How Clean Is Clean Enough?

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Ringwood, Melbourne
Hello out there all who are striving for amber excellence..

Question: Ive left all my equipment overnight steralising and have rinsed it all off I feel quite thouroughly and am leaving it all to dry in the sun in the backyard, is there any danger in this.. I even have a little steam jet thingy I use for all the threads and tap etc.

Tips n Hints appreciated.

Cheers :icon_drunk:
As long as you rinse & sanitise it after it's been outside I don't see a problem. Alot of brewers sit their fermenter in the sun to get rid of any odours that may have leeched into the plastic. If the only reason your sitting it outside is so it can dry, I wouldn't bother.
Basically clean everything (no visible crap including inside taps, rings etc), rinse, sanitise according to whatever instructions you have, rinse if required, then use. UV supposedly can sanitise but generally I just sanitise immediately before use.
IMMEDIATELY after bottling I hose out the gunk. Then I clean with unscented bleach and give it a dose of sun.

Then just before making up the new brew I wash out with hot water and sterile cloth, (Two minutes in the microwave for the cloth... 1 minute will do according to Dr. Karl.)
I finish the process off with a spray of no rinse sanitiser such as "Morgan's Sanitize". Drain onto a clean tea towel whilst I'm doing my boil.
Worked so far.

IWhen I did my first brews I was the same as you paranoide I wasn't sanitising enough.
Best thing eer is Starsan no rinse sanitiser.
fairly cheap when you condider it is about 5 ml in 3 lires of water .
I just mix 3 litres and fill a spray bottle rest goes in the fermenter and leave it in ther while I am brewing and shake it from time to time .
Empty when I am ready to fill the fermenter .
Spray bottle handy for all you utensils and bits and pieces along the way.
When I started off I used ordinary washing up liquid for washing fermenters and plain bleach for all my sanitising of fermenters, bottles and bits. However after a lot of unnecessary rinsing and elbow grease I eventually settled on my two mainstay products: Sodium Percarbonate and Starsan.
Sodium Percarbonate is the main ingredient of oxygen bleaches and Napisan, and it will eat just about any crud such as yeast rings and 'spots' inside bottles. Cheap ALDI nappy san unscented is about 30 % but you can buy the pure Sodium Percarbonate. I bought 10k in a local bulk buy and I reckon it will last me for years.
Starsan is AFAIK based on phosphates so any residue also acts as a good yeast nutrient, it's no-rinse and doesn't leave any off flavours. Once I have dissolved any crud using the Sodium Percarbonate, I then use Starsan for absolutely everything else, fermenters, kegs, bottling, flushing beer lines.
+1 for Perc and Starsan Bribie, really can't beat them as a combo.

And for dustiness? Ibuprofen + codeine !! B)
I am currently using brewshield to spray everything. Once it is all used up though i am going to Starsan. Better value for money!
When I started off I used ordinary washing up liquid for washing fermenters and plain bleach for all my sanitising of fermenters, bottles and bits. However after a lot of unnecessary rinsing and elbow grease I eventually settled on my two mainstay products: Sodium Percarbonate and Starsan.
Sodium Percarbonate is the main ingredient of oxygen bleaches and Napisan, and it will eat just about any crud such as yeast rings and 'spots' inside bottles. Cheap ALDI nappy san unscented is about 30 % but you can buy the pure Sodium Percarbonate. I bought 10k in a local bulk buy and I reckon it will last me for years.
Starsan is AFAIK based on phosphates so any residue also acts as a good yeast nutrient, it's no-rinse and doesn't leave any off flavours. Once I have dissolved any crud using the Sodium Percarbonate, I then use Starsan for absolutely everything else, fermenters, kegs, bottling, flushing beer lines.

Where did ya get the Sodium Percarbonate? I would rather use pure than napisan altough with a 3 month old and a 2 year old i can tell you i have it on hand.
Where did ya get the Sodium Percarbonate? I would rather use pure than napisan altough with a 3 month old and a 2 year old i can tell you i have it on hand.

Sully organised the buy, a few months ago - it was just a local 'pick up' job in Brisbane, but if you PM him I'm sure he can recommend a supplier. I honestly don't know where you can get just a kilo or two. I expect catering supply companies could be an option as well.
When I started off I used ordinary washing up liquid for washing fermenters and plain bleach for all my sanitising of fermenters, bottles and bits. However after a lot of unnecessary rinsing and elbow grease I eventually settled on my two mainstay products: Sodium Percarbonate and Starsan.
Sodium Percarbonate is the main ingredient of oxygen bleaches and Napisan, and it will eat just about any crud such as yeast rings and 'spots' inside bottles. Cheap ALDI nappy san unscented is about 30 % but you can buy the pure Sodium Percarbonate. I bought 10k in a local bulk buy and I reckon it will last me for years.
Starsan is AFAIK based on phosphates so any residue also acts as a good yeast nutrient, it's no-rinse and doesn't leave any off flavours. Once I have dissolved any crud using the Sodium Percarbonate, I then use Starsan for absolutely everything else, fermenters, kegs, bottling, flushing beer lines.

really helpful Cheers

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