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Bribie G

Adjunct Professor
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In the latest catalogue, all sizes $12 flat price across the range, up to 20L.
Looks like we will have a few guys jump on board and start to crank out partials and extract brews!
When you guys & girls use these large pots, how do you get the hot water out of them and into the grain steeping tub (Im clearly not an all-grain brewer with a description like that!) ? Do you simply use a smaller pot to pan the water out, or does a tap get fitted?

This sounds like a good deal though, I might pop off and get one, and think about stepping away from the extract brews now that I have a gatorade barrel courtesy of my place of work.
Wow, this is crazy. I may even consider getting a second one! That's an unbelievably good deal. They were already cheap!

Anyone that is looking to step up to partial mashes, extracts, etc, grab one of these. It'll be the best $12 brew gear you've ever bought.

When you guys & girls use these large pots, how do you get the hot water out of them and into the grain steeping tub (Im clearly not an all-grain brewer with a description like that!) ? Do you simply use a smaller pot to pan the water out, or does a tap get fitted?

This sounds like a good deal though, I might pop off and get one, and think about stepping away from the extract brews now that I have a gatorade barrel courtesy of my place of work.

Jase, most people use these as either the 'kettle', or as a BIAB pot. If for example you're steeping grains for an extract brew, you'd likely steep the speciality grains in a smaller pot (don't need a big one for steeping), and then add the collected wort from the steep into this big pot, and then boil in the big pot. If you BIAB inside it you can use this for the whole process. You can mash inside a bag, wrap this pot in towels, then wack it back on the stove after the mash to do the boil.

Also if you wanted to you could steep in this, using a bag or just use a stocking sock (steal it from the missus and boil off all the dye first).

Seriously if you don't have one of these buy one on the way home!
When you guys & girls use these large pots, how do you get the hot water out of them and into the grain steeping tub (Im clearly not an all-grain brewer with a description like that!) ? Do you simply use a smaller pot to pan the water out, or does a tap get fitted?

This sounds like a good deal though, I might pop off and get one, and think about stepping away from the extract brews now that I have a gatorade barrel courtesy of my place of work.

I use a 2 litre container to pan out the the first few litres then pick it up and pour it straight into the mash tun. a standard sized brew takes about 30 litres....15ish for the mash then 15ish for the sparge...too easy

oh and batch sparging of course...
Be mindful of the cheapie Big W pots (or most cheap S/S pots for that matter). I had a handle break off mine when I was carrying it full of water (hot thankfully not boiling). <_<

Warren -
When you guys & girls use these large pots, how do you get the hot water out of them and into the grain steeping tub (Im clearly not an all-grain brewer with a description like that!) ? Do you simply use a smaller pot to pan the water out, or does a tap get fitted?

This sounds like a good deal though, I might pop off and get one, and think about stepping away from the extract brews now that I have a gatorade barrel courtesy of my place of work.

I used to lift it, when it was full of about 15L of water. I've since drilled it and fitted a tap. Much less stressfull.

It would be great for extract brews. In fact when I was learning to AG, I did several half (10L) batches in a 19L pot.
When you guys & girls use these large pots, how do you get the hot water out of them and into the grain steeping tub (Im clearly not an all-grain brewer with a description like that!) ? Do you simply use a smaller pot to pan the water out, or does a tap get fitted?

This sounds like a good deal though, I might pop off and get one, and think about stepping away from the extract brews now that I have a gatorade barrel courtesy of my place of work.

something like this.....
When you guys & girls use these large pots, how do you get the hot water out of them and into the grain steeping tub (Im clearly not an all-grain brewer with a description like that!) ? Do you simply use a smaller pot to pan the water out, or does a tap get fitted?

This sounds like a good deal though, I might pop off and get one, and think about stepping away from the extract brews now that I have a gatorade barrel courtesy of my place of work.

I would recommend a bigger pot for BIAB so you can eventually do doubles... but if you do get the pot its great for stocks. or to put your biab bag in at the end if your not using a pully.... also a bit arrogant of you not reading up on this stuff before hand...
Be mindful of the cheapie Big W pots (or most cheap S/S pots for that matter). I had a handle break off mine when I was carrying it full of water (hot thankfully not boiling). <_<

Warren -

Same thing happened with my el cheapo pot. It was full of boiling water and the handle let go just as I was putting the pot down. The pot that failed appears to be exactly the same as the one in the picture in Pado's post. Next to the Gatorade tun on the glass top table.

The handle was spot welded on an el cheapo large saucepan.

Try and buy pots with handles that are bolted on.
.... also a bit arrogant of you not reading up on this stuff before hand...

Jase71 arrogant? Come on Katie that's a bit harsh? Rude, obnoxious, self oppinionated and an all round PITA yes but never arrogant! :lol:

Been waiting for one of these 20lt babies for a herms vessle perfect! Thanks BribieG!

How or what use is a 20lt pot for Brew in a Bag anyway?
Half batches for pilot brews comes to mind....
Jase71 arrogant? Come on Katie that's a bit harsh? Rude, obnoxious, self oppinionated and an all round PITA yes but never arrogant! :lol:

Been waiting for one of these 20lt babies for a herms vessle perfect! Thanks BribieG!

How or what use is a 20lt pot for Brew in a Bag anyway?

I wouldnt bother, my pot is 60ltr and I wish I had a bigger one... I brought one of the big W 20 lt for partials but never used it.
How or what use is a 20lt pot for Brew in a Bag anyway?

The Pilot Plant (as detailed in a blog somewhere). I had one into which I installed a kettle element along with a tap and some other BS and it was perfect for recipe formulation or for beers that I wanted to make but did not want to possess too much of.

Of course, you have to like brewing... :p
I would love to own more pots, but would have to extend the house again to store them - so it works out pretty exxy for me (SWMBO is already riding my ass about storing brew stuff and I just built her a second storey with walk in robe! Talk about harsh).

Also, Bunnings has taught me a deep mistrust of cheapness <_<

Jase, you can lift around 10-12L and dump it in your mash tun without too much difficulty - if the handles are reliable as this puts a lot of stress on them. More than this and you start using buckets.
also a bit arrogant of you not reading up on this stuff before hand...

Darling, your deliberate baiting will only get me into more strife. I can see your wicked plan :p

Actually this was just a random quick question which was quite topical on the nature of the OP.

Jase71 arrogant? Come on Katie that's a bit harsh? Rude, obnoxious, self oppinionated and an all round PITA yes but never arrogant!

That's right. Chappo understands me like you never will, Katie. Anyway, both of you go stand in the corner, this thread is veering precariously towards off-topic territory.

Everyone else, cheers for the replies. Im looking to a 'get-out' of the extract malt cans, and this sort of pot, along with my water-barrel, could be a good step. I notice in Paddo's set up that he's changed the tap on his gatorade barrel, that makes sense. However I'll keep my further technical queries for another sub-forum.

*sigh* back on track. Good to note that the handles on these cheapies are not up to scratch. But if you are simply paling the water out, and into a mash tun, then for $12, a broken handle isnt the end of the world. You get what you pay for I suppose.....
I've never had problems with the handles and I often carry it between rooms with 15L of wort in it.

I'll be careful in future but I don't think it's accurate to paint the picture that these handles just fall off straight away. The quality of the pot is pretty good in my opinion.
I use my 15L cheapo pot to transport my grain from the garage to the kitchen and then I use it to dump the bag into when I lift it.

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