Hangover Cures

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During my red wine phase I found that a glass of milk before bed and after two bottles left me feeling pretty damn good the next day. Doesnt work anywhere nearly as well for beer - just red wine IMO.

Tell me your kidding? Milk on red wine would curdle in ya guts and make you spew yogurt! :icon_vomit:

I think you can have that cure ALL to yourself there Bandito.
I know everyone is different and all but I couldn't think off anything worse than milk after red wine. I've always liked a cleansing ale after a skin full of red. Usually a good excuse to drink a left over lite beer that's been hanging around from the last BBQ.
My pet hate is the seedy hangover. I can handle headaches and being dehydrated, but the seedy feeling is the pits! lol If you've ever had a session on Cooper Sparkling Ale you'll know what i'm talking about :lol:

Taking B vitamin pills before heading out if you know you going to have a big session...

I find bananas are good when you have the seedy hangover when you feel like your going to puke if you drink or eat anything. Full of B vitamins, potassium and help settle the stomach - they have a antacid effect.

I don't know why but I find lemon/lime drinks also help reduce the seedyness feeling
i say you just htfu and take it on the chin if you get one. hangovers are easily prevented by skulling as much water as you can b4 bed and when u get up to have a slash skull as much water as you can

if you get the hangover its just a reminder that you forgot to drink water b4 hitting the hay :p

having said that i still get hangovers but u just gotta wear it :p none of these painkillers, your liver will already be in overdrive trying to make up for the night b4
Seriously guys. Hungry Jacks the next morning = all fixed.
Lambs fry for breaky
:icon_vomit: :icon_vomit:

I find different drinks give different hangovers, VB/Tooheys gives me the worst head banger, to much Red makes me seedy in the morning, Coopers and home brew just leave me feeling tired, mainly due to lack of sleep..

Also...food...If I eat whilst drinking I wake up fine, If I dont then I am not so good in the morning..I have never had a bad hangover at any of the Xmas swap meets, even considering the life threatening quantities of beer drunk. But I do end up tired, due to only getting about 4hrs sleep --Thank you Ned & Rook ;)
Now THAT is funny.

If I get drunk tonight and wake up hung over, do meth to cure it, I will be sure to read that post again as I am sure it will be way funnier on meth... what isn't fun on meth.

Sitting in a prison cell.

You could always pick at some scabs, maybe extract some of those loose teeth and scratch yourself till you bleed.
Now thats fun in a prison cell!
Two pints of water just before bed! And try not to piss the bed!!! :eek: The woman will not be happpy! Try to get 8 hrs sleep! When you wake in the morning another two pints of water and a Berroca performance! Try not to spew! and have KFC for lunch! You will feel perfect by 5pm and another beer by 6pm!
2 glasses of strong cordial (flavour your choice)

1. Hydrates & provides nutrition

2. Heard it from Dr Karl or some other scientific review on the ABC (so it must be right lol). Lived by it for the last few big nights out, and right as rain the next morning

In my younger days it used to be a nice fat doobie, followed by a spew, followed by a gatorade, followed by bacon and eggs on toast & a coffee. Never failed.
Now a days i just don't drink as much.
Those end of night shots of sambucca/tequila is what did it.
So if I want to drink tomorrow night and go to work on saturday without a hangover I could try:

Having one or two B1 and calcium & magnesium tablets and a bannana with lunch, with a gatorade chaser. Plenty of water in the afternoon. Then drink at night and not forget to have a good dinner - perferably a hamburger, then before bed have some water, another one or two B1 and calcium and magnesium tablets, another bannana and a gatorade or a strong cordial.

Then I should be all good on saturday morning right? Have I forgotton anything? Cos I will be shopping for all this tomorrow.

And that was the point of this thread - take everyones individual preventative measures and add them together to make a super duper hangover preventative!
So its friday night which is my drinking night, and 90% there. I had a BBQ pizza for morning smoko. Then 2 bannanas for lunch with a B1 tablet. Then had ?# of beers. Will cook up a couple of hamburgers with tomatoe, egg and cheese for a late dinner, then have another two B1 tablets, 3 calcium and magnesium tablets and a bannana, with a couple of glasses of water before bed. Unfortunately I forgot to get a sports drink or cordial. but as they say 4 out of 5 aint bad.
Judging by how I fee atm, it wont be good, but yet to start making the burgers... will post when I wake up.

I do expect it to take a few weeks to perfect though.
Judging by how I fee atm, it wont be good, but yet to start making the burgers... will post when I wake up.

I do expect it to take a few weeks to perfect though.

On ya Bandito! Got to admire someone willing to take one for the team :beerbang: . Like your automated brew rig it will be a little bit of trial and error, no?

Chap Chap
it will be a little bit of trial and error, no?

Bloody oath! err is that the time? damn! hope I get to bed before I get up! Thats the other trial an error thing!

Hangon, I supposed to do something, what was it?.......... ............
Oh, yea make some burgers!