Spelling Nazi B)
berazifi, Welcome back to the obsession.
Forums (or should that be Fora) change over time. For example I used to be fairly active the DTV digital TV and, stuff, forum. 10 years ago it was all biffo with huge arguments raging about whether plasma was superior to LCD, would digital TVs ever sell for less than $1000, how dare Channel 7 claim that 568p was high definition, is Blu-Ray ever going to be affordable.................
Now of course just about everything is settled, nothing much to get excited about any more and they've even renamed the DTV forum as the AV forum and generally crap on about speakers and Arduinos.
Our forum here went through a similar process: You can't use BIAB to make lagers, no chilling will give you botulism, etc.
However as you have noticed yourself there are more suppliers of top quality ingredients and equipment than you can poke a stick at, and, as you will find if you browse around, the BIAB haters have slunk away, no chilling is quite mainstream, kits aren't sneered at any more and all is peace and light.
We generally crap on about recipes, tweaks and of course Arduinos.
Whatever they are.