Hardest thing you've ever done.

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Happy birthday to you & your Mum Zooesk, and in sorry to hear about your boy, that's a tough break! Take care & raise a quiet glass to them both this evening.
My mother died when I was 20.

Oddly enough the hardest part of the entire ordeal (she's been gone 11 years now) was just a few days ago when my 7 year old daughter returned from a friends house and asked "My friend has two grandmas. Why don't I?" at which point I explained my mother had passed to have her follow up with "Do you think she would have liked me?".

It's been a rough few days as a consequence.
Being by my mum's side as she took her last breath was pretty tough to take. She battled pancreatic cancer for almost 2 years and passed on July 19 this year.

The last 3 months have been hard. I have good days and bad. Lately, more good than bad. It's my sister's 21st next weekend. I'm sure things will get emotional then.
Some of you men and your loved one's have endured, are enduring much anxiety and heartbreak . I'm as sorry for your troubles as a stranger on a forum can be.
When kids are involved, just seems to ratchet it up to another level.

Rushing my barely breathing son to hospital when he was around 16 months old with asthma is about the most frightened I can remember being. This also provided a segue to the rudest I can remember being to a medical professional after he insisted on shooting my son full of pethadine to keep him quiet without prior consultation with the pediatrician. After hours of screaming and crying I finally caved in at about 5 am and let him let the nurse give it to him to at least let him get a little rest. As it turned out, the pediatrician flew of the handle at the doctor the next day for not contacting him directly due to the risk that the pethadine may have masked other symptoms.
To say the least, I'm not much of a metaphysics guy, but sometimes it pays listen to your intuition.
Growing up in the 50's there were lots of diseases which could be fatal, I was only very young when I got polio, I could only imagine what my parents went through but I made a full recovery never even got withered limbs just a slight limp in my left leg which went as I got involved in sport, but I remember going to school and the amount of kids in leg irons. One in particular who I remember was Alan Smith and I often wonder what happened to him even though it is nearly 60 years ago, he was a sickly boy with a hearing aid national health specs and a permanently runny nose and of course the leg irons.
He loved football and at the playtime we would pick teams I tried not to make eye contact with but he would edge his way to the front with his chest stuck out anxious to be picked, I couldn't ever not pick him.
He did have a lot of time off school and one day he just disappeared and we never saw him at school again, today is no better I used to think as I grew older all the diseases would be eradicated but now i see there is just as many health issues as when I was younger, child cancer being one.
Children are a constant source of worry from infants to when they get their first car or some idiot bashing them as in Grumpy Paul's case unfortunately death, diseases and sorrow is something we will all have to face it is just part of life.
spog said:
Telling mum that dad had died,telling mum that her brother had died.
With a heavy heart I've just told Mum that her second son, my older brother Paul passed in his sleep this morning .
55 years old and gone.
Ahhhhhhhhh ****.
spog said:
With a heavy heart I've just told Mum that her second son, my older brother Paul passed in his sleep this morning .
55 years old and gone.
Ahhhhhhhhh ****.
My thoughts are with you and your family mate...
My condolences Spog.
Sorry to hear spog.

Geez there are some gut wrenching stories here fellas.

You guys are tough.

Hardest thing I've done was watching my wife (at age 29) give birth to our stillborn Son at 30 weeks gestation a couple of years ago. Then organise a funeral for him
Thanks for your words ,but it ain't over the missus got the last flight yesterday to Adelaide because our youngest Tom found the Mother in law in a bad way.
She is in hospital and isn't coming out as cancer has riddled her body and isn't expected to last more than a few days.
Hell spog you and your family are having a rough trot at the moment....If there is anything I can help you with just call out.
******* hell mate, I hope your fortunes take a turn for the brighter shortly.
Sorry for your troubles.
Cheers fellas,I was able to sort some of pain this morning by taking Panadol for the hangover after drowning my sorrows last night .
Which caused me to miss the call from my brothers mates who took over his shed for an impromptu wake,apparently it was big one.

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