Use gladwrap instead of the airlock and how many more could you fit in the fermenting fridge?
Use gladwrap instead of the airlock and how many more could you fit in the fermenting fridge?
I know what you mean! I saw Coopers stout cans on sale at Coles yesterday for $4.50 each. My fermenting fridge is going be tied up for the next 8 weeks with a pilsner, im wondering if I can pull off your toucan stout on the kitchen floor in a cube as soon as the weather cools off....
It took me 9 months to finish that last batch! Evil stuff indeed, but oh so tasty
The reasons for this have been covered pretty successfully by others already.
then they pass on to another topic, unless they make the mistake of asking further about how all grain brewing works and i go into enzymes and yeast metabolism and stuff.
That's Gold :beerbang:<funny pic>
Why? I bet you used to have your prefferances when it came to mega swill. I know I did (and still do)
Fair call, but wanted to throw my useless 2c in the ring for the hell of it. :lol:
Do agree with the sentiments about the 'one can of goo + 3 kilo sugar + high temp brewer' giving us all a bad name.
But if there is justice, they will be severely punished with bottle bombs, flying glass and spilt beer so it's all karma h34r: !!!