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You'd rather have no defence forces and just let anyone waltz in and take our **** when they want it?

I don't think that's fair nor the point booary was making. The equivalent point with welfare would be 'you'd rather no welfare and people dying on the streets of typhoid and starvation?' if someone complained about the cost to the taxpayer .

I believe the point booargy was making is that tax money goes to a lot of things that the taxpayer may not agree with. Buying submarines for billions of dollars that don't work might be one of those*

People spend a lot of time whinging about where their tax dollars go (or where the Herald Sun tells them they go) without ever realising that all their tax goes wherever someone else decides it should go. Citizens have very little say and I bet my 3V system in progress that if we abolished welfare, said citizens would see very little decrease in their tax. There'd be another thing to spend it on.

*Fictitious example based on a memory of a defence acquisition read about in the paper where said equipment cost a lot and was essentially useless. I know such things have happened and can research the details if absolutely necessary.
*Fictitious example based on a memory of a defence acquisition read about in the paper where said equipment cost a lot and was essentially useless. I know such things have happened and can research the details if absolutely necessary.

Can anyone say Collins Class Submarines... <_<
Can anyone say Collins Class Submarines... <_<
which is currently the worlds best non nuclear sub. even the us have admitted it after a couple war games.
people in this country just arent use to the us building our own equipment.

i think what manicle was talking about was other items like HMAS Kanimbla and Manoora, worst buy ever.
which is currently the worlds best non nuclear sub. even the us have admitted it after a couple war games.
people in this country just arent use to the us building our own equipment.

i think what manicle was talking about was other items like HMAS Kanimbla and Manoora, worst buy ever.

Yeah, from what I've read, they had some issues with prop noise and generator systems on the first design but that's all sorted now.
exactly teething issues.
any sub that can have the americans bragging that they never saw them all exercise but then have the australian captain walk up and drop a folder of pics of the props of every ship in the carrier group they were against on the table and not say a thing but just walk off. i think we are doing well.

other purchases though, where ive just left is shocking for it. by the time it makes it through the acceptance process, the equipment is obsolete.
Another bogus situation is holding down 2 jobs. You may only claim the tax free thresh hold from the 1 employer ( most income ) & will pay more tax for having the second job.
If you work full time, which I have for many, many years, you pay a % of tax for the gross amount earned ( 38-40hr week ) most commonly.
It really sucks if you work 2 part time jobs, 38-40hrs per week & pay extra tax on that second job.
The reason I am casual, 28-30hrs per week, is I get the equivalent pay for someone working full time but have to do less hrs for it.
If I could score a full time job working in a brewery, I wouldn't bork at that opportunity & although I would be taking home a little less, job satisfaction plays a pretty big part in your overall happiness. If I had my time again, I would of went to Uni or got myself a trade & maybe wouldn't be in this situation.
Just to clear things up, I am not a dole bludger, I am currently employed, have never been unemplyed nor claimed the dole, but due to our piss poor gross income, we get a supplement from the Government, part A+B. Would I love to not deal with Centrelink at all, you bet.

Crusty, the tax-free threshold is calculated on your total income. if you claim the threshold from both employers you dont pay enough tax.
you will pay the same amount of tax on the same amount of income whether it comes from one employer or two.
Crusty, the tax-free threshold is calculated on your total income. if you claim the threshold from both employers you dont pay enough tax.
you will pay the same amount of tax on the same amount of income whether it comes from one employer or two.

This is absolutely true but unfortunately I can't wait till the end of the financial year to get some tax back if any.
I need more in my pocket each week. This is why in MY situation, there is no point working two jobs or increasing
my hours only to have useable dollars slashed from my partner. I can totally understand why people don't want to
work anymore than set hours. We were definatly worse off for the last two years whilst I was doing two jobs, 44hrs
per week.
Theres always gonna be those who get ****** over by the system.

No boubt the Gov have their heads up their arses, or probably more correctly up someone elses arse.

My son who turned 16 last year cant get Youth Allowance because we earnt too much last financial year...2009/2010.
I had to leave full time work and we now get $20,000 less this fianacial year, but stiff **** for us. no backdated payments, he just misses out for nearly a year.
They were quick to cut our Family Assistance though.
You'd have noticed that what actually happened was the government told him to suck it up and nothing changed?

You'd rather have no defence forces and just let anyone waltz in and take our **** when they want it?

You'd have also noticed that while no policy or legislation was changed, for a while, extra money was spent on researching Gerry's claims and enforcing the import charges harder.

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