Getting ready for first ag brew

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Well ive just ordered my 50 ltr ag starter kit from cheeeky peak plus an extra 3 ag brew packages and am looking forward to sinking my teeth into this new passion.(not to mention sinking my palate into some quality beer!). Just a bit worried about all the steps involved ie. adding all the right things at all the right times, temps etc. Ive looked at a few youtube vids but it doesn't tell you all the tips and tricks. Any advice would be great.
Awesome! I've enjoyed slowly building our brewery (yet to be used!) but it would have been awesome to have just bought a full setup. I'm yet to brew an AG beer so am far from qualified to add comments, but I've read HEAPS and watched loads of videos and the process is fairly simple (but the science can be complex) ... I'm sure those with experience will be able to offer proper advice. Brew on!

Yeah thanx Partial Man i hear you about the science stuff. Mind boggling. I guess i will get the hang of it as i go. some more......then have a go. Then have another go...and another...

Be prepared to screw-up & learn from what went wrong & don't get disheartened. It can take awhile to nail it, but it's definitely worth the effort. Once you go AG, you won't go back.

Smell & taste everything as it's actually happening, from start to finish, so you get a feel for what's happening at each stage & how things change. All part of the fun!

Edit: Forgot to say.....welcome to the vortex! :D

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