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Hi i am new to doing home brews my 1st brew that came with the kit i bought turned out great but my last 2 attempts have failed the first failed brew was a tooheys extra dry morgans recipe kit Australian lagar 1kg booster blend 12g pride of ringwood it started fermenting about 2 days after mixing and went for about 6 hours then stopped i used the hydrometer on the 5th day and was around 1040 waited another 4 days with no change when i opened it up was a real off fruity smell so i discarded it, the 2nd failed mix was corona morgans recipe kit canadian light 1kg dry body blend 12g supa alpha and i got the same result as the 2nd failed one. these are the instructions i been following any idea what im doing wrong?
1. place can in hot water for 15mins to soften
2. boil 2ltrs of water and pour contents of can into fermenter
3. add the hot water
4. add dextrose or suger mallt blend stir well to dissolve
5. pour cold water into fermenter to bring contents upto 19ltrs check temp add 4ltrs of hot or cold water as req bringing temp to between 20 & 25
6. sprinkle the yeast on the surface and stir attach lid with airlock half filled with water

temp of brew been keeping at around 18-20
i have posted this on another forum but got flamed for being stupid i am new and just want the help seems what you're doing is essentially correct. I can only wonder about sanitation - what did you do to clean your fermenter after the first brew and between the two dud brews? Please be as detailed as you can. Only thing is I'm not sure that'd explain why they weren't fermenting. More info is needed here, methinks.

When you say the temp is 18-20C (which is good) is that peak temps and maybe a lot cooler at night?
Welcome RockyAU :D

If you get flamed here, it's just people having a laugh at your expense ... consider it a bit like an initiation ;)

Anyone who flames you, look up their first ever post and you'll see they probably started out just as stoopid... patience and persistence works with brewing and with fora.

How did you clean your equipment? (i mean your brewing equipment, not your family jewels).
It has to be absolutely clean and sanitised.

Another possibliity is that you're using crappy kit yeast... don't ever use it again, buy a decent yeast suitable for the style of beer you're brewing from your local homebrew shop (LHBS) and you'll have much more success.

Don't give up, most people start out badly, which makes the improvement even more fun. seems what you're doing is essentially correct. I can only wonder about sanitation - what did you do to clean your fermenter after the first brew and between the two dud brews? Please be as detailed as you can. Only thing is I'm not sure that'd explain why they weren't fermenting. More info is needed here, methinks.

When you say the temp is 18-20C (which is good) is that peak temps and maybe a lot cooler at night?

I used dishwashing liquid to clean, rinsed real well then used Tooheys no rinse steriliser that came with the kit.
The temp may of dropped a few degrees late at night but every time i checked was around 18-20 i am just worried i dont wanna go and waste another $40 worth of stuff for a mix and it end up messed up if i am doing something wrong. I have been useing the yeast that comes with the cans.
The yeast wig the kit might've bn out of date!

As with bakin yeast, bring some water to a boil and the. Cool it ~20-25 C. Add yeast and after a few minutes, drop a pinch of sugar (caster is easy to use) in and the yeast should leap for it like hungry dogs. If it's sitting around and not foaming up a bit then the yeast might be dead and you need another sache of yeast.
sounds like your doing it right. the yeast may have been a dud. one the easiest ways to improve a kit beer is get good yeast, fermentis US-05 or S04 are good alrounders and you can almost use them for all styles. another thing that comes to mind is the temp you pitched the yeast at, and also the temp the yeast you were pitching was at. Ideally the yeast should be the same temp as the wort your pitching it into (but -/+10c is acceptable) anything over that and the yeast get to shocked.
I used dishwashing liquid to clean, rinsed real well then used Tooheys no rinse steriliser that came with the kit.
The temp may of dropped a few degrees late at night but every time i checked was around 18-20 i am just worried i dont wanna go and waste another $40 worth of stuff for a mix and it end up messed up if i am doing something wrong. I have been useing the yeast that comes with the cans.

Welcome to the forums from one noob to another.

I have to ask, did you santise EVERYTHING that touched your wort? By that I mean EVERYTHING including the can opener you used to open the tin of goo? scissors for opening packets, the tap of your fermenter everything? This is the MOST important part of making homebrew beer. I'm only on my second brew and I am absolutely paranoid about sanitation, everything gets a squirt of sanitiser before I attempt to do anything.

After that fact, your kit yeast might have died an old aged death. as suggested.
Oh also I wouldnt clean with dishwashing liquid, the easiest way to clean a fermenter is get cheap nappy soaker (nappy san) but can be no brand as long as its unscented. I just dump about 2 caps in the bottom fill the fermenter to the brim and leave over night you come back the next day all the crud is gone and to be sure drain 3/4 put the lid on shake it then tip the rest rinse 3 times shaking it till all the foam is gone (no need to wash just sanitise unless there is visable signs of crap). You are best off taking your tap off and putting the bug in there and put the tap in the fermenter to soak.

also any bottles drunk that night rinse straight away shaking (do this twice) then drown them in the fermenter so they sink. next day or when you get around rinse 3 times shaking them and there all clean and right to sanitse. to easy! I always have a fermenter, pot, bucket with napi san in so i can dump botlles into makes bottle day so much quicker as no need to clean them.
Dunno, guys. It seems pretty weird that two yeasts in a row, from different manufacturers, are properly shitful. Nor would it really explain why the yeast seemed to work fine for a bit then stop at 1040 (yes, I understand we're probably talking about airlock activity).

Did you get the second two kits from the same shop you got the first one, Rocky?
Welcome to AHB RockyAu!,

First of all, don't use dishwashing liquid to 'clean' your fermenter...dishwashing liquid has no sterilising qualities, it only has the ability to break down grease and other dirts (where nasties might be living) but relies upon the water for it's true cleaning properties. I can only think that your problem is related to infection. It's true those kit yeasts aren't the best, but I think if you give yeast food, they will generally always start fermenting!

Be sure to buy some sanitising powder from wherever you get your supplies, and allow your fermenter to soak in it for a day, allowing the sanitiser to reach into any crevices and scratches where bacteria might be hiding. A lot of people also use bleach (non-scented) diluted with water and allow to stand for a while...this will kill most things, then a rinse or 2 with boiled water and it should be sweet. Also make sure that after that lid goes on the fermenter, don't put anything in the fermenter which isn't completely sanitised first and there really shouldn't be any need to open the lid until the ferment is complete (unless you don't have a tap on the fermenter and need to get a sample.

If you keep those temps right (like you are) and use the cleanest of all clean equipment, you will get in a very good habit, and hopefully never have to deal with these things again. I'd also suggest for you next brew, to just buy a coopers draught tin or whatever you like, 1kg of the brew enhancer and leave it at that. It will only put you back about $17 and that way you will have a beer which will probably be close in style to what you are looking for right now, without the $40 cost of those pre-made packs. At least if you still have the problem again it will only be $17 wasted.

Good luck mate!

P.S Don't be afraid to ask questions on here! most of us won't bite, but before asking a question, have a quick search on the web and see if your question has been asked and answered before...chances are it has been.
also any bottles drunk that night rinse straight away shaking (do this twice) then drown them in the fermenter so they sink. next day or when you get around rinse 3 times shaking them and there all clean and right to sanitse. to easy! I always have a fermenter, pot, bucket with napi san in so i can dump botlles into makes bottle day so much quicker as no need to clean them.
Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Rocky doesn't seem like he's sure he wants to do another brew at all - let's see if someone can help him work this out before we over complicate things.
Dunno, guys. It seems pretty weird that two yeasts in a row, from different manufacturers, are properly shitful. Nor would it really explain why the yeast seemed to work fine for a bit then stop at 1040 (yes, I understand we're probably talking about airlock activity).

Did you get the second two kits from the same shop you got the first one, Rocky?

the first one was a complete kit fermenter etc from kmart then decided i wanted to make beer more to my taste so been going to a brew shop for the last 2 that did not work still have the empty cans not out of date or anything or the yeast like i said i did the reading and was at 1040 when the airlock stopped and checked again 4 days later still the same reading. And thankyou everyone for the welcome.
I know it might feel like a backwards step but give everything a good soak (not in dishwashing liquid, as mentioned) and grab a kit from Big W or similar and a box of BE2 and see how it goes. Could be bugs in the LHBS's brew mix stuff or something. This still isn't making a great deal of sense to me yet.

I don't suppose you could explain in what way these beers smelled "rank"? I'm wondering if it might not be an infection at all, just some smell you didn't like? Don't suppose you tasted it at all?
Perhaps your LHBS (Local Home Brew Shop) did not take care of the cans? I'm not sure...

If the kit yeast were to sit in the sun for a few hours would it affect them? I'm not sure if thos kit yeasts are that fragile...they would ferment through anything.
Not to be negative of brewshops, but for some of them, the kits move really slow. Those cans (and the yeast under) can be in the un-air-conditioned shop forever b4 u buy. The can itself might be just fine (within expiry u said...) but the yeast might've black eyes and STDs fromthe rough treatment.

Edit: bazinga yeast! lol
Just to add a few more things to try without recapping. Grab some no rinse sanitiser and chuck it in a spray bottle and spray everything as it comes into/will come into contact with the wort. Dont give up and be patient its normally something so minor you'll kick yourself later.
I know it might feel like a backwards step but give everything a good soak (not in dishwashing liquid, as mentioned) and grab a kit from Big W or similar and a box of BE2 and see how it goes. Could be bugs in the LHBS's brew mix stuff or something. This still isn't making a great deal of sense to me yet.

I don't suppose you could explain in what way these beers smelled "rank"? I'm wondering if it might not be an infection at all, just some smell you didn't like? Don't suppose you tasted it at all?

Was not game enough to taste smelt like rotten fruit real sweet off smell, guys on the other forum said never discard your brew should of left for upto a monthbut the lhbs said roughly a week and after its done 1000-1010 put the finning in and leave for another week then bottle. I have 2 fermenters 1 was given to me a few days ago going to try the corona mix again over the weekend and will also grab a kit from kmart or something and try that in the 2nd fermenter. I was spewing they did not turn out i had to drink 7 cartons of coronas over the last 2 weeks so i would have enough bottles lol
did you have the fermenter in a dark place? When I started I made the mistake of having the Fermenter on my kitchen benchtop, I had a couple of brews suddenly stop, after moving into very dark garage all been fine.

Nappysan, the cheap no name stuff is all i use, I tgo over the top and put 4-6 capfulls into the fermenter with very hot water, straight from hot water system almost boiling. fill to the brim and leave for a couple of days. sometimes I leave em for a week if i can't get to LHBS. never had an infection since.

how are you getting the "cold" water? is it in a jug, or straight from the tap?
welcome to brewing mate

from the info you have given my 2c is that its gotta be sanitation considering your first brew was fine then the 2 after are duds id say get yourself 2 things 1 is a sodium percarbonate cleaner (napi san uncented) but you can also get it pretty cheap at your home brew store and soak the gear in it over night 2nd is a acid based sterilizer like iodophor or star san again from your local brew store the sodium will 'clean' your gear the acid will 'sterilise' the 2 i mentioned will give you a hospital grade sanitation level if used correctly

+1 for getting a cheap ass kit to test your next batch
i know it seams like a lot of time wasted now but hang in there bud you will be glad you did
Was not game enough to taste smelt like rotten fruit real sweet off smell,
Hmmm...I hate to say this, Rocky. That might not have been an infection. If you had to say one way or another would you say it was a bit like apples at all? If it happens again on the next one just ride it out and see what happens.

the lhbs said roughly a week and after its done 1000-1010 put the finning in and leave for another week then bottle.
This doesn't sound like terrible advice to me. Of course there can merit in leaving it a little longer but certainly nothing to flame people over - especially not for a second brew.

I was spewing they did not turn out i had to drink 7 cartons of coronas over the last 2 weeks so i would have enough bottles lol
Just make sure you keep these bottles in the dark once they've got your beer in them. Beer doesn't really like direct light - causes what is known as "light strike" or "skunking". I'm sure you can tell that you don't want any skunked beer.

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