How Good Is It To Be Australian

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:D Love it just been out and cooked a barbie for my family, with a cold beer in my hand.. I love the Aussie summer with cricket, beaches, BBQ's and having a beer with my mates. What do you love about being in the greatest Country? What do you love about Summer?

:p Thanks

Shawn's bloody good mate. And AHB - the generosity of the fellow brewers, the comraderie, mateship and of course the beer!

You forgot to mention that you are free to dress as you please :unsure:

Family and grandkids around the pool, BBQ and a big cloudy Weizen.

Sharing beers and talking brewing with fellow brewers, drinking some of the best beer in the world, right here on the laid back Sunshine Coast.

Camped on the banks of Noosa's Lake Cootharaba with family and a party keg setup, enjoying the strange looks from other campers.

Beers with mates at the surf club, and oh the view, especially in summer, just wish they had my magnum APA on tap.
Ditto above!!! Plus semi retired 4 years ago and I'm only in my 30's! (only work about 2 weeks a month), and spending the looooong weekends with the missus and kids! It's great to be an Aussie "semi blugger"!!! (no I'm not 'sponsored' by the gov.)
the hospitality has been great so no complaints here. 7 and a bit years now and things keep getting better (and they were pretty damn good when i got here)

work, play, brew, and everybody's happy :D

edit: forgot to mention the weather, and the long days, and the sunshine, and the outdoor sports, and the drinking with mates, and get the idea.
So slowly getting my patio built then its going to be great enjoying those long hot west coast summer days and balmy evenings with a bbq and a few too many cold beers.Plan on building in a wood fired pizza oven to complement the patio with hopefully a built in bar.
Im kinda like rough60.Feel as if im semi retired as i work in the mines so 8 days on 6 days off.As i get this new house sorted out life is only getting better.Meeting all the westcoast brewers and Pat has been the grouse and getting to a few brew days and meets has been good.Yep its good to be an Australian.

Big D
Australia rules!!! been everywhere else and this place is where its at.
Hate summer tho, winter is much nicer, and you can brew alot more styles too (too poor to have a fermentation fridge, and it was hard enough to get the woman to agree to a beer only fridge!).
Stu........ youve shaved your head :eek: Is that so PP wont recognice you at teh case swap :lol:

I aggree. I love being an Aussie. I love to sit on the balcony with the BBQ sizzling, swatting flies and drinking a beer.

I have just finnished reading about the Rats of Tobruk. The end of the book detailed what the familys of just a couple of the fallen went through and i found myself with a tear in my eye at work. I felt unashamed and only felt pride.

I will quote one great part of the book when in a final battle that saw heavily outnumbered german troops obliterate english armys and the remaining 120 odd aussies went up agains a hill with over 500 dug in germans and 50 panzer tanks on top of it at the end of the battle. The Australians (who were feared by the Germans throughtout the campain as they were the first troops that made them and their panzers retreat..... twice) charged the hill, wiped out the lot of them and them after the action was done spoke to the captured german officers who said "no... you must be english... there are no more Australians left in Tobruk". The Aussies showed them their army badges with "Australia" in big letters on it and the germans replied.....

"Acch.... you are just english dressed as Australians to scare us"

Ahhhh my heart swelled when i read that....... i was so proud.

Sorry for the rant but i like to share.

What can I say?

After returning from my time away (in the land of beer) I couldn't think of any better place to be than here.

Relaxed, spacious, prosperous (family-wise), and a great beer drinking climate...

WJ (happy to be drinking great beer at home)
There's lots to like about Australia and being Australian. It's hard to express without sounding self-serving and nationalistic.

The thing that never ceases to amaze me is the ingenuity we show as a nation. In the context of brewing, look at the NoChill and BIAB concepts. Whether you like them as processes or not, you have to agree that they are examples of people being prepared to look outside the box and demonstrate an ingenuity that is not commonly found in other countries.

Others have and will express concepts related to mateship, friendship and acceptance, freedom of speech and beer temperature. I believe that when it comes to innovation and *appropriate development* (meaning that we find solutions that are appropriate for the problems we are looking to solve), we really are second to none.

And, we are the origin of great beers such as Fosters Lager, Emu Bitter and XXX. Is that not enough? :icon_drool2:
Great country Australia...Build house's amd stuff. (chippy joke)

The castle, that movie, thats the one. A mans house is his home. Even if he dosn't own his house its still his home.

We dont realise how good we have it compared to some countrys i think.
And it can only get better with my great anti-worker, pro big buisness friend 'Mr Howard' gone. (sorry for expressing my unionist views, but I stand by them.)
(sorry for expressing my unionist views, but I stand by them.)

Normally don't talk politics rough but as a retired tradesman, good riddance to WorkChoices which came about from selfish people not wanting to join a Union but wanting to reap the benefits of past union members sacrifices.

United we stand -- divided we fall.
And that's fair dinkum.

TP :beer:
Yes politics,

Thats again something that makes Australia so cool, we have the right to express our own views and not be forced to make some one else's decisions, lets just hope the unions don't try and make our frigin decisions again!!!! No disrespect just being the Aussie bugger I am and putting my two bob in.... Ohh and bitter beer is also a great thing about being an aussie!!! Rough60 thanks again for the advice the other day!
too true Spills.....

Enginuity is our specialty.

Hell...... I spread concentrated yeast extract on my and my kids toast :)

Hmmmmm if i taky my yeast cake and boil it down gently... can i make vegimite?

waste not want not !

Should have explained about the view in summer, meaning eye candy. But of course Petes club has a great view as in outlook and is a much better surf club. Feel better dear.

Too bloody right Screwcap! As an ex member of the Qld Board of Examiners & a 46 year-old member of my local surf club I felt that your local surf club (which you probably know nothing about anyway) , does not have the views you ramble on about. So get real & stop bullshitting. :p


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