Help Converting Ag To Extract - Christmas Mint Stout

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Hey Guys,

I wanted to make a christmas beer this year and stumbled across this recipe on I wondered if anyone would be able to help me convert it to a extract recipe.

6 Gallon batch:
11 lbs 2-row
1 lb roast barley
1 lb barley flakes
1 oz. columbus whole hops (60 min boil)
Wyeast 1728 Scottish Ale
8 oz semi-sweet baker's chocolate (added near end of boil)
3-4 oz (roughly) fresh mint leaves in secondary

I dont know where youre from but in Australia we use metric, posting in same is just basic good manners.

Unless you convert it to at least a partial-mash I reckon you will have to omit the Barley Flakes, I might be wrong though. Then, for a partial, you would replace a third to a half or so of the 2-row with extract and mash the rest.
Otherwise just leave out the flakes and replace all the 2-row with enough LDME or LME to achieve an OG of around 1.056, not sure. Just having a stab in the dark.
Are you already familiar with grain steeping?
What method and gear was you going to use? There's not a lot more involved between a partial and extract brew.
I dont know where youre from but in Australia we use metric, posting in same is just basic good manners.

Having lived in Australia for 10 years i do know you use metric. I was needing help with the Grain to extract part. Once i know what is what then i can convert imperial to metric.
Having lived in Australia for 10 years i do know you use metric. I was needing help with the Grain to extract part. Once i know what is what then i can convert imperial to metric.

Just wack all the ingredients into a brewing software and play around with the numbers and ingredients until it all matches. Try Brewmate, it's free and has metric/imperial , just google it to download.
Cheers for the replies. Will have a go with beermate and beersmith and see what happens. Cheers