How Good Is It To Be Australian

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Sorry to put a dampener on it, but this thread actually only serves to illustrate one of the worst things about being Australian. Every country has its good points and its bad points. Often the biggest strengths are also the greatest weaknesses and vice versa. Our greatest weakness is that we have so much going for us that it blinds us to what we need to do better and leads to the attitudes expressed in this thread: self-satisfied, complacent, jingoistic, insular, full of ourselves.

How good is it to be Australian? It's great, but it is just so wrong to be smug about it because we also have a lot that is not great and there are plenty of places that have things going for them that we don't. You might as well say "How good is to be an Earthling?"

Note: I also see it as my duty that since this is a Pub discussion, there has to be at least one dissenting view to ad a bit of spice to proceedings and help the time go by. Make mine with sauce, mate.
These indexes are highly controversial- how do you really judge a country on that vast a basis, let alone put them in a list?

That was my point, two lists, two different sets of results, it would be obviously hard to put a quantitative value on healthcare, climate, democracy, etc
Sorry to put a dampener on it, but this thread actually only serves to illustrate one of the worst things about being Australian. Every country has its good points and its bad points. Often the biggest strengths are also the greatest weaknesses and vice versa. Our greatest weakness is that we have so much going for us that it blinds us to what we need to do better and leads to the attitudes expressed in this thread: self-satisfied, complacent, jingoistic, insular, full of ourselves.

How good is it to be Australian? It's great, but it is just so wrong to be smug about it because we also have a lot that is not great and there are plenty of places that have things going for them that we don't. You might as well say "How good is to be an Earthling?"

Note: I also see it as my duty that since this is a Pub discussion, there has to be at least one dissenting view to ad a bit of spice to proceedings and help the time go by. Make mine with sauce, mate.

Of course there is factors of any society that need improvement/correcting try this for instance, but I think the idea of the thread is to acknowledge what is good about Australia, not what is wrong with it. I don't think there is anything wrong with being proud of the fact we live in Australia, but we definitely should avoid going down the path of the '4th o' july, mom's apple pie' route. Thats my take on it anyway ;)
As an amazingly patriotic Kiwi, who landed here 10 years ago on a contract (fully intending on using Sydney as a stepping stone into Europe), I must say that it's a pretty good place to be. I think you need to get perspective by living elsewhere and then comparing them to what you have - luckily I have only ever lived in AU / NZ, London and in parts of Asia.

You really get a good ability to appreciate the laid back aspects of life in Australia and the fact that things just arn't too difficult. I need to live somewhere else rather than Sydney to really get a handle on this, but it's a really EASY life, which is fulfilling and enjoyable.

Plus I think you get aclimatised to your sphere of reference - ie.. the awesome Sundays spent in the pool, with BBQ, freinds, Family and beer is thought of in the same manner as someone in London who goes to watch their home football team win, then goes to have a couple of pints, then a lamb roast - they are all just the ways that we enjoy life, within parameters that are available to us. Therefore, those abilities and attributes are not necessarily better than other places, just different.

Waffle, Waffle. Life's good in Oz in Summer. Agreed!
How good is it to be Australian? It's great, but it is just so wrong to be smug about it because we also have a lot that is not great and there are plenty of places that have things going for them that we don't. You might as well say "How good is to be an Earthling?"

I like being smug. It takes all kinds of people to populate the earth, so I'm sure God said something like .. Australia .. we'll put those smug bastards down there out of the way. Then the angels said what about the Australians who don't want to be smug, so he broke a few bits off and made New Zealand.

And when they prove there is extraterrestial life, then we'll start the thread on who good it is to be an Earthling.

Enjoy Tokyo and tell them to stop whaling.
My two cents here, but...

according to people's own admissions, some of our forum posters are not "legal" Aussies. Soooo, does that mean that they should not be allowed to become/remain members of this Aussiehomebrewer collective?

I thought not... I can't think of anyone I'd like to exclude anyway :beer:

Is anyone likely to create an anytime soon, and can our native Australians claim rights to the website we're currently on?

I hope not, and like to believe that most Aussies are forgiving people and can get over any issue with a few beers (and the occasional "blue").

Anyway, back to work (not the beach). Lunch is over now, and it's been great just spending time with youse blokes (male, female and gender-confused).

Beerz :D
I love Australia

I arrived in 1992 from the grim/grey/damp/cold North of England. Applied for permanent residency, once I had that I was given a date that I could apply for citizenship. Obviously I applied asap and was granted. One of the proudest days of my life I will have you know. Yes, not everything is rosy i.e. only now am I in a position to buy a house after 15 years. But compared to England we have got it lucky. I will never forget the first week in Australia. I went to Woolies. We were having a BBQ. I nearly dropped dead on the spot when I saw the steak selection and the cost of it. My trolly had buckled wheels it was that full. In England we only ever had steak if it was a celebration like a birthday and even then that was only ever in a restaurant. That is just one of hundreds of examples I have come across. Ive lived in Cairns, Brisbane and Canberra, have travelled to every coast and admired its beauty, met the nicest, most generous, down to earth people ive ever come across. Anyway, I could go on for hours explaining "how good is it to be Australian". We are very lucky and shouldnt take it for granted. I wish I had a pool though!!!! Got to slip in one whinge for a pom eh?

Cheers :beer:
Enjoy Tokyo and tell them to stop whaling.

:lol: yes, I do both those things.

Actually, I was also going to make the point that I only had a whinge because I am bitter about you bastards gloating about lazing around the pool and BBQ in summer while I am freezing my acorns off with the only consolations being Japanese food, hot baths, and being packed onto the train with office ladies in short skirts, tall boots and fish net stockings.
I work with a Irish guy who emailed his family after moving here and saying the only thing you really need to know about Australia is that the pre-school fete has a beer tent.
:lol: yes, I do both those things.

Actually, I was also going to make the point that I only had a whinge because I am bitter about you bastards gloating about lazing around the pool and BBQ in summer while I am freezing my acorns off with the only consolations being Japanese food, hot baths, and being packed onto the train with office ladies in short skirts, tall boots and fish net stockings.

tough being an ex-pat.

I had a Japanese exchange student spend a few months with us two years ago. She wouldn't touch Vegemite but happily smothered wasabi on everything. Strange people those Japanese. Actually her highlight was the kangaroos that regularly hop past my front door (next to a reserve). She sat there every morning waiting for them. Strange people !!!
I work with a Irish guy who emailed his family after moving here and saying the only thing you really need to know about Australia is that the pre-school fete has a beer tent.

GOLD... :lol:

Yep....right next to the sausage sizzle tent. :D
...and tell them to stop whaling.

And go here ( to sign a petition showing your support for the cessation of whaling.
A large number of Qld Brewerhood mailing list members have already, so get on there and show your support.
Sorry to put a dampener on it, but this thread actually only serves to illustrate one of the worst things about being Australian. Every country has its good points and its bad points. Often the biggest strengths are also the greatest weaknesses and vice versa. Our greatest weakness is that we have so much going for us that it blinds us to what we need to do better and leads to the attitudes expressed in this thread: self-satisfied, complacent, jingoistic, insular, full of ourselves.

How good is it to be Australian? It's great, but it is just so wrong to be smug about it because we also have a lot that is not great and there are plenty of places that have things going for them that we don't. You might as well say "How good is to be an Earthling?"

Note: I also see it as my duty that since this is a Pub discussion, there has to be at least one dissenting view to ad a bit of spice to proceedings and help the time go by. Make mine with sauce, mate.

who let this bloke in?

hahaha just kidding. everyone knows australia isnt perfect mate but hell if you cant enjoy it and be a bit patriotic about it then.....
And go here ( to sign a petition showing your support for the cessation of whaling.
A large number of Qld Brewerhood mailing list members have already, so get on there and show your support.

Sign the petition.... It's Aussie to stick up for your mates when they're in a fix!
I remember back to when I was about 12 years old & my parents went on a holiday overseas to England, Europe, Spain

etc for a few weeks. When we went to pick them up off the plane, the first thing my father said to me was "dont ever let

anyone tell you we dont live in the best Country". Didn't mean to much to me back then, but now having grown up & kids

of my own & having gone overseas a few times myself, I now know exactly what he ment.
Well it used to be good but now that you cant say PHAT

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