Get Together/Case Swap 7th July

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Doesn't matter if Scottie doesn't have a beer to swap, I reckon I owe him at least a couple of Munich/Vienna's, given it's some 'borrowed' malt from him that forms the basis of the beer.
paddy2 said:
I have just bottled my Fairy Penguin Pale Ale which I will be bringing along for drinking/swapping. I wont be tying a big one on but will knock up a salad of sorts for the table.
Excellent. We'll have to rename the beer Little Penguin Pale Ale.......Potentially Lagerbomb could be offended by the previous name.
jlm said:
Excellent. We'll have to rename the beer Little Penguin Pale Ale.......Potentially Lagerbomb could be offended by the previous name.
Nothing wrong with Fairy Penguins. Goes pretty well on the spit roast.
Ive got apicnic tap adapter thingy I use to fill stubbies/king browns from a keg. Works pretty well - I can bring it with me if anybody needs to bottle from a keg.
Plus this is a topic bump and gratutitous post increaser.
Topic bump is appreciated. Have returned from a weekend of quality beer (The Winston is a very cool unpretentious bar in North Hobart thats opened recently and is well worth a look in) and metal down south so I'll send out some pm's and text messages some of the earlier interested parties, I sort of need to get an idea of how many attendees I'm expecting.
I intend to swap a Saison and also bring a keg of mild with me (if not considered a bit limp wristed for a big night) and some too smokey and too salty home made bacon to sample.
I can also bring some meat up if you require JLM as I just had a beast killed, let me know.

Not sure on opening times etc, reckon Lecterfan and I will be stopping on the premises if OK, I have tent, Lecterfan can sleep in the mud where he falls.
Will need address at some stage

I was going to post about the Winston - I noticed the empty kegs on the inside back door on a drive by. Two Birds, Mountain Goat, plus others - I think that looks like a good variety.
Morning bump, only a few days to go fellas, who's swapping?

Does anyone know a brewer in the vicinty (I reckon anywhere down to Oatlands should be mandatory), that either isn't on AHB or not regularly that can be encouraged to participate?
Nightly bump and post increaser. Kegged swap beer today. Will be ready to bottle in a week or so.
Lets get some definite numbers for this. Seems to be going the typical Tassie way,and leaving it to the last minute.
Bump for those still left on this site.
Evening bump. I've dropped my bottles off at jlm's place.

Not sure how many, so I dropped off 8, but will do more if necessary (or dock a couple from my stash in lieu).

4 of my AIPA (well more APA, but I reckon 45 IBU is probably starting to get to AIPA territory). They have APA in nikko on the lid.

4 of my Vienna/Munich half n half. These have a round pink sticker from my girls on the bottle itself. Sorry, couldn't find the nikko and needed to scoot out the door so needed an ID mark. These are not ready to drink yet, as they've only been the bottle a week and a half. Give it another month to carbonate.
I'm still keen.
Been too slack to brew for ages - been buying beer!
I do have a batch of oatmeal stout I've been sitting on.
It will be in a keg, I can bring gas and a picnic tap / QD etc.
Not sure if staying the night or if i can talk the boss into picking me up and driving me home.
Will be good to catch up again.
Cool......Have you been braving the weather and getting out in the 'yak or are you settling into indoor pursuits for winter?

I'll send out some PMs tonight to those who've confirmed they're coming and some more to those who displayed earlier interest.

Basic details are turn up any time after 12:00 and we'll look at getting some food out around 3-4 for those who've gotta get going early and the rest of us can pick at whats left over the evening. We're looking at wallaby, venison (fingers crossed), chicken and possibly a salmon and as Gordeaux (who some have met before) will be attending we can probably assume there will be some rabbit on the menu too. Basic food groups covered.
Thread bump and gratutitous post increaser.
We will be there early, around 12ish. Got late news that my best mates son is finally going to have an 18th party, all be it a few months late. Only found out yesterday. We will spend a few hours with the wonderful Launceston Crew and be on our way.
What type of salad do you want jlm. Meat in a roll always needs a good coleslaw (thinking pulled pork style rolls), let me know what you need.
Still havent bottled yet, how many do we need. Thinking along the lines of Goomba - 8 bottles.
I'm still keen. I haven't had a chance to brew a lot lately but I bottled a wit yesterday that I'll bring along.
Coleslaw sounds good David. We'll try and get the food on more like 3 rather then 4 so you and Mrs Lagerbomb won't miss out on the food........I guess you've got a 2 hr drive to get to the 18th Bday. I reckon the 8 bottles sounds about right too.
Oh, and I ran into Ryan from Crown last night and he's quietly confidant that we'll have some venison on the table. Its shaping up to be a good night, good beer, good food and talking a lot of beer related ****.
I have had a slight change of plan. Today I cracked open a Fairy Penguin Pale for quality assurance purposes but the cold weather has retarded the carbonation process. Fortunately I have a backup - my Spankme Bitte - an English/German ale which recently got the thumbs up from the boys at the Tam'O'Shanter Social Club. So I will bring that along with my potato salad.