Has the forum jumped the shark?

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Bribie G

Adjunct Professor
Reaction score
Recently I've noticed that when I log on, there are often only about 8 registered members online even at busy times of the day such as mid evening. What happened to 15 or 30 members?
Right now there are actually more registered members sitting on BIABrewer than on AHB.

Not really sure what jumped the shark means. I have been active lately, which is a little unusual.

Do you have a suggestion / suggested cause Bribie, or just an observation?
Does it show when people are on phone or pad apps? I am obsessively checking unread posts with my phone. Looking for stuff for sale that I cant afford.
Everyone's on Facebook commenting on photos of cats striking a comical pose.
I'm on the phone right now. Not sure if I show up as active.
Jumped the shark? No, slowed down perhaps, but not that far gone. I think there's some life left in the old gal yet.
Judging by the topics being raised in new threads from old members you'd be forgiven for thinking so. Much like the producers of Happy Days it seems like some seem desperate to reinvigorate by raising any topic that comes to mind. I suspect these same people are behind Daryl Somers' attempt at resurrecting a Hey Hey-esque TV show.
Don't forget, us Southerners are just coming into nicer weather and many would have much more to do than read off-season reruns.
Nah, right now 3 vs 38? (BIAB Aus vs AHB) just a big week, all the Victorians are still on holiday, they get at least a week for the cup and now that the cricket season has started, they probably get an extra holiday for the changing of the wicket at the MCG!
How many times can you talk about fecking gladwrap vs an airlock?

Reality is that brewing has been around 10,000 years. Going to run out of conversation material at some point. Usually at that point either the Off Topic get's a floggin or people leave.

Personally I'm all for diversifying, and the off topic, music, food threads are all good for that sort of thing. Bring a bit o' the old community feel to things.
My airlocks not bubbling. I think the kitten has blocked it.
Nah, just kidding. I use glad wrap, airlocks are for dickheads.
earle said:
Nah, just kidding. I use glad wrap, airlocks are for dickheads.
As for Dickheads. Did you just change your Avatar? Yes you did. Whoever you are! :unsure: :chug:
I am active all the time. Stalk the forum at work, login via the AHB app on mobile, jump on randomly through the night.
Since i BIAB you saying I should head over to BIABbrewer? any perthies on there Bribie?
Yeah I'm on my phone at the moment can any one verify that I'm showing in the numbers. 7:25 pm.
Stalking the forum at work !
No there's a thread all of it own.
But back the O T , Bribie where does this show,I use an IPad but don't remember seeing such info come up or perhaps I simply don't " see" it

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