How To Pre-mix Light Dry Malt

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Is there a special trick to pre-mixing light dry malt? I bought a 500g Coopers Light Dry Malt for my Euro Lager. Followed the instructions to pre-mix it in the carbuoy by swirling it in water, but what I ended up with was a whole lot of hard sticky lumps! This is my first attempt at using malt. What did I do wrong?

It does do that. Try using some boiling water next time and breaking it up with a spoon

Kabooby :)
It does do that. Try using some boiling water next time and breaking it up with a spoon

Absolutely !!!

I normally dissolve it in a pot of water on the stove. I dont boil it, I know some will disagree, I just keep a bit of heat under it and keep stirring until it's dissolved and the add it to the fermenter. Just take the hot water into account when trying to reach your pitching temp
And pour the DME into the water rather then the opposite.
My last batch I put DME in the pot first then the water and some stuck to the bottom of the pot really bad.
There is no trick, I just put 2L of hot tap water into my fermeneter cut the malt bag open all the way dump it in as quik as possible pick up the fermentor and do some circle work. SWIRL swirl swirl swirl. good luck :)
the Important part of melting ingredients (especially sugar) on a stove top is to add them together gradually, stirring all the while to ensure that they blend together. It's better if they are at a similar temp to begin with and then rise fomr there.

Thanks guys, I will try these tips next time I brew with malt. It's still a steep learning curve sometimes, even after a year of brewing my own beer.


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