Grains - Bulk Buy Victoria

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You can have a beer safe in the knowledge you may well have just co-ordinated the AHB's fastest ever bulk buy. :lol:

Thanks heaps for taking the time. :)

Warren -
Order so far

1xBB Ale
1xBB Pale
1xBB Wheat = $118

1xBB Ale
1xBB Pale = $76

1xBB Ale
2xBB Pale = $114

2xBB Ale
2xBB Pale = $152

1xBB Ale
1xBB Pale = $76

1xBB Ale
1xBB Pale
1xW Pilsner = $139

1xW Munich II
1xW Caraamber
1xBB Wheat = $182

1xBairds Marris Otter
1xBB Pale = $92

1xBB Pale
2xBB Wheat
1xBairds Crystal = $139

Check them as this is what i will send Ross 26 bags so far

i will send DD details by PM the order once confirmed with Ross :D
Hey Kleiny did you factor the GST into them? Hate to have to see you recalculate. :lol:

Warren -
I'll be in for:

2 x marris otter
1 x BB Pilsener Pale

if the order is still open.

yep no mention of +GST anywhere

so price as stands if it is +GST then just be ready for me to ask for the extra$ gotta only be a max of $2 (beer excepted as payment)

Fair i reckon

What sort of speciality grains?

Crystal(s) or maybe amber but I guess you'd need to split a few ways or end up with a lifetime's supply :lol:
I would definately be in for some specialties.

I'll take a quarter of a bag, possibly more, of any specialties going.


i dont know that anybody is get specialties
but if you want to split a bag with some body you need to work it out btw you and then pay me a full price
im not stuffing around with multiple payments for one bag

stearn but fair

well done kleiny,
2 ale
2 w.vienna
can help with transport for arthur and n e one else out the south east way.
cheers. haysie
i still want in
1*crystal med

depending on the time i could help pick up

ta nick
Cool, I'm glad Kleiny is organising this.

For gods sake dont anybody hold off on this waiting for my thing to go through. a) I am notoriously lazy, slow and unorganised & B) There is probably less than a 50:50 chance I will be able to make it fly anyway.

I'll put feelers out there and see what comes back... maybe for next time OK
Well done all,

Looks like we have well over 20 bags so we really only need 20 payers by Monday to get the pre-increase price. Are we waiting on Ross to confirm availability of grain for order? Is this the last hurdle, so to speak before Kleiny PM's banking detail for DD? Everyone seems pretty keen so I'd imagine everyone will pay w/o issue.

yep thats pretty much it i can email ross the list now and as soon as i know whats available i will PM bank details

By the way there are 48 bags

By the way there are 48 bags


jebus! Thanks again for putting your hand up as admin! i have a feeling warren's gonna give you 'one of those hugs, where he never lets go' :rolleyes:
