Hop Rhizomes For Sale

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Hey Nick,

What would you suggest is a fair price for a bag of Weyermann pils malt. $50? $45? $75? $100?


$64..... :ph34r:

Honestly Darren, i don't know. Being in retail sales myself, a product is worth what someone is willing to pay for it.

Not arguing that it would be lovely and jolly for everyone in Aus to pay the same as those in the US and Europe for malt. But the fact is, there is considerable shipping and taxes added in getting those imported malts to our shores. And let's face it, if you want cheap malt, go and grab some BB malts for $44/bag. They are great, and I personally use BB Ale and BB Galaxy in the majority of my beers. In fact, you will find that these malts recently had a price DROP!

But if you must persist, please tell me why all Aussie retailers are selling sacks of malt at approximately the same price, and how this is in fact one retailer controlling the market (as you have stated in the past). Remember, I have worked for a micro (albeit quite briefly), but do know what they were paying for Aussie malts (Joe White).... Believe me, the prices were not far off what we pay minus GST (per pallet, similar to the bulk buys that some of us are involved in, as there is always some markup on single items in any industry)

Thanks Gilbrew, Received my rhizome in the post today. Straight into the fridge until I find a good spot in the garden for it!

Just found this which should be of use to those looking to plant rhizomes, once conditions are better.


Edit: And another one...


Seeing as though you can source rhizomes and cuttings for free, can you grab me a cascade, galaxy and saaz rhizome when you come across them. Also get me a.........

I'm not a retailer, just a home brewer who has been growing 4 varieties of hops for my own beers for 6 years.

When the demand increased with the hop shortage of the last few years, my supply was good.

Demand + supply = happy hop growers!

Happy to give you some free rhizomes for $20.

just sent a message gilbrew if you have any chinook left I would be keen.
For many years now rhizomes and cuttings amongst HBers have been free.

Jeebus Darren! Just because some people give away hop rhizomes for free, doesn't mean that everyone has to do it. I'm a gardener (although I don't grow hops) and I know the cost of fertiliser and pesticides, not to mention the time and care it takes to grow things. People on ebay are flogging them for $50-60, yet gilbrew is selling them on here for $20! He could make a killing on ebay so it seems, but he chooses not to. $20 seems cheap to me.

Just because you think hop rhizomes should be given away for free, doesn't mean it should be so. I'm selling my kegging fridge and a lagering fridge - should I be forced to give these away for free because of the brewers code of ethics? I'm going to sell them because of the time and money I've invested in them. And while I'm there, could you send me some grain - I heard you give it away to homebrewers for free?
Yes Darren , please remove your hand .
If we are willing to pay $xx for a hop rhizome then who are you to say its wrong.

Oh, yeah, I forgot :ph34r:
$20 is a decent price to pay for a hop rhizome , think about what youd pay for any type of plant at a nursery , given that some varities of rhizomes have reached $75 + on ebay last year i dont think asking $20 is unreasonable at all , ive been given some myself and have given some to friends , however in future if its a possibility i too may offer them for sale at a reasonable cost to fellow brewers , this is just darren doing his usual rant to try and burn other people and create a fuss..
well done gilbrew for the effort to get these out to guys who are willing to pay your asking price ,,,
Gilbrew is the same brewer who advertised free hop flowers on here not so long ago. I also understand he's been throwing in extra flowers and rhizomes with his $20 packages. People sell things all the time.

Maybe Darren is thinking of DMT?

Whatever it is you're thinking of maybe suck it up? Some people are happy to pay $20 to grow therir own in future (possibly paying for itself by first harvest). Next time you're giving away ANYTHING for free or selling at prices well below everyone else please be sure to let us know.

for those of you still lookin for zomes ive just dug up my columbus today and have got 4 nice root cuttings that ill have up for grabs very soon , will dig up the rest of the plants before i make a post so keep your eyes peeled for them ...
Just spent the morning in the garden digging up 4 of my 7 hops, man how they take over and spread think i'll have build an underground a fence around them this winter.<br><br>anyway back on topic, I've got a perle rhizome that i've just split, i'm looking to swap for German noble type (prefer aromatic) of comparable size. I already have tettnanager, hersbruker, halluertau. The Hersbruker may be splitable also, haven't got to it yet.

Edit picture missing
yeah i was surprised just how much they had grown underground...
For many years now rhizomes and cuttings amongst HBers have been free.

I agree with you Darren. I happily cut up my rhizomes, as have many other HB'ers I know, and distributed for those who where keen to grow their own.

Each to their own though I guess.
I agree with you Darren. I happily cut up my rhizomes, as have many other HB'ers I know, and distributed for those who where keen to grow their own.

Each to their own though I guess.

Gilbrew's been pretty generous in the past. People may have different ways of doing things but why come into a thread where receivers seem fairly happy just to antagonise?

I'm talking more about Darren than yourself - you were simply agreeing with his comment. I haven't been around for ages but I don't see a whole lot of giving coming from his end.

If he's been the silent home brewers' philanthropist over many years, I'll be the first to apologise.


Have a look at the picture in post 56. The rhizome, which I was just reminded by my wife, took over our vegetable garden when I was growing hops.

We had to cut it back, both on top of the surface (vines), and beneath the surface (rhizomes).

When we did, I offered the rhizomes to fellow brewers in my region, many took up that offer to grow their own. If not, I was simply dumping them.

I thought this was a good offer to my fellow brewers, and friends.

As noted, each to their own.

Have a look at the picture in post 56. The rhizome, which I was just reminded by my wife, took over our vegetable garden when I was growing hops.

We had to cut it back, both on top of the surface (vines), and beneath the surface (rhizomes).

When we did, I offered the rhizomes to fellow brewers in my region, many took up that offer to grow their own. If not, I was simply dumping them.

I thought this was a good offer to my fellow brewers, and friends.

As noted, each to their own.

I agree with you and if I had my own I would probably be more than happy to offer to local brewers at no cost. Packaging and posting might be a bigger ask.

However I don't hold any judgements against people selling things for reasonable costs and have found most of Darren's posts (not yours) to be deliberately antagonistsic with little proffered alternative to back them up.

I would give away many things for free but that doesn't give me the right to expect everybody else to do so.

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