Get Together/Case Swap 7th July

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I'm doubting Chris' home made remedies if the cow dung and fish entrail poultice didn't work.

The bin man has strategically left a knocked over bin out the front of my place to help everyone in locating it. If there isn't a silver hatchback and a blue ute with a white canopy at the bottom of the driveway, you're in the wrong place.

Come on in and head upstairs 'cause I may not hear you knocking.
Lads, you're probably all nursing hangovers ATM, so beer is the last thing you'll want to think about.

If you ended up with my AIPA - it's ready now.

If you ended up with my Munich Vienna Lager (the one with the pink sticker) - give it another 3-4 weeks. It's still undercarbonated.
I'm sure a few of them will be "fuzzy" this morning. We left just as the fire was being lit. Good thing.
Good day had by all think. Thanks to jlm for hosting - plenty of health beer discussion had as well.
Surprisingly un-hungover here. Am about to take the dog for another walk and clean up. Going to take swap beers over to Flinders this week.......That should keep me out of the bar.

Goomba.......will be a short packaging day at railton on Friday......I could drop your beers at your place around 3 if that suits.
Keep the dog away from the eggs jlm.
Yeah.....I'm yet to find them and throw them in the Tamar. I let the chooks out this morning and that bastard bird headed straight to that spot and I reckon it laid another one.

Also......Not a single broken glass. Good work team.
Thanks James for throwing the swap.
A great way to spend a cold Saturday arvo - sinking quality beer in the company of true brewing craftsmen.
jlm said:
Surprisingly un-hungover here. Am about to take the dog for another walk and clean up. Going to take swap beers over to Flinders this week.......That should keep me out of the bar.

Goomba.......will be a short packaging day at railton on Friday......I could drop your beers at your place around 3 if that suits.
Sounds great. I'll possibly be home then, but I'll let you know where to leave it if I'm not. Otherwise, I'll pop out to Railton mid-friday arvy if I am out that way.


Thanks James and Greer for hosting this great event.
Thanks Scott and Steff for the bed for the night. (Would have frozen in the back of my car.)
Was good to catch up again and meet some "new" people too.
I pulled up pretty well - went to work yesterday arvo.

Looking forwards to Oktoberfest, but hope to go for a fish well before then with you James.

My memory is a little foggy (can't imagine why...)
I know Scott wanted the stout recipe. Did you want it too James?
I'll just post it in this thread, makes it easy.
Here is the stout recipe.
Had to make do with what I had leftover from the "proper" recipe wgich I'll post as well.

Big McStoot II (Oatmeal Stout)

Original Gravity (OG): 1.050 (°P): 12.4
Final Gravity (FG): 1.013 (°P): 3.3
Alcohol (ABV): 4.91 %
Colour (SRM): 31.4 (EBC): 61.9
Bitterness (IBU): 38.3 (Average)

71.54% Maris Otter Malt
12.2% Flaked Oats
4.88% Chocolate
4.88% Victory
3.25% Black Roasted Barley
3.25% Crystal 15

3 g/L East Kent Golding (4.7% Alpha) @ 50 Minutes (Boil)

Single step Infusion at 66°C for 60 Minutes. Boil for 60 Minutes

Fermented at 18°C with Safale S-04

Recipe Generated with BrewMate

Here is my preferred recipe. This was delicious!

Mc Stootier (Oatmeal Stout)

Original Gravity (OG): 1.059 (°P): 14.5
Final Gravity (FG): 1.015 (°P): 3.8
Alcohol (ABV): 5.80 %
Colour (SRM): 41.9 (EBC): 82.5
Bitterness (IBU): 36.7 (Average - No Chill Adjusted)

71.43% Pilsner
7.31% Flaked Oats
5.68% Chocolate
5.68% Victory
3.73% Black Roasted Barley
3.73% Crystal 80
2.44% Chocolate

2.9 g/L East Kent Golding (4.7% Alpha) @ 60 Minutes (Boil)

0.1 g/L Whirlfloc Tablet @ 10 Minutes (Boil)
0.1 g/L Yeast Nutrient @ 10 Minutes (Boil)

Single step Infusion at 68°C for 90 Minutes. Boil for 90 Minutes

Fermented at 18°C with Safale S-04

Notes: Based on the Brewing Classis Styles oatmeal stout, which I like, but I'd prefer a little more "oomph", and I happen to have a sack of Pilsner to use as base at the moment, so sub. pils for MO, and up the choc and black roasted barley to get a bit more flavour into it. Because I'm using pils the boil will be 90 miins instead of 60.

Recipe Generated with BrewMate
I may have asked Gard, although it may have been Greer. She was looking for a beer with dinner on Sunday and asked if there was any of your stout left.
I'll post the recipe for my Schwartz when I get home on Friday.
Anyway, I'm currently drinking Scott's bsaaz ipa in my hotel room at the Whitemark Interstate Hotel here on slightly warmer than Tassie Flinders Island.
I think it's more of a new world apa rather than an ipa, that aside still a good beer. I'm doubting that hydro reading we got was accurate..... To me there's more body about it than 1.008.
A decent beer with a nice balance of malt against my favourite hop. If you don't like moteuka there's something wrong with you.
And I just got a nose full of beer sucking in the aroma.
Would drink again.
I have finished night shift now, so I can start sampling a few of the swap beers. I will post a few notes when I have tried them.
LagerBomb said:
I have finished night shift now, so I can start sampling a few of the swap beers. I will post a few notes when I have tried them.
Nice early start.
I am so disappointed that I didn't get up to the swap. Mind you I have a truck load of beer in the fridge now with Lecterfan's beers as well as mine!

Next time
TasChris said:
Nice early start.
I am so disappointed that I didn't get up to the swap. Mind you I have a truck load of beer in the fridge now with Lecterfan's beers as well as mine!

Next time
Posted just before going to bed, althoughj I dont hold to any moralistic values about what time to start drinking. If I am not at work and not driving, then its "Time".

Feel free to call in and share if you have too many beers in the fridge.

Not too sure moralistic is actlually a word, but if it isnt, it should be.
So here's the recipe for my schwartz:

BeerSmith 2 Recipe Printout -
Recipe: Scwartzbier
Asst Brewer:
Style: Schwarzbier (Black Beer)
TYPE: All Grain
Taste: (30.0)

Recipe Specifications
Boil Size: 54.7 l
Post Boil Volume: 44.2 l
Batch Size (fermenter): 40.0 l
Bottling Volume: 39.0 l
Estimated OG: 1.049 SG
Estimated Color: 45.2 EBC
Estimated IBU: 29.4 IBUs
Brewhouse Efficiency: 72.00 %
Est Mash Efficiency: 76.5 %
Boil Time: 90 Minutes

Amt Name Type # %/IBU
4.00 kg Munich Malt (17.7 EBC) Grain 1 44.5 %
4.00 kg Pilsner (2 Row) Ger (3.9 EBC) Grain 2 44.5 %
0.40 kg Chocolate Malt (689.5 EBC) Grain 3 4.5 %
0.38 kg Caramel/Crystal Malt - 20L (39.4 EBC) Grain 4 4.2 %
0.20 kg Carafa II (811.6 EBC) Grain 5 2.2 %
70.00 g Tettnang [4.75 %] - Boil 60.0 min Hop 6 22.0 IBUs
15.00 g Motueka [7.50 %] - Boil 20.0 min Hop 7 4.5 IBUs
15.00 g Tettnang [4.75 %] - Boil 20.0 min Hop 8 2.9 IBUs

Mash Schedule: Single Infusion, Light Body, No Mash Out
Total Grain Weight: 8.98 kg
Name Description Step Temperat Step Time
Mash In Add 25.00 l of water at 54.5 C 50.0 C 1 min
Sacc Add 0.00 l of water and heat to 66.0 C 66.0 C 60 min
Mash Out Add 0.00 l of water and heat to 76.0 C 76.0 C 10 min

Choc malt was Faucet's pale choc, crystal Caramunich II. Fermented with S-189 at 13 deg. Also same additions of Tettnang and moteuka at 0. Plate chilled.

Currently drinking Nathan's Bergamot Wit while brewing in this ****** weather.

Left my bottles in the bedroom this week where its warm as I think I remember Nathan saying they needed a little more time to carb. I then googled bergamot to see exactly what that is (I know the word but have no idea what it is......)to find out its a type of lime used in earl grey tea.........and....

Awesome beer Nathan. Would really like to see the recipe......Is it just bergamot (peel?) in there or something else too? Can pick up the flavour I get from earl grey....It works sooooo well with the flavours/esters from the yeast. Finishes a little tart from the wheat and the yeast and a with a bit of citrus. I don't really pigeonhole beers for seasons but could see myself drinking a ton of this stuff in front of the cricket boxing day.

Again, really really good beer Nathan, well done.
Will they be serving Nathan's beer at the mcg, cause that's where I'll be watching the boxing day test. From memory it's only VB gold.
Thanks again for hosting James.
Glad you liked the wit, I used a very pungent earl grey tea that I found in Melbourne I wasn’t sure how it would work but it think it matches well with the flavours from the orange peel.

Here is the recipe:
[SIZE=10pt]Boil Size: 27.02 l[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Post Boil Volume: 22.85 l[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Batch Size (fermenter): 21.00 l [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Bottling Volume: 20.00 l[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Estimated OG: 1.061 SG[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Estimated Color: 7.4 EBC[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Estimated IBU: 16.1 IBUs[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Brewhouse Efficiency: 80.00 %[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Est Mash Efficiency: 85.3 %[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Boil Time: 90 Minutes[/SIZE]

2.250 kg Pilsen Malt (Best Maltz) (3.5 EBC) 44.1 %
2.000 kg Wheat Malt, Pale (Weyermann) (3.9 EBC) 39.2 %
0.600 kg Oats, Flaked (2.0 EBC) 11.8 %
0.250 kg Munich I (Weyermann) (14.0 EBC) 4.9 %
30.00 g Hallertauer [4.80 %] - Boil 60.0 min 16.1 IBUs
60.00 g Fresh Orange Zest (Boil 5.0 mins)
6.00 g Crushed Coriander Seed (Boil 5.0 mins)
1.00 g Chamomile (Boil 5.0 mins) (Contents of 1 tea bag)
1.0 pkg Belgian Witbier (Wyeast Labs #3944)

Mash Schedule: Saison (Braumiester)
Total Grain Weight: 5.100 kg
Mash In 25 l @ 50.0 C
62.0 C - 50 min
68.0 C - 50 min
76.0 C - 10 min
Mash Out 78.0
Fly sparge with 7.12 l water at 75.6 C

I made an infusion of 20g bergamot earl grey tea and added it to the fermenter a couple days before bottling
Havent started tasting any beers yet, but it is my mission to start over the weekend. Nursing a wee hangover today due to a night out watching Lloyd Spiegal ripping up the guitar at the local.
Looking forward to tasting a few.
Started my tasting with the Spankme Bitte from Paddy
Really enjoyed this beer while watching the Aussies get flogged at the cricket.
Had a nice malt aroma and some fruitiness to offset. Probably could have been a touch more bitter, as the caramel (crystal?) flavours started to overpower the bitterness by the end of the glass. Had a nice creamy head wihich laced the glass all the way to the end.
Not being a big fan of English Bitters I found this to be a really easy drinker with all the right flavours. A great teaser for our trip to England later this year.
Nice label as well Paddy. Will post a pic tomorrow.