Hunters / Rec Shooters

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Certified Pisswreck
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Hey Gang.
Just wondering if any of you fellow brewers are hunters or target shooters etc.
I have been doing both since i was 9, and have a nice variety of small - big game calibres.
Where and what do you hunt mainly?
Hey Gang.
Just wondering if any of you fellow brewers are hunters or target shooters etc.
I have been doing both since i was 9, and have a nice variety of small - big game calibres.
Where and what do you hunt mainly?


Mods put this in the OFF TOPIC Section, absolutely irrelevant to what this Forum is about

Oh look, a greenie.... didnt take long..
:icon_offtopic: :icon_offtopic: :icon_offtopic: is that good enough?
there's already a thread on this beleive it or not. have a search.

edit: did it for you. 2 seconds worth. -here

cows with guns.....
don't look now, there's chickens in choppers!!!!! :p

Cheers SJ
ive jumped out of a chopper with a rifle a fair bit, but never shot from a chopper. no idea how the chickens do it!

in all seriousness i have to get my arse back into gear and get my licence back so i can go make some extra cash culling wild pigs on people's hobby farms.
I have mainly hunted in sth east Qld, the usual roo's, pigs, goats, rabbits and foxes,
also have delved into single action western shoots and fullbore target.
The pig numbers have dropped off on the farm though, havent drilled one for many months... or shot one for that matter hahah :lol:
Yep. I have a primary producers licence.

For pinging bunnies and foxes - by way of pest control on my family's property. .22 mostly.

Annoys the hell out of me when people get uppity about something they don't understand. Have had a lot of arguments here in Vic with inner city types who have never strolled through a paddock, or seen the damage that vermin can do. When I explain to them the damage a fox can do to a ewe during lambing season they actually finally see sense. But it's hard work sometimes, so for the most part I don't talk about it.

Unfortunately there is a lot of emotion out there from people who don't understand that shooting is there for legitimate reasons beyond military and law enforcement, and we are as a country quite good at a sporting level. Our Olympic Medal tallies are envied around the world.

Like you jigsaw, I have been shooting since about the same age, for a legitimate reason.

I was very keen until little Johnny Howard confiscated my Lovely little H&K SLR. Apparently I'm not to be trusted. I went out again with some mates and have discovered that in the ensuing years, I wobble like a drunk walking home at midnight and cant see what I'm aiming at anyway. It all went to shit after the buyback as our primary target was goats as the stations would slaughter them from helis. Then one day the station owner said shoot a few sheep if you want, but leave the goats as they are now worth $27 and the sheep only $3. So endeth another phase in my life.
The fact that you stress the word "legitimate" so heavily, Hopper, suggests you know exactly why city folk are automatically (or at the very least semi-automatically) against shooting.
The fact that you stress the word "legitimate" so heavily, Hopper, suggests you know exactly why city folk are automatically (or at the very least semi-automatically) against shooting.
becasue most of them are the same morons who think homebrew tastes like shit?! :lol:
Most homebrew does taste shit. Statically.
We, as in the old man and i, had to lose a few of our semi auto's many years back, was rather saddened.
Beautiful rifles.
However, if you cant kill it with one shot why need 10 to back you up...
(with exceptions of dangerous game mind u... diff story)

These days i mainly just run a few selected calibres, such as .243, 25/06, 270, 308, 300wm, 375 h&h, and 45/70.
Seems to cover a good range of aussie game.
The old ruger M77 in 25/06 is still my fave allrounder.. i neck shot a big buck roo at 463m late one afternoon, one of them, hmmm, hold 2 feet over its head kinda shots.. sucessful though, but bloody flukey!
The 375 h&h is only a newly acquired toy.. its a Brno Safari express, was bought 20 odd years ago, never fired, well oiled and hidden away.. till now..
Beautiful grain of wood too. I just have to find something suitable to hunt with it now... a NT trip could be on the cards!
The fact that you stress the word "legitimate" so heavily, Hopper, suggests you know exactly why city folk are automatically (or at the very least semi-automatically) against shooting.

Yes, he used it twice. Hopper, you evil red-necked inbred bogan...
Pretty sure that wasn't my point.

Yep. I've just checked and it wasn't.
This thread has going the way of gun ownership... dwindling.

Get some pics of hobby up here! :icon_cheers:
hmm i could post up a heap incl a masters paper on gun ownership. nah there's no fun in that
Used to be in the Canberra Rifle Club shooting full bore (308) target rifles. Now that took skill, especially on the 1km mound. I didnt have the patience and gave it away. Good fun though. Every year they'd have the service shoot comp using Enfield 303's. With 6 brother in laws who shoot I've had a fair go, from shooting bunnies on a mates farm near here to shooting pigs on another mates farm 3 hrs north west of Bourke using dirt bikes with a scabbard down the front forks for your rifle.
Never been a shooter myself. Fired off a few shots of ratshot with a .22 thats about it.

Having been around many recreational shooters and professional hunters/pest controllers I admire those who can shoot and shoot well. However there are plenty of cowboys out there who sink a few cans jump in the back of old mates WB ute and shoot at anything that moves. Unfortunately these are the guys who give shooters a bad name.

The other thing that scares me with guns is the number of times I've been out trout fishing and shots have been going off around us from guys after the sambar deer then they pop out of the bushes near you and go "shit sorry mate didnt see you there!"
Bloody hell to bad if you stuck a bit of lead in me mate!

I'd love to be able to have the skill to opperate a rifle well - but the fact of the matter is I shake like a crack addicted baby and I'm likely to miss a bus from 45 feet.
I shot trap with my old mans 63 Winchester 101 12ga and occaional rabbit shooting for a friend of the family on his orchard. For a fun challenge me and my brother used to go rat shooting in a friends stable with the air rifles.

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