G'day from Jolls

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G'day All

New to the site here and keen to learn. I have done a couple of kits previously, a couple of BIAB brews with my son and through You Brew It when they were about over a number of years, I have decided to stop procrastinating and take a dive into the deep end. I have a 4 tap keezer and a fermenttion fridge up and running - loaded it up with beer from Tumut River Brewing (localish micro brewery) over Christmas.

I have a Tumut River Brewing Co Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy at day 7 in the fermentation fridge at the moment as the first brew I am doing. Wife loves cider so I am going to have a crack at that this weekend.

I have collected or made most of the gear to have a crack at all grain brewing with a couple of pots a couple of cooling coils and a lautering esky so I am keen to get cracking. I have ordered Bronzed Brews and want to try some of the early tooths/reschs recipes (I am a member of the Reschs Appreciation Sociatey) and recreate the DA from my youth.

I am located amongst the wineries of Murrumbateman - not a huge wine fan so mislocated. But I live on a few acres and am coming up to retirement so maybe put down some hops and a bit of barley for ***** and giggles going forward. Who knows how deep the rabbit hole wil get.

Cheers n Beers
Welcome, Jolls. Be interested to hear about any malt production you might get into "for ***** and giggles". There's been a few over the years that have started posting about their malting experiments but they seems to drift off. Best of luck with whatever you get up to.
Thanks Feldon,
That will be a couple of years off and once I get through mastering the basics of all grain brewing. is it even possible to master this beast?;) But I have the land - not great soild but will have some time between working on classic bikes and drinking the odd ale. I have done some intial research and the hops are possible - but I need wind protection (Murrumbateman is in a wind tunnel - the Yass Valley is littered with wind farms.
We will see - thanks fo rthe welcome!
Cheers n Beers
Jolls, When you like one of your beers, you've mastered brewing. When you don't like it, you haven't.

I looked up that first beer of yours. Good choice for that. Ales are faster and in most easier to do than lagers.

Re Galaxy, I don't know what recipe you're using but my advice and that of a few others is to use Galaxy for late additions and dry hopping, but not for bittering, especially if the beer is high in IBUs. But it's very much a matter of taste, how one perceives bitterness.

Thanks YankinOz

Great advice. I will let you know when I have something that I like!
I was aiming at something simple for the first one so at least I have that part right.
Just about to put a ball valve into the boiling vessel and get cracking.
Cheers n Beers