all my gear)
This feeling will pass.
Last year I was dying for a brewing break, was getting sick of it, my step son was living with me and drinking me out of house and home, had to brew almost every weekend just to keep it up. It was becoming a chore to brew,was no longer rewarding and I was ready to quit.

He moved out just before Christmas and I have only brewed three times since!

The forum is a place that I now rarely post to, find it more of an entertaining/disappointing read now.

I am all fired up now though, all my kegs are all-but empty, I have had some good chats with some other brewers and have just played around with my brewery changing the layout and control system.

The break has done me well.

Down tools for a couple of months Pumpy, it will draw you back in when you are ready.
I too have breaks in my brewing, sometimes I just dont get the time, sometimes I could not be bothered, but it passes, and I enjoy it when I get to crack open a nice bottle of brew...
Hey pumpy mate,

I had a hiatus of more than a year. Just couldn't be ****** brewing. Made my first batch a month ago and found it quite relaxing and enjoyable.


Or a good slap !
And a good kick in the nuts (metaphorically), worked for me.Stopped me thinking about ***** that didn't really matter !
Brew and take no prisoners :lol: I am going to donate 90 gms of the hop of your choice that is on my site to get your sorry ass brewing again. ;)
Could be mid life crisis. I had my mid life crisis when I was 43 and got into a defacto relationship with a 23 yo babe (she left me for an older man) then had my male menopause when I was 49 and met SWMBO who is almost old enough legally to be my mum. :) At those stages in life it's easy to wallow in "I'm so confused", "why me?", "what's it all about?"

However a man has to have a hobby or interest or obsession that centres him, and I find that brewing and my forum and club hits that spot. There's an organisation called 'Mens Sheds' where guys meet up and do craft things and get themselves centred again. In many ways home brew is my mens shed, with fond affection to Braufrau, Katie and Mel of course :wub:
And a good kick in the nuts (metaphorically), worked for me.Stopped me thinking about ***** that didn't really matter !
Brew and take no prisoners :lol: I am going to donate 90 gms of the hop of your choice that is on my site to get your sorry ass brewing again. ;)

There ya go Pumpy ! Can't ask for more than that.


Or a good slap !

A slap with one of these so hard it breaks the inner pack will snap you out of it. :p :lol:

Could be mid life crisis. I had my mid life crisis when I was 43 and got into a defacto relationship with a 23 yo babe (she left me for an older man) then had my male menopause when I was 49 and met SWMBO who is almost old enough legally to be my mum. :) At those stages in life it's easy to wallow in "I'm so confused", "why me?", "what's it all about?"

However a man has to have a hobby or interest or obsession that centres him, and I find that brewing and my forum and club hits that spot. There's an organisation called 'Mens Sheds' where guys meet up and do craft things and get themselves centred again. In many ways home brew is my mens shed, with fond affection to Braufrau, Katie and Mel of course :wub:

I reckon I touched on a mid life crisis last year when I turned 40 and found grey in my beard for the first time. SWMBO (#2) asked what the remedy would be. I replied maybe buy a Harley, or, take up beer brewing again and run more pigdogs.

The Harley may have been cheaper and better for my health.......

And a good kick in the nuts (metaphorically), worked for me.Stopped me thinking about ***** that didn't really matter !
Brew and take no prisoners :lol: I am going to donate 90 gms of the hop of your choice that is on my site to get your sorry ass brewing again. ;)

Hey GB,

I dont feel like brewing anymore either :)


..and all of a sudden, as if driven by some unknown force, the entire AHB community doesn't feel like brewing.

GB, Best you get in touch with Ellerslie and have them arrange a really big truck for your next hops delivery :lol:
drink a six pack of carlton cold and you will be back planning a brew-day before you can say megashite :D
Mate I'm going through a bit of it myself at the moment. (not just brewing related)

I work in a family business so a career change isnt on the cards. Over all im happy with my career just not happy with where i am in my career just at the moment (probably be in this rut for another 2 years unfortunately)

My partner has recently had an almighty blew with her family and as such they wont speak to her and thats causing issues for us as a couple and between us.

We want to get married but cant afford to and now because of the crap with her family we are concidering eloping but dont really have the cash to do that. My parents will lend us the cash but that causes friction between my partner and I because she feels that its unfair that my family is willing to always help us out and wont have it that my family is "our" family.

We're in the middle of home renovation and **** just seems to be continually going wrong. The dog has eatten all the window frames. I dug up the back yard to replace all my storm water pipes cost me a few grand but i got the water tank going (its a "wet" or flooded system) it laster a few weeks but now its pring a leak so i have a 9000L water tank with about 1500L in it and a back yard thats replicating a swamp.

I had a new fence made and installed. All steel with welded mesh inserts. But to get the 1.5tonne excavator in to dig the back yard the fence had to be pulled out.

I had foxtel installed but the installer did an average (at best) job and left the cables exposed which the dog then distroyed.

The dog has this week has gotten under the house and distroyed all the ducting for all the ducted heating.

To top it off my lady has recently developed "lady" problems with her lady bits which is causing her a bit of stress (which I actually believe is caused by the stress with her family stuff)

I've just been hit with the info that I have to buy my company car off the company in march (i know its a while off but I thought it was march 2011 i had to buy it so im a little screwed financially) if i want to keep it. Now the whole reason I requested the company vehicle I currently drive is so that I could buy it out at the end of the lease to tour australia in it with my partner and eventual rug rats.
Plus with the blew my partner has had with her family (whom she used to work for) means that she has lost her car so I need to buy another car.

So i guess for me I'm at where your at with brewing with my house and life in general at the moment.

All I can do is cop it on the chin and hope that my luck changes soon and think about the fact that it could be worse. At least i've got a roof over my head and both myself and my partner have our health and a reasonably good lifestyle over all.