How Much Have You Brewed This Year

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How many litres of beer have you brewed in '03

  • Under 100 litres (I'm new to brewing/getting back into it)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 100 - 250 litres (didn't have enough time)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 250 - 500 litres (not enough fermenters/bottles)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 500 - 750 litres (I like variety ok)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 750 - 1000 litres (Just pacing myself. nice and steady)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 1000 - 1500 litres (Summer was hot and I was quite thirsty)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 1500 - 2000 litres (I've got a big family alright)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 2000 + litres (I've started selling the stuff/opening a micro)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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1080lt, exactly the same as last yr.At least things are'nt getting worse.
Cheers Glenn.
well to tally right up to the end of the year (with a chaotic move thrown in from Canberra to Perth)..

I brewed my first brew on 24 May and bottled my last brew on 14 December.
All up 14 brews @ ~21litres = 294L

In that time I have made the jump to a keg system although my keg fridge didn't survive the move across the planet :(
how much did i brew last year?
Thats between me and whats left of my brain cells :chug: :chug: :chug:

Keep bleeding black label
Hmm... let me see

17 x 50L kegs = 850L
1 x 30L mini keg = 30L
8 x 23L full mash = 184L
3 x 23L kit based = 69L

Total brewed amount = 1133L :beerbang:

Only one problem....That is still not enough beer!!! :party:

now i moved from 25Lt batches to 80-100Lt for the 06 year.... i am going to stop counting.... must be holes in my kegs
I reckon ,unless something drastic happens i should be able to brew around 900 litres of beer this year. Im averaging about 46 a week.
I have made 4 batches and kegged one. The rest are still in production. At this point I'm about the 90 liter mark for halfway through January. At his rate I should exceed 2000 liters for the year, however this won't occur as I'm building up stocks and once my "cupboard is full" I will then ease back to about a brew every fortnight.


(Must drink)
i worked out 1012 liters for 1005 :eek:

thats life :chug:

cheers and many beers

I,ve brewed 180 litres in 45 days,and have another 2 brews ready to bottle in the next fortnight. with 2 people drinking it, it wont go far,having already gone through 3 lots of brew in 21 days.
I thought that 16 % would kill most yeasts in a beer.You could classify this brew as a fortified white wine,all be it a tad bitter.
one day
1047lt Brewed and keg as of yesterday.
Two 20.5 lt batches in fermenitig fridge at the moment.
Approx 136lt in kegs.
4 tallies in fridge.

Where did it all go? :blink:
OK i have brewed approx 900 litres this year BUT the majority of it was light beer so to be fair with the rest of you guys bewing heavy beer i will make it say 600 litres. plus the two i am brewing at the moment.
Cheers 15BL :beer:
About 550 litres since January. :beer:
I'm about 300 - plus litres and two still to bottle... I used to keep records, but stopped... :blink: I must say that I am getting very good at identifying beer by taste! :D
i worked out 1012 liters for 1005 :eek:

thats life :chug:

cheers and many beers


You been brewing that long Tony, see theres no way drinking beer will kill you :p
Only 1248L (48 batches) this year, I gotta get brewing B) ... :chug:

cheers Ross...
just over 200 for me. the year is not over yet...
Only about 6 batches of beer so far this year, so not too much. Then again, I only started brewing around the end of March this year.

Only counted the batches of beer, didn't add the 6 or so batches of cider and ginger beer.
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