Grains - Bulk Buy Victoria

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direct deposit or paypal
my wife informs me we do have an account just dont know how you would pay into it (dont paypal take a cut of the money)

anyway no problems to get it direct deposit i will just give out the detail PM

we just need one or a couple more

On Rook's behalf he would like.

2 x BB Galaxy
1 x BB Ale

Warren -
Guys, according to Ross yesterday he doesn't have Galaxy in stock.
He does have everything else.
ive orders from warrenlw63 and rook and me
so thats 8 bags

need some more yet

I'm in for:

2 X BB Ale
1 X Pale (Pilsner)
1 X Galaxy

That puts us up to 12 B)
Guys, according to Ross yesterday he doesn't have Galaxy in stock.
He does have everything else.


Barrett Burston "Pale" {not to be confused with "Ale"} is a bloody good Pils malt too. Will sub for Galaxy most elegantly.

Warren -
I'll take:

1 X BB Ale
1 X BB Pale (Pilsner)

that's 14

Anybody want to split a bag of wheat or specialty grains?
yep 14

still need six
have not got a reply from ross but i will ring him soon and then he has to answer


Barrett Burston "Pale" {not to be confused with "Ale"} is a bloody good Pils malt too. Will sub for Galaxy most elegantly.

Warren -

Thanks for the heads-up.

I shift my order to:
2 X BB Ale
2 X BB Pale (Pilsner)

How about the Rook?
I might be in for a few bags if the price is right, will wait to see Ross's prices first though.

I have 6 bags in the garage atm, might be a hard sell to the missus to find room for more.....
yep 14

still need six
have not got a reply from ross but i will ring him soon and then he has to answer



Ross is in Melbourne until Saturday for the beer awards.

reVox I've already ordered on Rook's behalf.

Warren -
count me in for the following:

1 X BB Ale
1 X BB Pale (Pilsner)
1 X Pilsner Malt (Weyermann)

Ross is in Melbourne until Saturday for the beer awards.

reVox I've already ordered on Rook's behalf.

Warren -

Yep, but I mean you ordered 2X Galaxy for Rook and Rob mentioned Ross is out of Galaxy atm.

I suppose we have to wait to confirm pricing from Ross before we start transferring funds over, eh?

I reckon Stick Rook in for BB Pale if there's no Galaxy.

Wouldn't think Galaxy would be a problem. The order actually comes from Cryer's not Ross' place ??

Checked through the thread these are people who previously said they'd want grains. Might be worth it to sound them out.

haysie, arthur, 65bellett, JustinT, Maple.

Warren -
Wouldn't think Galaxy would be a problem. The order actually comes from Cryer's not Ross' place ??

Ahh.. makes sense. Well, I'd be down for 1 BB Galaxy if available at Cryer's, otherwise sub for BB Pale (pilsner). 4 bags in total, irregardless.

i will Pm these guys and see if they still wont some
otherwise we need 3 or more bags more (getting Closer)

i will ring craftbrewer to see if their prices are up to date

Fresh off the phone to Ross

as long as we place the order by the 1st April it doesn't matter when we pick it up

There is no galaxy even in vic they are completely out so its (pale pilsener)(galaxy not avaiable until next month)

the price list on the craftbrewer web site is accurate under bulk grain

once the order is in Ross needs to make sure that all grain is available before the order is processed.

OH and he is having a great time at the BEER AWARDS lucky @#$@#@ :D

3 bags:
1 x W. MunichII
1 x W. Caraamber
1 x BB Wheat Malt
2 bags:
1 x Bairds Marris Otter
1 x BB Pale(Pilsner)
BINGO 20 bags

i will give it a bit longer too see if anybody else wants in but we know have enough for an order
then email Ross with the details so as he can check availability

then i will send out DD details once confirmed
