Is it astringency you are getting? I was getting astringency in pretty much all of my brews. I was screwing around with water too much and since backing right off on the water side of things, my brews have improved immensely. There was a batch of IIPA I brewed recently, which was very astringent post dry hopping, that I tipped. I dry hopped it after it had reached FG and after it was taken off the yeast. My current thoughts are that because the yeast had already finished it's job, the harsh astringency of raw hops (try eat some one day, you'll know what I mean) was carried over into the beer. My thinking is that the magic of yeast , whilst active, does wonderful things to astringency, and that dry hopping should occur just prior to FG to let that magic take place. I do want to have a chat with some pro brewers to see if my theory is correct though - and see how they do it.