Hangover Cures

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Biggest problem with the BAD hangovers, is that you passed out befor you could drink the gatorade or take the panadol etc... PLUS you wake up early cause the anthill you passed out on is annoying you. :(
Biggest problem with the BAD hangovers, is that you passed out befor you could drink the gatorade or take the panadol etc... PLUS you wake up early cause the anthill you passed out on is annoying you. :(

thats a different story, if you wake up with one and you have to stay awake take a couple nurofen plus and a litre of ice cold coke.
I've read somewhere else that antihistamine tablets are pretty good. Take one or two the day of going out and should reduce the symptoms, not entirely sure why but I think it helps.

If you're really hurting take sudafed or similar. Pseudo-ephedrine is the bomb - unblocks the sinus cavities and releases the pain. Plus the codeine! This is for serious - Grade 10/10 hangovers where you absolutely must function.

Antihistamine is a very good prophylactic - taken before imbibing works wonders. Do it for case swaps!

Tiredness is the harbinger of doom for me. Drinking while tired is a sure thing for a nasty bite. Drinking pumped is OK.

I find that Valium works quite well for me. I dont know that it cures the hangover, but it sure doesnt bother you once they kick in.
Fortunatly I have a large supply of them from when I had a past illness that cleared up alot quicker than expected.
Each to their own - my (thankfully few) experiences with barbiturates have been less than pleasant. I'd rather suffer a hangover.
i carry water with me everywhere even on non drinking days (not very ofter i have an AFD) but leading up to the weekend i drink more water as its hard to stomach water on a hangover.
When i wake with a hangover its off to the beach for a body surf/swim even if its raining. I end up getting that smashed by the waves water runs out my nose hours later lol. But it fixes me and a beer tops it off in the arvo.
The best thing i find is to get out there amongst it,instead of sitting around the house feeling sorry for yourself. :lol: cheers

oh yea could lay off the grog but thats not an option lol

also,someone has a siggy on here "i feel sorry for people who dont drink,as when they wake in the morning thats as good as there going to feel all day" lol thats awesome, fits the hangover perfect!!


BTW: You may need beer for the come down, which may lead to a hangover...... then more meth, easy.

Fixes ya right up!
Haha... hog grease, rooster juice and a schooner of old. Brekky of champions!
Neurofen is better than Panadadol, as it is an Anti-Inflamitory

The headache is mainly caused by de-hydration of the brain...

Alcohol dehydrates and depresses the body...ever noticed how much you sweat when pissed...
The best way to cure a hangover is to eat a Rollmops for breakfast....or two....of course the day after.
Yeah they are Soused raw herrings l like them but cant remember after a big night eating anything raw makes me spew :icon_vomit:

Pumpy :)
One Vitamin B before drinking, one Vitamin B before bed (if you can remember), one Vitamin B after rolling out of bed.
Then off up the pub for a big plate of full Irish.
B1 , you use it to process the alcohol and it's easily depleted, your body can only absorb around 15mg a day so you need to stock up, drop some multivitamins, and have a stock of B1 on hand, thiamine , you know, Vegemite, barocca .

, I've been contemplating adding B1 in the mash, like 500g , then I'll never get a hangover, :chug:

Will have to try that B1 stuff. I've also been considering making a vitamin infused brew - vege stock will be my first experiment - home made with plenty of carrots.

During my red wine phase I found that a glass of milk before bed and after two bottles left me feeling pretty damn good the next day. Doesnt work anywhere nearly as well for beer - just red wine IMO.
Yeast produces various B vitamins. Ethanol depletes the body's levels (usually the body is in deficit) so you'll need to add a big carrot in to combat it.

Big carrot.

Actually I though carrots were mainly good for vitamin A?
Drug of the century. Let's take it six nights in a row then accuse the old lady on the tram of stealing our teeth.

Now THAT is funny.

If I get drunk tonight and wake up hung over, do meth to cure it, I will be sure to read that post again as I am sure it will be way funnier on meth... what isn't fun on meth.
Now THAT is funny.

If I get drunk tonight and wake up hung over, do meth to cure it, I will be sure to read that post again as I am sure it will be way funnier on meth... what isn't fun on meth.

Sitting in a prison cell.