I know what you brewed last summer

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What is your go-to brew for summer with hot weather just around the corner?

I'm looking for inspiration

Are you smashing a SMaSH?
A lovely lager?
An incredible IPA?
A heavenly hefe?
All of the above???

I can get two half-batches down for christmas but I just cant decide!

Whats everyone else doing?
SMASH about to be cold crashed today and a Hefe to be brewed in the next week. IPA currently in the keg.
1 keg of APA at the ready - another 3 conditioning, gotta have APA in this house
Euro Saaz Lager drinking now with another 3 kegs to get through xmas
Hefe going down next week for mid Jan
Saison in brewed around xmas for Feb
I never have a go to beer nor do I brew for the seasons. This year though ive decided to brew a munich helles, session ale and session saison.
I've got a Munich helles brewed with wy2112, a cream ale and a rye IPA ready for kegging on Friday arvo. And a galaxy/mosaic straw colored apa of 15 ibu in primary.
IPA fermenting, mild to be ptiched tonight. Hefe next week and have planned to make another galaxy/mosiac ale and need to get a saison on while it's warm. Also housemates another lager since the pilsner ran out so better give that a go/ probably try a munich helles.
German beers getting a lot of love...definitely leaning towards a hefe or dunkel
DSGA is always a good bet too
Realising how close Xmas was and actually getting holidays this year I've been brewing as much as I can.

Oktoberfest ready to bottle, IPA 3 days into ferment, summer ale with mosaic cubed & I'll brew a heffe next.

Awesome thread name btw !
Amber Ale on tap
CUB-alike lager (20% left)
XXXX Bitter 'clone', about 2 weeks lagering to go
Dortmunder Export, in secondary at 0°C ready for Christmas
Christmoose Ale, a speciality ale for the whole family ready for Chrismas

Lager me up sugar, gotta quench that summer thirst.
Bottled a saison on Monday, and have another saison ready to be kegged tomorrow.
Unfortunately that keg is empty because the American Wheat formerly in it disappeared very quickly once the father-in-law came to visit.

Planning a Summer Ale (Ross style), an American Wheat, a Summer Ale (Hop Back Lightning Style), and a DSGA (rye version).
Recently kegged a Bohemian pilsner which is on tap but not quite ready to drink yet. So that'll be there. I'd brew more of them but I don't have the time (need to fill kegs more quickly than lagers allow for), so it's mostly APAs at the moment interspersed with a couple of red ales and an IPA. I generally brew pretty refreshing pale ales at this time of year, it's needed in the weather we get. :ph34r:
Rocker1986 said:
Recently kegged a Bohemian pilsner which is on tap but not quite ready to drink yet. So that'll be there. I'd brew more of them but I don't have the time (need to fill kegs more quickly than lagers allow for), so it's mostly APAs at the moment interspersed with a couple of red ales and an IPA. I generally brew pretty refreshing pale ales at this time of year, it's needed in the weather we get. :ph34r:
Rocker, larger batches is your solution, brew less often, and still keep stocks to satisfy the daily needs, lager or otherwise.

40 litres of Kölsch for Summer, being kegged this evening. 44 litres of Dampfbier next into the fermentor. Both styles are top thirst quenchers.
Cream ale next to be brewed.
Rocker1986 said:
Recently kegged a Bohemian pilsner which is on tap but not quite ready to drink yet. So that'll be there. I'd brew more of them but I don't have the time (need to fill kegs more quickly than lagers allow for), so it's mostly APAs at the moment interspersed with a couple of red ales and an IPA. I generally brew pretty refreshing pale ales at this time of year, it's needed in the weather we get. :ph34r:
I've got an experiment in the fermenter as we speak. It is a Munich Helles fermented with Wyeast 2352 Munich Lager II. I wanted to see if I could turn around a lager in the same time as an ale (2-3 weeks) without losing much or any quality at all. It is 6 days since pitching and has gone from 1.049 - 1.016 so far. I expect it will be at FG in the next day or 2. So call it 2 weeks total to get to FG, a few days for the yeast to clean up then a few days to chill it. Obviously I don't know the quality of the final product as yet as this is the first time I've tried this.

The things I've done to achieve this are pitching double the recommended amount of yeast for a lager. In this case it was about 800b cells for a 21L batch. I'm also following 'Tasty's Quick Lager Method'. The first 3 days were fermented at 12 degrees and since then I have set the temperature to increase at 1 deg per day until it is at 18 degrees.
So close to Christmas and so many options! As there is not much time possibly best to choose something you can drink straight from the fermenter, or something with high alcohol so that after the first glass you don't notice.
Bitter, hoppy American wheat, apa, session IPA and best bitter on tap. Mild, 2 non traditional saisons (1 slightly sour with Nelson Sauvin, one with Amarillo and Huell Melon) and golden ale fermenting. Kolsch and blonde ale to come

Plenty of time to get them done and kegged (might have to bottle a few as well) for Yuletide festivities
House saison and house pale ale on tap at the moment,with more in cubes. Cascade and Marris smash beer, saison and ipa fermenting. Kolsch in another keg that was for Christmas but being drunk early. ( hard to stay away from it) waiting on a 3rd tap in the mail to have 3 beers going at once. 9 cubes full. Having got 3fridges now that can hold double batches aswell. Means I can keep production ahead of consumption. Spending time every arvo to keep in front tho and get the stocks up.
I've just done a run of German beers, weisses & a kolsch namely plus a cider for the missus to enjoy over the holidays. For me there's a modified vienna/centennial SMASH and an easy drinking IPA to enjoy over Christmas.

Tried but true recipes for me as we approach the silly season...

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