I Pushed My Crown Urn A Bit Too Hard Today

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Anyone had luck cleaning the charcoal off their element? What's the best **** to use?

First photo is after draining the urn, second is after hitting it with the Gerni - which usually cleans it good as new.

I'll spare you the details but let's just say the best brew day turned very quickly into the worst brew day. (well, 20mins from end of boil).

needless to say, the next thing I purchase will be an over the side element.



I had a quick crack with a scourer - no joy.
2 teaspoons of PBW or Sodium Percarbonate in 2 litres of boiling water.

Leave overnight.

Should be right as rain.
Don't clean your element ever, it's called house character!

I did that a while ago and just used the back of a butter knife to peel it off and some steel wool once it was cleaner.
Did the same to mine when I tried a protein rest and the unconverted starch burned on to it. Elbow grease, I'm afraid, but as a lot of that stuff will still be organic and not pure charcoal, try strong Perc solution overnight. Steel wool kitchen scrubber. You can actually buy replacement elements from Crown but don't have an address as yet. I was going to email Crown at the time but managed to get the element back to 95%, but would be handy to keep the option up one's sleeve.

Edit: the element itself doesn't have to be pristine to work well, as long as that little cylinder you can clearly see in the first photo - the boil dry detector - is kept spotless after each brew then you will be good.
Anyone had luck cleaning the charcoal off their element? What's the best **** to use?


I had a quick crack with a scourer - no joy.
Hi Ls

I know Seagull **** is very corrosive as it reduces the life of metal roofs in coastal cities alarmingly. It should also be easy to get hold of a good fresh supply. Just mix 5 parts **** to 1 part warter let stand for 7min then spread a 1mm layer over the element, leave it sit for 2min 27secs then scrub vigorously, but definately for no longer than 1min 30secs before rinsing well with 10lts of boiling water.

Cow **** has a beautiful soft dropping consistency & is very easy to spread & get in those tight hard to get places, but I don't know if it's acidic or abrassive enough for what you want. This would be a great chance for you to experiment & report your findings back to the forum for others to analyse. Premium prime cow **** exhibits a beautiful golden hue with a shimmerring glean showing through its heat haze when dropped from a height of 1.2 metres & landing with a impact slump height of between 80mm & 100mm depending on the various supplimentary diets given the animala by various owners & also the breed of cow. This is the quality you would want to use if you decided on the cow **** option.

I have heard Gorilla **** is full of really tough plant fibres that would polish the elements to a mirror like shine. Unfortunately it's almost impossible to get hold of anywhere in the world even in powderd form & you would definitely need the fresh **** (no more than 12 hours old that was bagged & vacuum packed immediately after the stool first hit the floor, hopefully the floor was grass or clean concrete otherwise the **** will be hopelessly contaminated & worthless to use). It's also exhorbatively expensive & doesn't have a good shelf life even if frozen, in fact freezing will destroy the cell fibres causing the stool to slump upon thawing into a puddle of useless stinky diarrhea. Please note that gorrilla **** collected from animals other than those living in their natural environment doesn't contain the essential trace elements you'll need to disolve & remove the crud from the elements. This option is much too expensive to even consider so I wont bother with directions on its use.

Please note that matter what **** you eventually decide to use please make sure you bag & dispose of the scourer reponsibly & wash your hands well before eating.


:lol: sorry I couldn't resist.
Oven cleaner is just aerosol caustic innit?

I'd try acidic stuff first, a lemon rub and then steel wool. I partly agree with Bribie, tried the oven cleaner on my oven's grills, didn't tke the carbon off but followed it up with a lemon and that **** sure came off for the most part.

PS: that easy off oven cleaner worked a treat on taking that last bit of scale off the bathroom wall tiles and some stains off porcelain sinks.
6 Litres white home brand white vinegar. Boil 10 mins. Check for shininess. If shininess factor = 0, boil longer.

Otherwise try spraying with straight starsan and leaving over night.
starsan is great cleaner even at the 1.5ml per 1lt. I couldnt clean my alloy pot with sodium perc I even boiled it for 5 mins to and it got a little off. I put 1lt of starsan mix in and left 10mins came back washed all the brown out of the pot. Have to put some water in to boil so it will seal again I think.
I used to just run them dry til they went orange, burn all the crud off! The rest cleaned out with a rinse.
Thanks for the advice fellas especially real_beer. Supplemented elbow grease will probably be the answer. Is it difficult to remove he element?
thats what my bbq said and it rusted to ****.

so I just cock and leave it till I need it and clean the oil of then re oil and cook :p
Perhaps sulfuric acid and a hammer..can be quite effective apparently.


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