Going To Give This A Go

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Going to give this a go tomorrow any suggestions or coments to improve
3Kg Light malt extract
500Grm Dextrose
12Grms Saaz 45 Mins
12Grms Casade 45Mins
10Grms Saaz 15mins
10Grms Casade 15Mins
18Grms Saaz 0mins
18grm casade 0 mins
Seep 200grms of crystal for 20 mins before the hop additions
use a us 05yeast try and keep below 20deg C

Cheers Bob
Going to give this a go tomorrow any suggestions or coments to improve
3Kg Light malt extract
500Grm Dextrose
12Grms Saaz 45 Mins
12Grms Casade 45Mins
10Grms Saaz 15mins
10Grms Casade 15Mins
18Grms Saaz 0mins
18grm casade 0 mins
Seep 200grms of crystal for 20 mins before the hop additions
use a us 05yeast try and keep below 20deg C

Cheers Bob

Looks ok...............if your volume is 22L the OG should be around 1.050, the IBU's would be low, about 18 or so, so it will be pretty sweet given it should finish at around 1.014

I would up the two bittering additions (45 min additions) to 25g each


I can't offer much advice or comment as I've never made anything like it.

However given I got both Cascade and Saaz in the recent Chinese hops bulk buy I'll watch comments with great interest, as I may want to brew something similar.

I have absolutely no idea what the hops would taste like together :)

Cheerz Wabster.
Going to give this a go tomorrow any suggestions or coments to improve
3Kg Light malt extract
500Grm Dextrose
12Grms Saaz 45 Mins
12Grms Casade 45Mins
10Grms Saaz 15mins
10Grms Casade 15Mins
18Grms Saaz 0mins
18grm casade 0 mins
Seep 200grms of crystal for 20 mins before the hop additions
use a us 05yeast try and keep below 20deg C

Cheers Bob

Hard to comment without knowing what it is you're trying to make.

Obviously beer,, but after that? Do you have a projected IBU in mind? Colour?

I assume you're wanting to make some kind of low bitttered pale ale for summer thirst quenching in which case it looks ok (very low bitterness as Screwtop pointed out) but if you had something else in mind then it will need tweaks. What's the recipe based on? (your idea, someone else's recipe you've tried, experiment, recipe from a book etc etc).
Trying a bright ale from a receipe base Would like some more bittness Ibu around 10-20 but with some body an easy drinking beer
Personally I'd aim for at least 20. Very few beers in the world are lower than 15 (hefeweizens are traditionally low and some very bland american lagers are super low). Malt extract tends to attenuate less well than kits or grain beers which means a residual sweetness can be prevalent. This can be balanced nicely with extra bitterness.

I would also tend toward the cascade earlier and the saaz later rather than similar amounts throughout.

By no means take what I say as gospel but cascade is a reasonably high alpha acid hop (aa is resonsible for bittering) and has a citrus/grapefruit flavour. Saaz is a low aa hop and has a spicy/grassy flavour. Saaz is maybe a touch more subtle so both in the same amounts during later additions might fight each other.

I would use larger amounts of cascade earlier then as you get to 20 minute and beyond additions, back off the cascade (not completely, just less) and bring in the saaz.

Maybe something lie (this is purely suggestion - I haven't checked it in software)

20g cascade@60

15g cascade@20
20g saaz @ 20

20g saaz@0

or along those lines.
Personally I'd aim for at least 20. Very few beers in the world are lower than 15 (hefeweizens are traditionally low and some very bland american lagers are super low). Malt extract tends to attenuate less well than kits or grain beers which means a residual sweetness can be prevalent. This can be balanced nicely with extra bitterness.

I would also tend toward the cascade earlier and the saaz later rather than similar amounts throughout.

By no means take what I say as gospel but cascade is a reasonably high alpha acid hop (aa is resonsible for bittering) and has a citrus/grapefruit flavour. Saaz is a low aa hop and has a spicy/grassy flavour. Saaz is maybe a touch more subtle so both in the same amounts during later additions might fight each other.

I would use larger amounts of cascade earlier then as you get to 20 minute and beyond additions, back off the cascade (not completely, just less) and bring in the saaz.

Maybe something lie (this is purely suggestion - I haven't checked it in software)

20g cascade@60

15g cascade@20
20g saaz @ 20

20g saaz@0

or along those lines.

Thanks manticle
Have no software so all suggestion are greatlly received will take your seggestion on board live and learn
Cheers Bob
If you are using Cascade I'd go for something more compatible in the hops - NZ B Saaz ( Motueka ) would give a better marriage of flavours IMHO. Your current recipe would tend to drown the delicate Saaz.

Maybe 20g of B Saaz 20 mins and 15 at the very end of the boil.
just make tonys LCBA clone extract, guaranteed good stuff :chug:
just make tonys LCBA clone extract, guaranteed good stuff :chug:

I was just going to say that sounds alot like Tony;s LCBA recipe, which I am doing next. Cant wait to see how it turns out.
Thanks manticle
Have no software so all suggestion are greatlly received will take your seggestion on board live and learn
Cheers Bob

Free online calculator here: http://hbd.org/cgi-bin/recipator/recipator

Otherwise do a search on this site for 'ianh spreadsheet'. Better still google 'aussiehomebrewer ianh spreadsheet' as the search engine here seems a bit wanting.
Going to give this a go tomorrow any suggestions or coments to improve
3Kg Light malt extract
500Grm Dextrose
12Grms Saaz 45 Mins
12Grms Casade 45Mins
10Grms Saaz 15mins
10Grms Casade 15Mins
18Grms Saaz 0mins
18grm casade 0 mins
Seep 200grms of crystal for 20 mins before the hop additions
use a us 05yeast try and keep below 20deg C

Cheers Bob

Hi Bob,

Any reports on the progress with this brew, and or any variations you may have made?

Cheerz Wabster.
Hi Bob,

Any reports on the progress with this brew, and or any variations you may have made?

Cheerz Wabster.

HiYes there was it did it this way on christmas eve
200grm crystal
about 20 grms of black grain (2 table spoons )Seeped the grain for 20mins then added 1kg of light liquid malt
brought to the boil added
30grms of casade hop pellets for 60mins
20grms of casade for 20mins
25grms of saaz pellets for 20mins
25 grms of saaz at flame out then added 500grms of dextrose and the other 2 kgs of light liquid malt
used a uso5 yeast
I have keeped the temputer down to 16/18 degrees and at this monent it is still in the fermenter at 16 degrees gravity to start was 1050 the other day it was down to 1010
I hope to keg it at the weekend
Cheers Bob
Without close examination or running through software, new recipe looks much better. Good work on keeping the temp low and using a decent dried yeast. Black grain may make it tend towards amber colour (or even brown), crystal will add some sweetness and body. Those hops should give a nice balanced flavour, all things being equal.
Thanks Bob, let us know how it goes when it gets to the glass won't you.

Now the madness of our family Christmas and New Year is over, I might brew something similar.

Thanks for posting it.

Cheerz Wabster.

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