How Much Beer Do You Have On Your Shelf?

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Hi everyone,

just wondering is there such a thing as brewing too much beer.

I know that I should never say bad things about beer but was just wondering.

Sometimes I look at my empty shelves and think that I could fit at least 1000 bottles on my shelves not that I would buy 1000 bottles but its nice to dream.

Am I a freak in the beer world or does everyone look at their empty shelves and imagine how much beer could be stored there. [acronym="my Other Half"]MOH[/acronym] thinks that the 90 bottles I have stored there is enough.

I decided that If I brew her an apple cider that might turn her to the dark side.

I want more and more and more, maybe I'm just obsessed.

I have around 180 bottles that i use. That usually means 150 on the shelf and 30 waiting to be filled.

I did have some more, but the main reason i have so many is to allow some time for it to age a little bit. When i had more it aged too much and it would lose a lot of hop flavour by the time i got around to drinking it.

It just meant that i filled my shelves up with other forms of alcohol :)

You are a freak nobody dreams of shelves full of bottles

everybody dreams of floor space full of kegs :p

I agree entirely.

I have 8 kegs, about 200 champagne bottles, and 18 cartons of stubbies

4 kegs, 100 champagne bottles and 5 cartons are currently full, and it just keeps growing.

Many of these are brewed for ageing though. But I love having a cellar with lots of selection for whatever feels right.

Keep brewing and collecting bottles and that shelf will one day be full :lol:

When I acheived 'peak beer' about September last year I would normally have about 130 two litre PETs which would equate to 260 litres or about 350 tallies.


However nowadays I probably have six or seven brews in the queue in bottles at any one time which would be more like 150 litres or 200 tallies, so as you can see I've obviously been cutting back tremendously.

I'm currently converting my brewery to kegs and although of course there will be some bottles as well it will be the end of an era and a bit sad really as I liked the simplicity of drink 2L PET, wash and store 2L PET, fill and mature 2L PET, drink 2L PET. Ah the simple good old days :(
You still have not told us what happened to all that Cola?
I liked the simplicity of drink 2L PET, wash and store 2L PET, fill and mature 2L PET, drink 2L PET. Ah the simple good old days :(

Whats so hard about

the simplicity of drink keg, wash and store keg, fill and mature keg, drink keg. Ah the simple good new days :D
I have somewhere around 150-180 tallies but it's not quite enough, I am weaning out all of the kit beers now so all the tallies are AG.
I have a mate with 800 tallies he got from a wedding, I'm trying to get him to part with a few. He has actually filled most of them but some of his kits are now 5 years old in the bottle and as he says "some are probably not that good".
I would say I have too much beer.
It's certainly too much to count, and I really couldn't be assed sitting down and counting them (thirsty business), but i'd say there's the best part of 1000 bottles of beer in my cellar.
Luckily, recently going to kegs gives me time to finally get around to drinking the old stock. Though that could take a lifetime in itself! :blink:
Have about 300 750ml bottles with about 160 full.. :rolleyes: Brewing at drinking rate right now. :)
Hi Mcstretch,
No way are you a freak... Live, breathe, brew and drink beer... in moderation, its good for you :beer:
I have 300 bottles on the shelf (Beer Cupboard) 162 in the cellar and 5 kegs full and I'm smiling all the way to the brew room :) . I started brewing in Dec 08 and before then my wife did not like or drink beer. Now she joins me each evening to enjoy a drop or two of the golden nectar.

I quickly found out that the shelves don't fill up with one fermenter... I now have 6.

You need to work on your marketing with the OH, I'm not sure a batch of cider to close the deal

Best of luck

Carboy :icon_cheers:
hey hey

Have 480 stubbies and 180 longnecks, all in all, you can NEVER brew too much beer

Cheers Dicko
Muggus i feel your pain, in fact as an AHB member i feel it my duty to help you out.
Drinking 1000 longies would be bad for your health. I'm happy to halve your health issues.....
I think at one stage i had over 400 tallies resting... sadly all K&K and im slowly choking them down making room for my new AG brews!
Mate, I started a little over 3 weeks ago and I to, am loving it.

I am looking at having 120 bottles filled with another 90 or 3 fermenters full by the end of next week.

Gotta get ready for christmas is my excuse. As for the Minister of War and Finance, mine doesnt mind. I have a whole side of the garage to use.

Just need to be home and not away to get my new brews on the go.

All the best mate.
I have around 250 small bottles (ranging from 330/345/375ml) about 200 full.

And about 60 tallies (750ml) 30 of them full.

Allways mange to have more than I need once a brew is ready. I havent thrown bottles out for a while, I just chuck them all in the cupboard. Thats when I buy something commercial for special occasions. :icon_cheers:
I just cannot picture having that much beer to mature. Lets face it many beers should be drunk young...

I was lucky (well not then, but now), I got sick for a month and decided to stop drinking, but kept brewing, now I've got a nice little beer celler going on in my cupboard.