Hag Christmas Case Drinkin'

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Thanks Scott. Glad you liked it!

Ive got one bottle of it left...... i might put it in the fridge and sample it tomorrow while im brewing.

11 - Trent's Saison

A dead ringer for Tony's beer - golden, hazy with a small tight white head. There is a complex ester nose with hints of apple and peppery spices. The soft sweet malts lead into the mouth, followed by the ester flavours which linger into a long finish. The bitterness is low which allows the malts and yeast character to take centre stage, yet still offsetting the slight sweetness. Althought the malt sweetness is there, it finishes dry and avoids being cloying. The carb is medium-low which adds to the softness and suits this beer perfectly. A flavoursome malty delight. Thank you Trent.
5. Keith - AIPA, Wyeast 1028. Bottled 07/12/07 DRINK NOW;

A bubble bombardment!!!! Very carbonated!!! Slightly hazy golden orange colour with a thin-medium body. The combination of hop bitterness and fizzyness left my tongue dizzy. It buzzed like a Coke!! The bitterness isn't overpowering and some malt is detectable in the background. An unusual beer (for me anyway) because of its heavy carbonation. Very enjoyable though. I liked it a lot Keith!! Thanks

2. Offline - APA

Quite Gassy, orangy brown and very hazy. There were citrus notes in the nose and I found it quite bitter. I assume that there was substantial amarillo involved? What other hops were used? A great beer, thanks Offline

4. David L - American IPA. Flying Dog yeast 7.3% abv

Oh is it ever American !!! I've had so many New World hops today they might draft me....Citrusy and refreshingly bitter.
I picked a up an unusual aroma from the yeast at the beginning but it disappeared quickly. Love it. Thanks David!!

6. Scotty - Ninny Lager

Apologies for brevity..It's been a big day cleaning up the house from the holiday period and brain is in shutdown mode.
Poured a cloudy, straw gold colour. A good lager. Refreshing on a very hot evening. Thanks Scotty!!

21 - Pokolbinguy James Squire Golden Ale Clone

First impression was a very clear medium straw beer with a modest head which disappeared to nothing within a few minutes. Similar smells to a fruity sav blanc, and the vineous character carried through to the taste. Firm and balanced bitterness, with less flavour and aroma hops the JSGA. As the beer warmed up, the extract flavour (won't use "twang") became more apparent. I chilled down the second half of the bottle in the freezer and really enjoyed this as a crisp, dry lawnmower beer.

Its been a while since I tasted an extract beer, but this is quite a lot better than I remember them being! Your processes are obviously sound and I would encourage you to get that AG rig you are building going - you are doing well. If I were to make some suggestions on this beer, I would add more late hops, up the carbonation a bit, and do something about the head retention (presume some wheat DME would help?). Thanks Pok.

G'day Guys,

Checking in from Phnom Penh in Cambodia, just arrived from Siem Reap today. Having a blast over here. For those of you that have never travelled this part of the world you really should take the opportunity and check it out, it is amazing how the other half of the world lives.

Anway to the beer notes, Thanks heaps for the feedback "Insight" its exactly what I was hoping for in comments. On the head retention I like the idea of some Wheat DME, deffinately something I have been meaning to try in my beers, also the carbonation was sought of expected to be a little hit and miss, was my first attempt at bulk priming and with a miriad of techniques out there, each supposedly the right way i took a plunge and chose the most logical...aslong as its not flat!!!

On the note of the AG rig...if will deffinatley be getting a kick up the bum when I get home, only prob is I will be short on cash so time away from work and uni will be in short supply.

Anyway Im really enjoying reading all the comments on all the beers, even still a month out from me being able to try any of them....at the moment the stable is "Beer Lao" and at the moment "Angkor".....deffinatley no home crafted brew but better than the giant mega swills of home such as VB etc. .... I tell you what though I am hankering for a good bottle of wine more than anything!!!!

Actually now that I think of it I did have a fantastic beer a week or so ago on Kho Samui in thailand....from memory it was a heffeweisen...something Hell??? Not exactly sure...I took a photo of the bottle though so will report back...must say it was the best damn beer i have had in a while (followed by the erdinger i found in a small italian restraunt in thailand)... other than that the beer scene is rather ordinary although a small microbrewery on the river in singapore that I stumbled accross was a warm welcome.

Cheers, Pok
Good afternoon children.
It's yer old Uncle Les here, and he's posted the recipe for the Teninch Double D here.

And in the spirit of looking after you nice little kiddies, I've popped a bottle (my last 500 ml sampler) of of my Dunkelweizen Doppelbock (generally referred to as weizenbock, but I'm such a w!inker ;) ) in the fridge for a sampling tonight. Should be OK to drink now, but I tell U what...I'll taste mine tonight, and if it's really nasty, I offer to come and collect yours and replace it with a nice drinkable Tooheys New or Burragumbilli, so that no-one's disappointed. Can't be fairer than that, eh? :beer: Cheers.

Just in case it's really filthy, I have ensured that #4 and #3 have been chilling in the fridge for about 2 weeks. They should help get that nasty taste out of my mouth, don't you think?

Seth out :p
Cracked another of mine (#7) tonight and I don't know if I had something on my tongue before (or now even? :p) or maybe its just developing further but I'm actually quite enjoying it. I'd say drink it now if you haven't already - it's a first of a few things for me, so some feedback would be great.


#24 Stephen's EPA
Well, it was certainly overcarbed, from what I assumed to be an infection from th eheavy line of crud around the fill line of the neck. I tried it ice cold from the fridge, so it was hazy, and an orange/copper colour. The aroma had moderate maltiness, some hoppy grassiness and a definite fruitiness that didnt suggest the lactic infection somebone else noted. Medium light body, moderate malt, strong fruitiness, and some low level hops. Firm bitterness, but not too bitter. Not a great beer, but certainly not as bad as I anticipated. Well, at least, that is how I found it when it was ice cold.
As it warmed, the aroma started to go a bit more funny, and the fruitiness left. The flavour got quite a bit more tart, and drowned out any other flavours, suggesting an infection (though why it seemed alot less prominent straight from the fridge is beyond me).
This beer would have been quite niec if it didnt get an infection in there. I would suggest that anyone that tries it from now on, try it quite cold, straight from the fridge to get an idea of how it would have been.
Sorry it happened to a case beer, Stephen, I know you are a very good brewer, and I look forward to the next case contribution from you.
All the best
#6 Scotty's Ninny Lager
Mate, I hate to say it, but I think I may have gotten a bad bottle of this one. There was a definite line around the neck at the fill line, though that could possibly be priming with wort, or DME? Anyway, as a lager I expected it to be fairly clear, so I took it to a good friends house for a sunday arvo beer, and it poured a very pale gold, and as cloudy as a hefeweizen. The aroma was a very grassy, slightly tart hop aroma, not much malt or anything. The taste was more of the same, with a very prominent grassiness, and a sharp, acidic like twang to it. I cannot say it was infected for sure, it is more likely the "interesting" outcome you spoke of with the 6 hop mix, but everyone who tried it pulled a funny face and said they couldn't drink it. I didnt get that piney cascade flavour that Tony got, and it could have just been my palate being sensitive to something in there, but I couldn't finish my glass. Really sorry, cause I was looking forward to it very much, and will be waiting to try your next swap beer.
All the best
Not having a good day then Trent? :p

#6 Scotty's Ninny Lager

Poured a cloudy deep straw colour which cleared as it warmed up. Carbonation is spot on, a spritely 2.6 vols. Piney, citrusy, grassy aroma which maybe masks any sulphur smells. Bitterness - christ mate, this is well into pilsner territory and likely beyond! There's a definite malt sweetness on the middle palatte that just gets flattened by the hops in the finish. There is a lingering bitterness in the aftertaste and the taste of oranges.

This isn't as dry as most pilsners, and I think the extra mouthfeel is why I like it. With each sip I keep searching for the very fleeting moment that I taste the malt sweetness before the hops give it a good arse kicking. An intriguing and tasty (for my palatte) beer Scotty, though I don't think you'll win over too many of the fairer sex with it! :icon_cheers:
Good afternoon children.
It's yer old Uncle Les here, and he's posted the recipe for the Teninch Double D here.

And in the spirit of looking after you nice little kiddies, I've popped a bottle (my last 500 ml sampler) of of my Dunkelweizen Doppelbock (generally referred to as weizenbock, but I'm such a w!inker ;) ) in the fridge for a sampling tonight. Should be OK to drink now, but I tell U what...I'll taste mine tonight, and if it's really nasty, I offer to come and collect yours and replace it with a nice drinkable Tooheys New or Burragumbilli, so that no-one's disappointed. Can't be fairer than that, eh? :beer: Cheers.

Just in case it's really filthy, I have ensured that #4 and #3 have been chilling in the fridge for about 2 weeks. They should help get that nasty taste out of my mouth, don't you think?

Seth out :p

Very decent of you Uncle Les. Not having a bloody clue what a weizenbock tastes like, i have procured an Aventinus to do a side-by-side with your beer. I will probably leave it to one of the last of the case though, being 7.7%...
I'm drinking #8 MHB's LCBA clone as we speak. I've been drinking a lot of the real thing lately, and I must say the colour and aroma are definitely there, but the hop flavour is lacking. Other than that it's quite an enjoyable drop. Carb is a tad high too.

Something else to add: as it warmed I noticed it got a little fruity, in not a great way - maybe fermented too high? I'm not sure I thought I'd point it out though
As promised, here's my review of the "Double D"...not to be confused with a brand of Eucalyptus oil.

Aroma: - upfront sweetness due to malt and alcohol. Looking (sniffing) deeper, I get malt, bread, raisins, alcohol and a low banana aroma. Very bock-like and frankly gorgeous.

Appearance - The head pours big and moussey, but failed to hold in my glass, although there was a moderate (3 mm) persistent head with reasonable lacing.. May be rocky in a clean weizen glass (highly recommended).
Colour is medium brown and clear until I added the yeast...then was mid-brown and hazy/cloudy.

Flavour - Can anyone say "big"? Malty, bready, with some mild chocolate character. Dark fruit and vanilla. No hop flavour and very balanced bitterness. More malt in the aftertaste, along with a lingering bready, melanoidin flavour that invites you back for more ( a quality which pronounces a beer to be balanced, IMHO).

Mouthfeel: medium-full and somewhat creamy, with medium/moderate carbonation.

Overall Impression: Malty, rich, flavoursome, complex, balanced, more-ish, sweet without being cloying. Keith should lurv it !!! Wished I had more, so if this sounds nasty to you, I'm happy to swap you for a longie of a commercial beer. :lol:

Very happy, although the alcohol can get a little bitey (until you get used to it). So now someone else can taste it and confirm or debunk my results.
It may be better after a week in the fridge (or it may not...).

old Uncle Les out :p

Sounds like you got a feral bottle. The cloudiness came from the rough mash ... called having half a case during the making, but whilst there is hops and more hops, should not have been sour... will send another form of Ninny soon!

# 9 - Frigging Jesus (said ala spanish like) - Call Work Cover...

I am making notes of most as I go thru and will pull them out when time allows. But I gotta say #9 is almost the number of the beast so far ....

Aroma - Sweet malt and some ester
Appearance - tawny brown with some yeast
Flavour - velvety choclate with some hops. Some sweetness but beer not out of balance
Drinkability - good to v-good. Would be a great winter beer for me. Pls send another bottle ... very much enjoyed.

Bottle Carb - now this requires a beer in hand and is something we must take time to reflect.

So, me mate Adam and I were enjoying some of the HAG delights on a hot Saturday afternoon. Suitable equipped with my standard edition Saturday afternoon safety boots (thongs) it went along the lines of...

Scotty : "Adam, fancy another?"
Adam : "Of course, and do tell the maid I feel like sausages now..."
Scotty : "Do me the favour and do that yourself will you... have you got a bag for your googlies..."

So our hero of the story, Scotty, grabs # 9 and his bottle opener (well infact it was a screw driver which utilizes a skill i learnt in the US to use anything to open a bottle but is not to be confused with the skill acquired to use a US$1 to roll certain cigarettes), and applied deft pressure to prize the cap from the bottle and release the beer from its confines.

Like a gun shot, the cap fired past my right ear, skimming the lobe and near embedding the cap into the laundry's' support beam, ricocheting around the shed like a bouncy bouncy ball. Sparks flew, the air crackled.

Adam : "F*&kin Jesus (said that Spanish way), we are under fire"
Scotty : "Shut up you idiot, that was the bottle cap and I think the new starting gun for the 100m at the Olympics has been found. As whilst your there can you do something about that ringing noise, is something on, it seems to be coming from the right over there...? Its just like how my ears felt the morning after a Fugazi concert, damm ringing.... what??"
Adam : "Never heard anything so loud as that from a beer before, have you?"
Scotty : ......... WHAT?!

The explosion could be heard miles away. Dogs howled and kiddies got scared. The pressure was such that Adam wants to test the opening of the bottles on armour plating, quite a novel device for our troops in warfare come to think of it - you could enjoy a coldie whist keeping the enemy at bay ... Adam is an ideas man... some not so good... like the sausage idea... but a ground to air missile like that cap would have some currency and be enjoyed after a hard days yakka.

Anyways, so it was great beer but the carbonation levels on a few of the beers has been way to high like this one. Just a surprise when opening and on this alcohol free day (bad is the delirium) I thought best to relate...

19 - Leeboy - American Amber Ale READY TO DRINK
Hi Leeboy,
I got one of the funky ones. I grabbed a bottle without paying attention to bottle number and actually thought I was drinking a Belgian. Quite sour and tart.
Shame mate cos it seemed like there was a nice beer underneath. Anticipating the next one.
Thanks Pete
Sensational Schmick!!! ( please note I refrained from using Schmick as an adjective as well, though it was applicable)

Poured a little hazy (cleared with time) with a thin head that lasted throughout the beer. Light-medium bodied. I smelt Banana esters in the nose (but that may just be me). The spices are blended well, none overpowering the other, leaving me to guess at coriander, orange peel and cloves (Failing that I'll say Allspice in desperation :unsure: ) Hops, malt and yeast flavour combine well to disguise the alcohol (which is making the lounge an attractive place to stay at the moment. :blink: ) An excellent example and much appreciated Schmick.

Thanks Pete
I just opened No 9 before I read your cautionary tale and it sighed a gentle Phzzzzzt on using a 'proper' bottle opener to liberate the contents - must be something in that 'Gong air that upsets the CO2 partial pressure.

The beer BTW was excellent.


# 9 - Frigging Jesus (said ala spanish like) - Call Work Cover...

I am making notes of most as I go thru and will pull them out when time allows. But I gotta say #9 is almost the number of the beast so far ....

Aroma - Sweet malt and some ester
Appearance - tawny brown with some yeast
Flavour - velvety choclate with some hops. Some sweetness but beer not out of balance
Drinkability - good to v-good. Would be a great winter beer for me. Pls send another bottle ... very much enjoyed.

Bottle Carb - now this requires a beer in hand and is something we must take time to reflect.

So, me mate Adam and I were enjoying some of the HAG delights on a hot Saturday afternoon. Suitable equipped with my standard edition Saturday afternoon safety boots (thongs) it went along the lines of...

Scotty : "Adam, fancy another?"
Adam : "Of course, and do tell the maid I feel like sausages now..."
Scotty : "Do me the favour and do that yourself will you... have you got a bag for your googlies..."

So our hero of the story, Scotty, grabs # 9 and his bottle opener (well infact it was a screw driver which utilizes a skill i learnt in the US to use anything to open a bottle but is not to be confused with the skill acquired to use a US$1 to roll certain cigarettes), and applied deft pressure to prize the cap from the bottle and release the beer from its confines.

Like a gun shot, the cap fired past my right ear, skimming the lobe and near embedding the cap into the laundry's' support beam, ricocheting around the shed like a bouncy bouncy ball. Sparks flew, the air crackled.

Adam : "F*&kin Jesus (said that Spanish way), we are under fire"
Scotty : "Shut up you idiot, that was the bottle cap and I think the new starting gun for the 100m at the Olympics has been found. As whilst your there can you do something about that ringing noise, is something on, it seems to be coming from the right over there...? Its just like how my ears felt the morning after a Fugazi concert, damm ringing.... what??"
Adam : "Never heard anything so loud as that from a beer before, have you?"
Scotty : ......... WHAT?!

The explosion could be heard miles away. Dogs howled and kiddies got scared. The pressure was such that Adam wants to test the opening of the bottles on armour plating, quite a novel device for our troops in warfare come to think of it - you could enjoy a coldie whist keeping the enemy at bay ... Adam is an ideas man... some not so good... like the sausage idea... but a ground to air missile like that cap would have some currency and be enjoyed after a hard days yakka.

Anyways, so it was great beer but the carbonation levels on a few of the beers has been way to high like this one. Just a surprise when opening and on this alcohol free day (bad is the delirium) I thought best to relate...
