How Long Do People Take Between Batches?

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as a new brewer im always waiting to see if the previous batch is any good to see what to change, which usually means at least a month between batches.

curious how frequently people brew, e.g. once every couple of weeks or once a month etc?
too often if you ask the wife
depends - work, kids, holidays, football, wakeboarding all take up my time (not in any particular order mind you). Depends how often I get to G&G as well. As I have six kegs with fridge space for 4 I try to keep 2 on tap, 2 more conditioning and something fermenting in the brew fridge. Gives me room to move without getting into supply/demand problems. What all that means is that I do a brew every 2-4 weeks as an average.

edit - splellink
Around every fortnight, more if I can. Why don't you set yourself two or three different styles to brew...that way you can continue to brew more often and only update specific recipes after tasting the previous version of that style. Your brewing will improve with practice, even if you're not changing the recipe.
I brewed twice today.
I will brew twice tomorrow



Actually I hadn't brewed for a month as I had a huge backlog due to preparing and entering beers in competitions which fall at this time of year. However my liver has now processed all the backlog and is demanding future supply. :icon_cheers:
I do one a week, every week, without fail. Even with a time consuming job, family etc. I have two fermentors so one is always in primary, and the other in secondary. Need a cube to rack into, makes for a busy brew day/night. AG now as well which is awesome!!
Around every fortnight, more if I can. Why don't you set yourself two or three different styles to brew...that way you can continue to brew more often and only update specific recipes after tasting the previous version of that style. Your brewing will improve with practice, even if you're not changing the recipe.

yeah didnt think about that, sounds like a solid way to go about it :icon_cheers:

yup, 26 months ago I was a normal citizen, but walked into a supermarket and, on a whim, bought a tin of Coopers Stout.

Now look what my life has been reduced to, will the horror and degradation never end.

:wacko: :wacko:

I try to have a brew chilled and ready to go as soon as the last drop of wort has been bottled from the previous batch so that i can pitch directly onto the yeast cake. So the time between batches for me is probably about 2 minutes.
Probably not good practice but it means i don't have to clean fermenters as often... i clean them every second-third batch, they get a really good soaking in strong napisan for a few days when they are cleaned.
at a guess every 2 months ( not by choice but because i struggle for the time).... i have upped the batch size 3-4X batches to account for this but this means mostly the same beer on tap - great when its a good beer, and good when its not :)

next year things are a changing i tell ya ( i hope) to brew once a month
Let's see. It's been a year since i started and i've done 11 batches. So almost once/month. I'd certainly increase if my bottles disappeared faster.
Every second Saturday is brew day for me, I'd love to brew every Saturday but that's a bit much for me to consume these days. Once a fortnight seems to work out ok, if I left it 3 weeks things would start looking a bit grim in the beer fridge fairly quickly :drinks:
I don't actually drink very much, so I am usually limited by bottle availability.

I recently got kit to go full-batch size so when time permits I will be making more no-chill cubes than I can actually ferment/botte/drink.

I suppose at the moment I am doing about 1 batch every 4-6 weeks, I am ramping up presently to have christmas supplies in check.
I try and get a double brew day in once a fortnight. I need to to keep up with the demands of my family who knock off a keg everytime I see them and like to have a few bottles in between...I actually can't keep up time to do 60l batches :icon_chickcheers:
I brew a minimum of 2 brews every 8 days (4on 4 0ff shift work) Sometimes more. Last 4 days did a double brew on my first day off, and a 32 litre brew on my last day off. Doing some experimenting and stocking up for christmas. I also quite often do a 10 litre brew to try a new style. I have 2 mash tuns that I use, so if I time it right I can do a double brew day with a 40 litre brew and a 20 litre brew.

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