Thanks Triple Forwardslash! Good questions/ Note: I edited my post after you posted it seems.
So will this rig make good bear? I suppose it depends on who programs the recipe

. I wont be limited to fast ferment regimes like the big boys, or their other commercial limitations. It should be just like any other home brew. It should be very consistant.
* I have a Reverse Osmosis water filter - I still have to speak to my filter guy to see how much a water remineraliser is, but thats how I am planning on taking out the tap water variable and reintroduce menerals for the yeast.
* Yea, thats what I was thinking too - caustic it is - but does that mean it needs to be powder? or can I use a stored concentrated liquid solution made from dissolved caustic gramules? Guess I have to see how concentrated a caustic solution can get, and wether IV bags can contain it. Also have to see if caustic granules will fit inside a 3/16" tube - as the pinch valves can be used for solids aparently.
Not exactly sure what you mean by FV but I assume you are reffering to the Fermenter Valve. As to why I am taking all cleaning and sanitising chemicals through all vessels is because it doesnt require anymore piping than the beer requires - even if the MT is not required to be sanitised etc - the cleaning solutions will be made up to volume in it and passed along to the kettle (where it can be heated), through the chiller (which wont have tap water running at the time), past the fermenter valve and out the end of the outlet tube. I also plan to use this to make me even small batches of cleaning chemicals prior to pitching and even for cleaning kegs etc (with a manual on/off for the pump.)
* I envisage the multi batch working by boiling all batches individually and sucessively pumping them into the fermenter until such a time that I airate and pitch.
* The HLT will have a float valve (FV-1) and also another pc controlled valve so the water inlet can be shut off while draining. Dont have a boil over detector on the kettle - it will be mounted over a chemical bund which is like a shallow bathtub with the drain of the bund going straight to the floor drain or pumped into the laundry sink with an automated pump.
At this point I am actually planning on taking readings manually in the begining while testing the system, and after that I will determine the alcohol contentby drinking it. Temp is easy to measure and log automatically, OG, FG, BG, pH etc are measurements that to be honest I have decided not to bother measuring. After all they are just numbers representing the current brew, they cant be changed for that brew so they are what they are - they could help diagnose issues or tweak recipes or flavours, but at this point am planning on intermittant initial manual measurements.
Where in the gong is that?