How Much Did You Brew In 2011?

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Brewed up 650L, lost 120L to mouse induced infections, another 200L to brother and other assorted moochers,
about 210L aging in the bar, mostly kits and bits, will brew less this year working towards a better AG K&K in 2012, thats the plan anyway.

so you brewed VB??? lol
About 230L over 10 batches for the year, but I will get one more batch brewed before the year is out.
Just over 600L for the year, which is a shade lower than previous years but I brewed fewer larger batches.


Brewed 35 batches producing 22 litres of packaged beer on average for 770 litres for the year.

But at the start of 2011 I had 12 batches in bottles and kegs, at the end have 10 batches.

So 814 litres consumed, a lot must have evaporated.
This thread confirms my suspicions.
We all have a bunch of freeloading, pisshead mates.
Either that or there was a bit of underestimating on the how much to you drink thread!
Dont think i will do a tally my liver will feel the better for it
No solid figures, but I would guess at around 300L this year.
Either that or there was a bit of underestimating on the how much to you drink thread!
Dont think i will do a tally my liver will feel the better for it

I'm right, i said 2 kegs a week and it works out to nearly exactly that over 6 months. :icon_cheers:
Hey punkin one of the few honest ones probably.

Just added up, i only started brewing allgrain and keeping records at the start of June this year.

936 litres in six months.

36 litres a week, 5litres a day, 13+ schooners/day.

****, i've been telling the doctor 6-8 schooners and she still says i'll be dead shortly icon_cheers.gif

Thats not really fibbing because Docs always know people lie by half and double to compensate
32 x 46ltr batches, **** thats 1472ltrs...... no wonder i cant see my dick anymore :icon_cheers:
About 400L. Modest by some figures on here but holy crap more than I thought...



just checked my brewing records for the year.

i have brewed 20 x 21 liter batches.some were k&k then i got into ag,
so about 400 liters, feels like i made more than that .

A measley 160L, and a lot of it was devoured by visitors. This staying healthy after a heart attack crap is playing havoc with my past efforts :lol:


New Years Resolution: Have more people around so I get to brew more often!
Well at home I brewed SFA. Earlier in the year I brewed some commercial quantities, but they don't count.

Deaths and a new job = no time to brew, but I have my new years resolution one dies in 2012 :) or get my **** in one pile and brew some beer
Hey punkin one of the few honest ones probably.

Thats not really fibbing because Docs always know people lie by half and double to compensate

lol to bad if he did say he drinks 13 schooners a night the doc prob would said he should be dead. Although prob 50% of my drinking was away so it wasnt HB and I tend to drink less when it cost $60 a carton lol

A measley 160L, and a lot of it was devoured by visitors. This staying healthy after a heart attack crap is playing havoc with my past efforts :lol:


New Years Resolution: Have more people around so I get to brew more often!

you could send them down here screwy means I dont have to brew then :p but since going double batch I doubt I will look back its good to brew once a month. But you need a few cubes if you want different beers on all the time.
Nine batches, 20L each, 180L, roughly half a litre per day. As quite a bit of it was not the top brew, I got to drink most of it. But I was buying more piss on top of this. Poor old liver.
27 batches at around 13-14 Litres each.
So say 365 Litres with plenty of help drinking it from friends and family.


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