How many dried hop flowers in the boil?

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Well i've harvested my Chinook hops and dried them. I usually bookend 100gms of pellet hops 50gm at start of boil, 25gm at 10min before flame out and 25gm at flame out. I have weighed my dried hops and are a bit underwelmed with what i thought to be a bumper crop. It weighed just under a gram. Are my scales playing up? There is a lot of mass but little weight. Any suggestions? Hoping to brew tomorrow. Regards, Rob.
Under a gram? Will probably struggle to detect it but who cares? Call it your own harvest ale and drink with pride.

I just sampled my first bottle of a harvest ale made with homegrown Chinook. 22IBU of Magnum at 60min, 50g of DRIED homegrown Chinook at 0min. Recipe is below, usual LCPA base beer. Turned out OK but on the high end for bittering. My experience with HG Chinook is the agressive bitterness tends to swamp the flavour and aroma. Its there (grapefruit, mandarin) but you have too look past a face smack of bitterness.


800g Marris Otter 100g Munich I 100g Wheat malt 60g Carapils 50g Dextrose 2.8g Magnum 60min, 22IBU 50g Homegrown dried Chinook, 0min 1/4tsp Gypsum 1/8 Whirlfloc 1/4 tsp Yeast nutrient 1/3 pk US05 rehydrated, upto 5L
I wonder if the perceived% AA from home grown hops can be linked to the AA % from pro grown hops.
I imagine not as the pro grown would be tightly monitored and laboratory checked,watered when needed,fertilised when needed etc.
Anyone have any info,inside knowledge.?
Hey waggastew, did you weigh your hops dry or fresh? This is the first time that i have grown hops and i've heard the second year you get a better yeild. Just weighted again, looks like i read the scale wrong, i have 91 gm.
50g was dried.

Problem with HG hops is you don't know the %AA. If you add the hops late in the boil and the %AA is wrong its not a big deal. If you add them early (60min) and the %AA you guess is out by a few % it can throw your beer way off.

Given my experience this year you could try a single 0min addition. Depending on your chill method you should still get some IBU's from it? Google 0min IPA on AHB for more info.

spog said:
I wonder if the perceived% AA from home grown hops can be linked to the AA % from pro grown hops.
I imagine not as the pro grown would be tightly monitored and laboratory checked,watered when needed,fertilised when needed etc.
Anyone have any info,inside knowledge.?
I think its a good starting point but with my post above you need to know %AA accurately if using early in boil. To illustrate try editing the %AA up or down on bittering hops in Beersmith/Brewmate and see what a 1% change can make to the final IBU in a recipe


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