Gay marriage law passed in NZ.

Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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jaypes said:
Or am I just being ignorant thinking that gays don't make home brew?
Why would choice of sexual parnter influence what you like to make at home?

Plenty of gay blokes and ladies brewing strong - they probably just don't post much on blokey forums that make lots of dick jokes. We've had at least one male and one female on this forum in recent years who've been openly gay. At least one female professional brewer that I know of is also gay and has posted here at times.

If I was gay, I would still drink beer and more than likely still make it.
haha deep **** economically? we're killing it at the moment
Liam_snorkel said:
in all seriousness, are you brain damaged?
WTF do you mean by that? We've lost thousands of jobs (literally) in the last 12 months or so, that's a little more important in my mind than this bill. Don't get me wrong, it's absolutely brilliant to many people, and I don't want to take that away from them, I just think that people losing their jobs is something that needs to be given a little more attention.
Outlaw firing people?
******' hilarious Bum. Do something about our ridiculously high dollar so that our manufacturers can actually make some money...that would be a good start.

Anyway, seriously off you were, I've had my rant.
Be fair, Liam. It's not like he can say "I've made my point."
Flame suit on.

I have also pondered about the mostly positive response to this issue by a bunch of 'blokey homebrewers'.

Now I'm 5 IPAs down, but this is my theory:

Embrace of craft brew, and exploration of brewing and things outside the mainstream requires a somewhat liberal, inquisitive mindset (liberal in the true, not political sense of the word). You grew up, everyone drank CUB. Half your mates still drink it, despite the craft revolution. But something makes you wonder if there are better beers out there, so you get to trying em. The fact that 'that's just the way it is' doesn't come into it, cause that's the type of person you are.

It could be argued that that sort of attitude makes you explore new ideas, and try to objectively weigh them. So, if something doesn't affect my or other peoples lives negatively, and makes some people happy (regardless of what the traditional view is), I'm for it.

Either that, or there is a silent majority on AHB that are against it!
wbosher I hope you're getting paid good money for that one because there's no way somebody not employed by the opposition could possibly say Australia has a poor economy at the moment. If anything it's actually TOO good, it's causing problems in tourism etc that the Aussie dollar is TOO valuable. Some countries are literally 100% bankrupt in the fallout of the yank's economy **** up but we're sailing calm waters without a care in the world besides the imaginary ones made up to scare people into changing their vote.


Fair call mate but honestly I'd rather think that people in general are just becoming less of a bunch of bigoted fuckwits as time goes on. Gives me more hope for the future.
Wbosher is in NZ slash.
I make no comment on whether s/he is correct in assessing the NZ economy (because I don't feel qualified to do so) but the country s/he is talking about is not AU.
yeah, i take back my comment that "we're killing it" because i mistakenly though he was from Aus.
Same, retracted. Although from what little I know, arguably NZ is doing better than EU/USA atm.
Ah. ****.

This is the dark side of home brewing isn't it? The "posting after many beers" curse. :p Sorry wbosher.

I'll keep my comment there just incase any Australians run across it who are crying about the AU economy!
have been a bitten tounge on this thread ...

whats the big deal ? most homosexuals I know are very extreme on everything, least alone the marriage front ,
history proves that if you want it bad enough it happens.
end of .

some lose some win .

hopefully the gays will now migrate to newzealend which will hopefully balance out the last fufty years of gay poofs migrating here from there .
If you have that attitude you don't "know" any homosexuals, at least not to any depth worth mentioning. If you ever had any gay mates you'd be a bit wiser on the matter.

Big deal is simple. Democracy means equality. You can't have some people with 100% rights and some people with 90% rights, well **** apparently you can, but that doesn't make it okay in a 1st world democratic country. It's that simple. If straight people have rights, gay people should have the same rights.

It sets a ****** up precedent, to have some people with more or less rights than other people. What if in the future the Government came out and said they were revoking certain rights, but only from heterosexuals? I'm sure you'd have a problem with it then.

The fact you don't like "poofs" doesn't mean ****. I don't like you, but I'm not lobbying to take away your rights am I?
northside novice said:
have been a bitten tounge on this thread ...

whats the big deal ? most homosexuals I know are very extreme on everything, least alone the marriage front ,
history proves that if you want it bad enough it happens.
end of .

some lose some win .

hopefully the gays will now migrate to newzealend which will hopefully balance out the last fufty years of gay poofs migrating here from there .
You know some?


Many aren't extreme by anyone's definition unless you think ******* a bloke is extreme in which case ask your wife/lover/fantasy to migrate as well.
Sorry Wbosher I assumed you were from Aus. Posting from a phone so didn't see your location.
Frikkin hell.

In all seriousness, the few gays I've had much to do with usually have some level of trauma in their life. Then they work out their relationship preference but the society in general still tells them they are ****** up in their choice and cannot be recognized as normal. Way to go for a civilised society. Why don't we start picking the disabled and retarded while we're at it. They are different too.

Well done sheep lovers.