Punish the workers who hold down two or sometimes three part time jobs.
Take extra tax from them & give it to the Junkie's that go to the beach all day, smoke bongs in the afternoon
& drink piss all night. Get up around 10am & repeat the process.
We receive a fortnightly supplement income from Centrelink as my wife works 12hrs per week, permanent part time & I work casual,
28-30hrs per week. The welfare system is so screwed up that when I took on a second job as a mail contractor on a postie bike,
we lost our health care card, I could only get the tax free threshold from the one employer & Centrelink took $120.00 per fortnight
off us as our combined gross was just under $50,000.00 per year. This sends a very clear message that by getting off your arse & working harder,
you will be hammered for having a go. I will never work full time again to receive less money, it's frigging ridiculous. I have never been unemployed & have been offered
a full time job only two weeks ago & I did the math, & we are worse off taking on the full time job. I would be receiving less money per week & all the benefits stripped
from us for trying to better ourselves & support our children. This Government really stinks. What's the alternative for running this country? I donkey voted on the last two
elections as well as our local elections as I cannot see a single person in power or opposition who makes any credible sense that doesn't dribble horse ****.
Stop punishing the workers, robbing small business & forcing our pensioners ( once tax payers ) to the threshold of bankruptcy or support dependancy. No wonder our crime rate is on the rise as everyday people are forced into situations to try & survive. The people in power are so out of touch with everyday Australian's, it's absolutely disgusting.
Don't get me started on the illegal refugees or boat people either. Australia's the place to go for free accomodation, housing, food & hardship money.