How Much Have You Brewed This Year

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How many litres of beer have you brewed in '03

  • Under 100 litres (I'm new to brewing/getting back into it)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 100 - 250 litres (didn't have enough time)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 250 - 500 litres (not enough fermenters/bottles)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 500 - 750 litres (I like variety ok)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 750 - 1000 litres (Just pacing myself. nice and steady)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 1000 - 1500 litres (Summer was hot and I was quite thirsty)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 1500 - 2000 litres (I've got a big family alright)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 2000 + litres (I've started selling the stuff/opening a micro)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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Just added up the total, based on my Beersmith and hand written records.

Not including the HAG day at Potters (600l, hahaha), I have made 384l so far this year. The Xmas in July case was responsible for 50 l of that.

I also hold the grains in stock for a 22 l batch of Belgian Strong ale (that I'm calling St Arnold's brother) and and a 32 l batch of Weizen (which I am imaginatively calling Seth's ag Weizen 2, even though it's not actually the second formulation).

Before Christmas, I hope to brew for the office party and a HAG get together, as well as more Berliner weisse, a bock, a doppelbock, a Weizenbock and numerous weizens, American wheats and APAs.

My best brew year ever. :D

Seth out :p
I've only made about 250L+ so far this year but have probly drank over 4 times that. It's hard to keep supply up with demand :D

I should have my brewery upsized and all working by the end of the year, so should be able to join the 500 club in 07 :chug:


So far just under 400L with a bit of luck might just be able to hit the 500L mark this year. :) I'll just have to get some more bottles though! :p
I have brewed about 250 - 300 ltrs so far trhis year. Although I did have a period there where I was away for 3 month's so I don't think I am doing too bad...


i have brewed 220L. such a lightweight compared to some....
20 batches so far for me. So at 40 litres per batch ~800 litres. Still got three months of solid brewing to go.

Three empty kegs ATM
So not enough

One empty keg out of 10, so again not enough, 35 batches and only 4 bouble batches in that.
So heaps <_< .
280 litres so far this year, I did have 2 months off brewing too, just starting to fill up the kegs again with once a week brews. Need to upgrade to double system soon enough.
One empty keg out of 10, so again not enough, 35 batches and only 4 bouble batches in that.
So heaps <_< .

I wasn't going to mention how many full kegs I have.....mmmm......nope still not going to mention it :beer:

All of my local kegs are empty.1 x 50 2 X 22 and 1 X 18.6 x 18 Perth kegs empty.Havent brewed in 4 months. :(
Once the move is over it will be brew madness i thinks to catch up.

Big D
Well over a 1000, for about 4 months a year its 2 batch's a week of 22.5 litres.
Iv brewed about 400 lts this year but my misses found a 25 lt keg on the red light trolley in target that was marked down to $27.50 so she snaped :beerbang: it up for me. I know have 3 kegs and with summer commin on Im full on into my brewing. I dont brew over the colder winters months but with the extra keg now I dont need to.
my misses found a 25 lt keg on the red light trolley in target that was marked down to $27.50

Wow, now that be a cheap keg! (I figure he means fermenter...ever notice what you find when putting ut "keg" into eBay for a search <_< )

since i got my kit at xmas i've done over 800 litres, needless to say i any many others like homebrew! i think (more so hoping) i will come close to doubling that next year :)
1130l this year, Far out, where has it all gone?!!!!!! :eek:
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