Gina looking for a long wall and a load of blindfolds.

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zappa said:
I have known quite a few, and I can tell you my view is quite tarnished.

While there are plenty who are deserving and genuinely need a hand up, it's the ones that work the system that I remember most. The whole families that run cash businesses, then each collect a welfare payment every fortnight. The ones that live with friends, don't pay rent, but claim rental assistance. The ones that repeatedly turn up to their newly found job, stay for 15 minutes then quit because it "wasn't right for them", yet by turning up satisfy the requirements to keep receiving welfare. The ones that push for a referal to a psychologist so they can get a ticket that states they're not mentally fit for work and are then exempt from actively seeking for work or submitting forms for the next 6 to 12 months (and then brag about it). The ones that brag about only having to stay on the dole for another 6 months before centrelink finish paying for their heavy vehicle training. The ones that brag about getting $100 towards clothes eveytime they're "forced" to attend an interview.

It's these people that breed a culture around welfare and should be stopped. I'm not sure what percentage they make up, but I'm sure the cost of resourcing to investigate, monitor and eventually prosecute these people probably outweighs the cost of letting them be. The problem with that approach though is that it's a mentality that breeds (and often breeds fast).

Again, my view is tarnished based on what I've seen throughout my adult life. It still angers me though.
I agree that that attitude, when it occurs is reprehensible. Unfortunately ALL welfare recipients get tarnished with the same brush because of that behaviour and everyone's ignorant, stereotypical view is cemented when some reactionary politician or mining magnate decides to unleash on vulnerable people again to garner populist support.

I was under the impression that there are rules stopping people from turning up to a new job and quitting - I believe payments get suspended to prevent that very thing. Not sure how easy getting a referral for a psychologist is either. There are those who rort the system and they piss me off too as all they do is make it difficult for those who genuinely need assistance to actually get it without being treated like lazy, cheating scum.

It's the stereotype that pisses me off - both the people who live it and the people who buy into the idea that all the apples are rotten because of it.

I go back to my original point though - of all the different types of welfare (so not just dole/unemployment) how could the portion of those who are cheating be singlehandedly responsible for National debt? It's a very, very big call.

And wide -eyed - if you could really put your face between those legs, then I consider that punishment enough.
wide eyed and legless said:
Manticle I do know recipients personally, and those I know are ripping off the system,I also know you don't like racism, but everyone is a racist, and it is how you handle it that counts, the people I know are not born and bred Aussies, but people who come here and, as far as they are concerned are to soft.
No. Everyone is not racist. Just because you are doesn't mean everyone is and just because you freely express racist views from behind a keyboard and when you're around other racists but keep your mouth shut around those that will confront you for it doesn't mean you're "handling it well". It actually makes it worse.
StalkingWilbur said:
No. Everyone is not racist. Just because you are doesn't mean everyone is and just because you freely express racist views from behind a keyboard and when you're around other racists but keep your mouth shut around those that will confront you for it doesn't mean you're "handling it well". It actually makes it worse.
No need to get abusive mate. Just because someone has an opinion that is different to your own is no excuse for posting hostile comments like that.

There are people who are unemployed that are in families that have been unemployed for generations. There are people who will apply for jobs just so that they can show they are actively seeking work. There are people who can't find work even though they want to work. There are people who can't work due to ill health. Others can't find work because they have low skills or poor education.

There's no one single reason why people are unemployed. Some want to be, others don't want to be.

Poor Gina can't even find it in her heart to be amiable to her own children. What hope is there that other less fortunate people are going to be shown any sympathy.
Being racist isn't "having an opinion". It's being racist, which is unacceptable. I don't appreciate comments insinuating that everyone's racist because I am not.
I've edited your post wilbur - it still has the gist of what you were saying but I've taken out some of the more abusive phrases. While I agree with a lot of what you are saying, we need to try and keep the majority of the discussion civil. PM me if you think I need to reconsider.

Have also edited BDD's quote to reflect the above.
That's fair enough. I do get angry quickly about subjects like this. And even if we don't need to keep the discussion civil, my comments would've only exacerbated the negativity.

Being unemployed and looking for work is one of the most exciting things you can do in your life. Everyone shoould go thru just to see what its like.

You can be highly qualified but remain out of work for long periods. And these days most employers go thru recruiting agencies who are nothing but oxygen theives, and then there are labour hire companies who rip off both the employer & employee. There are a lot of employers who use labour hire companies to avoid things like holiday & LSL, and they can convieniantly shut up shop and stiff the workers.

The whole system is broken, and not helped by the fact that the Libs would dearly love to see an American style of work force.

The government really does SFA to help the unemployed apart from some token gestures. They go on to ( unfairly ) blame unions without looking at the businesses. Gina wants to use cheap african labour because "they will work for $2hr" and if you came from Africa $2 is a shitload of money. Does this help the unemployment situation it does is alienate and cause derision. Even on the std minimum wage it is hard to get by.
wide eyed and legless said:
Not eye candy I must admit but what she says and what she does makes me want to go down on her.
Remember your P.P.E, mate. Full safety harness and B.A. will be required.
there you go!!!

jyo said:
Would this sort of job also require KPI?
The key to performance would closing your eyes and thinking of opposed to England that queen Vic would have you do
Im not a racist, I hate everyone equally :)

Growing up in lil' old Grafton made it hard not to be racist, I don't think its as bad as it used to be here, but getting gang bashed by a crowd of Aboriginals made it hard not to be. This pretty much happened most recess and lunches and most weekends, never being beaten up bad myself by them, but I can understand someones anger who had been.

And before you say, 'Yeh but white people gang bash too', well they didn't back then and here.

Of coarse we are all older now, so we mature and our opinions change, and now having many aboriginal friends we can laugh about it, no point holding a grudge.
As Stu pointed out, Gina wants to hire cheap African workers and at the same time whine about her taxes going to dole bludgers. If you want to pay less taxes then I suggest hiring some of the Australians who are on the dole Gina. The reality is that there aren't enough jobs to go around for all Australians.

I get the impression that Gina would prefer to have cheap foreign workers in her employ and have Australians starving and homeless if she could, just so as to have more money herself. Like she doesn't have enough. I'm truly disgusted! :unsure:
plenty of Africans working in Aussie mines getting paid a LOT more than $2 an hour.....

prob more like $150 - 200 an hour
What about the Australian Expats earing fukloads oversea's, and there is a fair few of them.

And what are the young people doing for jobs now, the Indians are doing all the small shops and petrol station jobs that a kid would have done back in the day, that's now changed to kids going to UNI for years and my tax going to their continual HECS fee's that they rarely pay off.

who else can we pick on???
hoppy2B said:
I get the impression that Gina would prefer to have cheap foreign workers in her employ , thru a labour hire company under an American style contract bought in by the LNP,and have Australians starving and homeless if she could, just so as to have more money herself. Like she doesn't have enough. I'm truly disgusted! :unsure:
You missed a few key points.

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