If you batch sparge properly it should not matter how fast you draw off your wort, the only restriction is your system ie your manifold and your crush. By batch sparging I am talking about adding sparge water then giving the mash a good stir to release sugars from the grain, if you are not stiring the mash then you are doing some kind of hybrid batch-fly sparge and not realising your full potential efficiency. Batch sparging is all about stiring the mash. So your only restriction is with the crush you have, how fast can you draw the wort off without compacting the bed and getting a stuck sparge. If you are anal about having perfectly clear wort going into the kettle then you are going to be recirculating for a few minutes but then you should be able to draw your wort off as fast as your system allows without getting a stuck sparge. Brewers with well designed manifolds should be able to draw off quickly, 12L in 5 mins or so.