Hop Tea As A Drink

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I've recently started home brewing, and have come to realise I really like hoppier beers.

Then I read apparently some people drink hops on its own as a tea.

Anyone tried it?

Any tips, e.g. type of hops, ratio of hops to water, boiling temp, how long to steep, etc?

I've thought about this myself from a medicinal angle (I'm crap at sleeping) and hops have been used in the past as a natural seditive. I mean you only have to look what happened to poor old Ben Cousins to see the pitfalls of those nasty pharmacy brand sleeping pills...

I've got a whole bunch of semi used hops sitting in the fridge at the moment so I might give it a whirl.

Although, more likley they'll end up in an IPA..
I have done this before and the results were less than spectacular.
For a single cup of tea, 1 hop pellet steeped for 5-10 mins is WAAAAYYY to much bittering. the amount of hop you would need would be minuscule.

The tea was also insanely bitter, and not that pleasant to drink. I could see it as an addition to a fruit eg (lemon and orange) tea having some potential.

Let us know how you get along.
Anyone tried it in cold water to avoid the bitterness?
I've thought about this myself from a medicinal angle (I'm crap at sleeping) and hops have been used in the past as a natural seditive. I mean you only have to look what happened to poor old Ben Cousins to see the pitfalls of those nasty pharmacy brand sleeping pills...

I've got a whole bunch of semi used hops sitting in the fridge at the moment so I might give it a whirl.

Although, more likley they'll end up in an IPA..

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