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My name is Tim from Western Sydney, I have just finished my first batch and we'll. .. it is okay,very bland, looking through the forum I and I understand that using a brigalow pack isn't a good way to start. Any advice for a newbie to home brewing
Hi Tim and welcome. There is a ton of info here however a good start would be Coopers brews. They generally produce a bloody good drop and allow you to get the hang of your brewing processes, hygiene etc. Only don't follow the Coopers fermentation temperatures, ferment at 18-20 degrees.

If you're brewing for "value" and simplicity, definitely go Coopers kit and as Grott says ... temp makes a big difference.!

With a few more $, pick up a better yeast or culture from some Pale Ale stubs, and chuck a hop teabag in for extra aroma and flavour (heaps of info here, search)

For around $50 you can pick up a fresh wort kit at your local brew shop (drum) and a yeast ...... definitely a step up in quality.

Best of luck

Thanks for the replies, made me feel very comfortable in this forum. Originally I am doing this for education as I want a career in bars and as a connoisseur, but after a few batches and I know the process practically (not just in theory), I will start to experiment and do what tastes amazing
Welcome Tim.
Brigalow is not the best introduction to home brew, it's pretty much the "supermarket 90 cents bread" equivalent of beer.
Coopers or Morgans are far better as beer kits go.
Timothy.gray said:
Thanks for the replies, made me feel very comfortable in this forum. Originally I am doing this for education as I want a career in bars and as a connoisseur, but after a few batches and I know the process practically (not just in theory), I will start to experiment and do what tastes amazing
For an excellent extra resource either hit John Palmer's website or buy his book ..... How To Brew.

I just updated my copy for around off Mightyape and cost me $28!

That plus the guru's on this site will take you far ....... and cost you a bloody fortune once you get into it ...... all grain they said .... $60 for enough malt to do you at least 5 brews ...didn't mention the kettle, HLT, Fermenting fridge, kegs, keezer and don't get me started on the Herms coil, STCs .......... :D
If you want to do a good kit first up, go the Coopers Pale Ale kit with the Brew Enhancer 2. It will cost a few extra bucks, but well worth it.

Your trick will be to keep it under 20*c when fermenting it. <---- This is a secret brewers tip. Take note of it and tattoo it on your brewing hand

Coopers Pale Ale kit gives you the closest thing you will get to Coopers Pale Ale in bottles or on tap
Mikeyr said:
For an excellent extra resource either hit John Palmer's website or buy his book ..... How To Brew.

I just updated my copy for around off Mightyape and cost me $28!

That plus the guru's on this site will take you far ....... and cost you a bloody fortune once you get into it ...... all grain they said .... $60 for enough malt to do you at least 5 brews ...didn't mention the kettle, HLT, Fermenting fridge, kegs, keezer and don't get me started on the Herms coil, STCs .......... :D
The website is very informative and when I get paid (very soon) I will look into getting the book. I know that it is an expensive hobby but I really cant wait to properly get into it! Thanks for the advice Mikeyr!

Bribie G said:
Welcome Tim.
Brigalow is not the best introduction to home brew, it's pretty much the "supermarket 90 cents bread" equivalent of beer.
Coopers or Morgans are far better as beer kits go.
I know, after looking through the site, tasting my first brew and a few comments on this post, I have come to realise that it wasn't the best option, nonetheless I now have a fermenter so I will getting Coopers or Morgans Beer Kits throughout the next few weeks. All learning is positive!

Ducatiboy stu said:
If you want to do a good kit first up, go the Coopers Pale Ale kit with the Brew Enhancer 2. It will cost a few extra bucks, but well worth it.

Your trick will be to keep it under 20*c when fermenting it. <---- This is a secret brewers tip. Take note of it and tattoo it on your brewing hand

Coopers Pale Ale kit gives you the closest thing you will get to Coopers Pale Ale in bottles or on tap
Not quite sure exactly on what brew enhancer does, is it just a flavouring or does it change the brew? Im lucky I have a cool, dark area in my garage for it! Cooper pale ale kit you say, well that will be the next one I try.

All great advice, thankyou everyone!
Timothy.gray said:
Not quite sure exactly on what brew enhancer does, is it just a flavouring or does it change the brew? Im lucky I have a cool, dark area in my garage for it! Cooper pale ale kit you say, well that will be the next one I try.
Most brew good Home Brew Shops will have a pack very similar to the Coopers one.

It wont matter which one you use

Stole this from the interwebthing
Cooper's brewing sugar is 80% dextrose,20% maltodextrin
The brew enhancer 1 is 60% dextrose,40% maltodextrin
The brew enhancer 2 is 500g dextrose,250g maltodextrin,& 250g of light DME.
if you're studying to be a connoisseur, brigalow is the perfect start. you'll always remember it as most of us do.....'OMG what was i THINKING??' :p
I started with a brigalow kit. Nothing wrong with starting there, the journey and destination are important.

2 pot stovetop AG, and awards - read up and go far, your brewing journey has begun. Enjoy the ride.
Lord Raja Goomba I said:
I started with a brigalow kit. Nothing wrong with starting there, the journey and destination are important.

2 pot stovetop AG, and awards - read up and go far, your brewing journey has begun. Enjoy the ride.
3 Months and he will be asking about grain mills. :D
i started on brigalow while at uni. apparently you are not supposed to knock the top of the first one as a celebration for capping the last one.
butisitart said:
i started on brigalow while at uni. apparently you are not supposed to knock the top of the first one as a celebration for capping the last one.
Well.... I knew these blokes who shared a house..........Upper Hunter Valley....Summer....fermenter on the verendah on the south side....Franklins + 1Kg of Australia's finest white sugar

Bubbles the size of green apples in them bottles
Many years ago 10 years this October actually. I put down my first kit beer. It had been in the fermenter for several days and needed bottling. Me and a mate ended up in my shed on the back end of a bender and I showed him I was making beer. He asked if it was ready to drink. After a quick thought I said yea it's just not cold and carbonated yet. So we proceeded to pour schooners out of the fermenter. It was actually nice at the time. Was a good start to that day and my first bottling day didn't involve much labour.
Update- the first batch wasn't too horrible! Hooray! Waiting a week or two before I can afford to get equipment to carbonate so I cooled the beer down and is using a soda stream (already had one). Although it wasn't too great, it was successful and a great experience. I have now put a second batch on using a Morgan 'Corona' style pack. Then next week I will start using recipes without buying the packs, thank you everyone