Gravity Reading Question

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So just brewed an Altbier and had a Q about taking my gravity reading. I took two original gravity readings after my brew.

The first one measured 1.050 and was filled with cloudy sediment.

The second I let the same wort sample settle and took the reading with the clear wort at 1.040...

Which one do I use? which is accurate? Does sediment provide resistance to the hydrometer vessel?


Best advice i ever got was to buy a refractometer for OG readings, awesome bit of kit and you only need a couple of drops to take your measurement.
As far as sediment providing resistance I would say yes if it was particularly cloudy, temp can also have a dramatic effect on hydrometer readings.
yep, tbh I would run out some of the trub-by wort first before testing - for me this is sometimes just 1/4 - 1/2 of a hyrdometer tube. if it was a few points out I would say, don't worry about it but perhaps test again as that is quite a difference.

crash chilling often gives me clearer wort for FG readings and a compact yeast cake

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