Hey Nick,
What would you suggest is a fair price for a bag of Weyermann pils malt. $50? $45? $75? $100?
Happy to give you some free rhizomes for $20.
For many years now rhizomes and cuttings amongst HBers have been free.
For many years now rhizomes and cuttings amongst HBers have been free.
I agree with you Darren. I happily cut up my rhizomes, as have many other HB'ers I know, and distributed for those who where keen to grow their own.
Each to their own though I guess.
Have a look at the picture in post 56. The rhizome, which I was just reminded by my wife, took over our vegetable garden when I was growing hops.
We had to cut it back, both on top of the surface (vines), and beneath the surface (rhizomes).
When we did, I offered the rhizomes to fellow brewers in my region, many took up that offer to grow their own. If not, I was simply dumping them.
I thought this was a good offer to my fellow brewers, and friends.
As noted, each to their own.